Doom Ray

Chapter 136 New Architecture

Chapter 136 New Architecture
".The eighth level."

"Fuck, I got squeezed!" Wei Chen yelled, the surrounding monsters had already surrounded him, now Wei Chen would throw out every light ball he had, and would fight with both hands when it was too late.In the dream space, without the keel, Wei Chen's combat effectiveness dropped a lot.

Wei Chen is having a hard time here, and the rest of the team that entered the dreamland are also having a hard time.

The strongest Thunder team had a total of ninety people when they entered the dreamland, but now there are only half of them left.It's not easy for Alande either. The [-] or so ordinary players in the outer circle are almost dead, and the remaining twelve main players are bursting into red mist, bursting out of their characteristics, and some are rotated. Those who came down were meditating and resting. Most importantly, neither Lei Ming nor Alan De had made a move yet!
"Sister, this examiner is so strong! He is not dead yet!"

The Blazing Woman's side also fell into a stalemate, with most of the personnel lost, and the rest were all main players.Chi Xin stood in the center of the team, serving as the commander while relying on his own ability to save the field.

"Brother, there's nothing unexpected about it. If someone accepts this challenge, there must be something special about him." Chi Xin condensed a ball of fire, and with a flick of his hand, a fire dragon flew out, "But it's over!"

Wei Chen on the leaderboard has dropped to fourth place!
"Hey~ It still doesn't work." Huang Yang watched Wei Chen's ranking continue to drop outside, and sighed.

Those participating teams came from behind one by one, and they just surpassed Wei Chen's score of nearly [-].

"Ah! Lost another one!" Xu Jie stomped angrily, wanting to crush the other participating teams.


He tilted his head and clenched his fist to encourage Xu Jie.Even if everyone gave up hope for Wei Chen, he would not give up if he tilted his head, because Wei Chen was the one who killed the old corpse king!

A zombie in bone armor had its head crushed by Wei Chen's punch.He was bitten on several places on his body, but with the existence of the healing technique, he healed soon, plus he didn't feel pain in the dream, now Wei Chen is playing desperately.Another mimetic light sphere condensed in his hand, and he pressed it on the hunting cat that rushed towards him, blasting the cat's head to pieces!
It was too much to blow up a large ball of light at once!

"It seems that a structure must be formed!"

Without weapons, Wei Chen can only rely on his own hands and fists!

The most urgent task is to find a way to quickly build the light sphere, Wei Chen looked at the slowly forming skeleton and shook his head.

"The eighth level! Everyone work harder!"

The team members were a little tired, Lei Ming extinguished the lightning in his hand, and shouted to the surroundings.In the eighth level, all the monsters of the third level of the Silver Moon rank came, almost equal to the average level of the team!
Aland's team on the other side also began to run out, but Aland had no choice but to make a move.I saw that the hair on his whole body was protruding, and the nails on his ten fingers protruded, looking very hideous!

With a loud roar, Alande charged at the group of monsters, and the killing speed was much faster than that of Wei Chen!

Chi Xin siblings both turned on the red mist state, like a fortress, and flame balls exploded among the crowd of monsters.The rest of the team members are working hard to snipe the monsters that are close to the siblings.

However, no one would have thought that it was also the eighth level, but another dream was played very peacefully, or it was a unilateral massacre!

"Tianmu, how long can you last?"

The boy called Tianmu drew a number with his fingers, and the rest of the team members saw it and felt relieved.At this moment, the Tianmu Tianyan opened, revealing the black eye and the white eye. On his head, there is also a virtual eye, which is sending out strange ripples towards the surrounding monsters, making them unable to move!

This is a mental attack!

"Look, the points of the ladyboy team have not moved!"

Outside the white cabin, someone suddenly shouted loudly.Everyone was stunned, the transvestite team is the team with the highest rank!
"Ah, the points of that team have not moved!"

"That too!"

Soon, sixth to No.10 in the standings was established at this moment.

"This is unscientific, why is that examiner still there!"

Teams were eliminated one by one, but the examiner named 'King of Light' was still gaining points!It's just that the speed is very slow.

At this moment, everyone realized one thing - this person is so powerful!


How to build a build?

Wei Chen's thinking was completely stuck. If he wanted the mimic light ball to exert greater power, he had to stabilize the light ball first, so that not only could more mimics be superimposed, but also increase its power.After all, the more stable the substance, the more terrifying it will explode!

substance?Wei Chen's eyes suddenly lit up. Although he hasn't touched those high school knowledge for more than a year, he has never forgotten the structure of elements!

"Yes, I can build directly from atoms!"

The mind was opened, and ideas emerged one after another.Immediately, Wei Chen's attack frequency became less, and he put more energy on the new structure!

A mimic was dismantled by Wei Chen into small parts, simulating large iron atoms one by one, and then arranged the created iron atoms in a triangular manner.In this way, the two steps of building the skeleton and charging are directly merged together!The speed of creating light balls has been greatly increased!
"Change your look!"

Tired of looking at spherical objects, Wei Chen simply arranged the iron triangles in the shape of swords.From the hilt to the blade to the tip, after spending a hundred mimics, a gleaming golden sword took shape!

As a result, the entire sword was about one meter long, floating in the air.

So simple!Wei Chen's eyes shone brightly.Unexpectedly, this method of construction may seem complicated, but it is very easy to operate!Compared with the slow manufacture of the skeleton, it is much more convenient to replenish the coat!
"Look how powerful it is!"

Stepping on the head of a monster, Wei Chen controlled the sword and swung it towards the place where monsters were densely packed in the distance!


The golden long sword shuttled through the crowd of monsters, not only was it not broken, but it also took away the life of the monsters on this line!
"it is good!"

Wei Chen was overjoyed, maybe it was built by iron atoms, or maybe it was because of the streamlined shape of the sword body, this blow did not make the newly built weapon explode due to internal instability!
And the attack power of this sword is fully blessed by a hundred mimics!

"Haha!" Wei Chen laughed loudly, "I'm a sword fairy!"

With a wave of his arm, the golden long sword harvested the monster's life.This movement is quite like the sword fairy flying with the sword in the novel.


After the joy, Wei Chen did not forget to continue making this flying sword.Due to control problems, Wei Chen recalled the golden sword, held it in his hand, and used it as a weapon to kill monsters.

With the power of a hundred mimics, this sword cuts iron like mud!
Wei Chen's points, after a period of decline, began to rise explosively!

Recently, because of the temperature difference, people are always uncomfortable, and I worry about writing.

It's much better now, the weather is completely hot, and I'm writing refreshingly, and I feel it too!
Recommended next week, everyone give us a hand!
(End of this chapter)

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