Doom Ray

Chapter 138 Want to see Lieyang Level 3

Chapter 138 Want to see the third level of Lieyang

Thanks to Mojikong for the 588 reward "Woooo~~~"

"Old acquaintance!"

A familiar voice came from the four doors, Wei Chen smiled.In the next second, four large balloons flew out, three of them were covered with red mist, and black mist appeared all the time!

As soon as these big balloons came out, they flicked their tentacles unceremoniously, and the cannonballs all over the sky flew towards Wei Chen!

With a wave of Wei Chen's hand, the sky full of golden swords spun around him, like a coiled dragon, surrounding Wei Chen tightly!

Countless shells exploded on the golden sword, and the blue floor trembled.Especially the big balloon filled with black mist, its cannonballs are more powerful than the sum of the other three!

"not good!"

Wei Chen's eyes widened, because he found that the internal structure of the golden swords that had been bombed by the black mist balloon's shells began to become disordered, and the mimic iron atoms that were originally arranged in a fixed triangular order had begun to leave their original positions. .If you don't deal with it, these golden swords will definitely explode!
Wei Chen suddenly felt a little tingling in his scalp. It's okay for this thing to explode, but the power will definitely destroy the nearby golden sword, causing a series of explosions!The last one to suffer must be himself in the Golden Sword Center!

So with a wave of his hand, Wei Chen hurriedly set these time bombs aside, letting them fly towards the big balloons wrapped in red mist.Relying on the last certain stability, the golden sword broke open the flesh of the big balloon, and inserted deeply into the inside of the big balloon!


The big balloon let out a whine, and then, beams of yellow light burst out from the mouth of its tentacles at the lower end!

"Go to hell!"

With a wave of Wei Chen's hand, countless golden lights flew towards the other big balloons, whether they were wrapped in red mist or wrapped in black mist, after launching a round of missiles, they were like tigers whose teeth had been pulled out. Can be slaughtered!
".Get [-] points"

".get five thousand"

".Get [-] points"

".No.11 level."

"Captain, look at the ranking!"

How did he do it?Lei Ming frowned, this expression made him look very domineering in the black mist.

Their team relied on a large number of players to explode and sacrifice to survive the sky-filled missiles. Even Lei Ming himself paid some price. Even so, they only killed two of the four big balloons!
Aland's side was also in a similar situation. He turned his gaze away from the leaderboard, and there were only three or two players around him who had exhausted their energy.

"Let's stop here." Alan shook his head, this is already the limit, "You go out first, I want to go to the next level to see."

"No, Brother Wolf, I also want to go to the next level."

"I want, too!"

Seeing that none of the team members gave up, Alande nodded. The next moment, his body disappeared in place, and he rushed towards the big balloon of the second-level Lieyang. Black mist emerged from his body, and his speed suddenly increased !

"Captain Chixin, Vice-captain Chiyan, that's up to you!"

"Ghost baby, go!"

The ghost baby licked its lower lip, the blue mist on its body subsided, and a burst of red mist burst out.

Chi Xin heaved a sigh of relief, their team could only go here, her younger brother Chi Yan's legs were blown off, and she herself had only one arm left, fortunately this is a dream.

"Sister, kill the last wave!"

"Yeah." Chi Xin nodded, the red mist on her body quickly turned into black mist, the mimesis wrapped around her hand, and a gigantic mimetic flame ball was about to take shape.

"This King of Light is so strong!" At the last moment, Chi Xin looked at the ranking and sighed, "It seems that there will be a big commotion in the central area!"

Chi Xin is right, the outside world is already in an uproar.The points have stagnated, and it is not difficult for everyone to judge that it has reached the tenth level BOSS battle.Although Wei Chen was still No.2, his points suddenly increased by [-] points, which really shocked everyone present!

"Impossible! This person is stronger than Lei Ming and his entire team?"

"Is there cheating? Or is the monster he faced weaker?"

"Cheating is impossible, but it makes sense for the monster to be weaker."

Soon, those who didn't want to believe the facts attributed the reason to the monster's strength and weakness. It seemed reasonable, but this was just the self-consolation of the weak, and those strong teams would not think so.

Not long after, the scores of the other three teams also jumped, which meant that they also killed the boss of the tenth level.

"Aland and the Fiery Squad are dead!"

The points of Aland and the Fiery Squad, who belonged to the third and fourth ranks on the leaderboard, have reached their daily limit.

"Only the Thunder Squad and the King of Light are left. I don't know what the result will be."

"The score is very tight! I can't see the result for the time being, but this King of Light is really powerful!"

"Fart." Hearing the discussion of the two people next to him, someone immediately sneered, "If the system didn't open the back door, how could that person last for so long!"

However, while these people were discussing, the growth trend of Thunder Squad gradually slowed down.

"This level is so scary!"

Wei Chen rubbed his eyes, the blood in front of his eyes was all red mist from those monsters.Now Wei Chen can't do big kills, not only that, but he also has to share a part of the golden sword to withstand the countless shells fired by the big balloon!
"I'm the only one left!" Looking at the list, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, the number one ranked team, Lei Ming, also stagnated in points.However, Wei Chen still needs more than 1 points to catch up with No.1.

"It's only [-] points! I haven't tried my best yet!"

Wei Chen smiled, the red mist all over his body suddenly subsided, and a vigorous black mist burst out!The golden sword flying in the air had a qualitative change at this moment!A handle is more stable and more powerful!
"Give me death!"

Wei Chen waved his arms, golden swords like a set of giant dragons, devouring the lives of these monsters, even if they were all first-order Lieyang existences!For a moment, the growth rate of Wei Chen's points exploded again!
"What's the matter?"

"Lei Ming has already quit, how can this guy still have the strength to explode?"

"Too fake!"

The change in the standings was quickly noticed by everyone, and everyone's eyes widened. Only a second or two passed (note), Wei Chen had already risen to the first position!
"Oh! Big brother is great! Win!"

Xu Jie cheered happily, Huang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, although he had confidence in Wei Chen, he was still sweating.

Lei Ming and his party, who had exited the dreamland, also came to the cabin, which was already crowded with people.

"They're all watching a play!" Lei Ming shook his head, recalling the red mist all over the place, he felt a little trembling in his heart.


Seeing Lei Ming approaching, Alande greeted him and said with a sneer: "There are times when you can't bear it."

Lei Ming glanced at him, "At least better than you!"

"By the way, do you think that the King of Light is so powerful, or is there a discount from the system?"

Suddenly, Alan De asked Lei Ming this very philistine question.Alan De thought that Lei Ming would think about it, but he didn't expect Lei Ming to say with certainty: "Strength!"

".No.12 level"

As soon as the system finished speaking, the four doors were wrapped in black flames, which seemed to color the monsters that ran out!

Before Wei Chen could react, the fastest hunter zombies rushed towards him!

Wei Chen gritted his teeth and swung the golden sword to surround himself. The sharp claws of the hunter zombie immediately drew a spark on the golden sword!
"So strong!" Wei Chen thought inwardly that it was bad, because he could feel that the structure of the few golden swords caught by the hunter was collapsing!

"We must survive!"

Wei Chen took a deep breath, because he wanted to see what the third level of Lieyang looked like!This will be of great help to his future promotion!
…………… Note: The time in the dream is different from the outside world, and the time in different dreams is also different.

The two chapters were released together at noon.Ask for favorites, recommend

(End of this chapter)

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