Doom Ray

Chapter 139 Scolded?

Chapter 139 Scolded?

A golden sword was inserted into the body of a monster. The monster's strong defensive power allowed the golden sword to penetrate through it, and at the same time destroyed the stable structure, and was detonated at Wei Chen's order!
The huge energy shredded the monster's body, and even the aftermath of the explosion could cause some monsters with low defenses to lose their lives and turn them into points.

"It's almost time!"

Wei Chen watched the black mist on his body shrink little by little.In this state, he can only last for 1 minute if he is exhausted, not to mention that he was slightly exhausted in the red mist state before, and he can only last for forty or fifty seconds in this black mist state!
But it doesn't matter, every 5 minutes, the system will give Wei Chen a charge, which is the main reason why Wei Chen can persist until now!

Sure enough, in the next second, Wei Chen's mind was filled with energy again!
"Huh~ Fortunately, I kept an eye out before!"

In order to prolong the existence of the black mist, Wei Chen specially calculated the timing of the next energy replenishment!

"Explode! Explode! Explode!"

The energy became full, and Wei Chen had another 1 minute. The golden swords all over the sky could no longer instantly kill the enemies, Wei Chen could only let them explode one by one!Use the power of that explosion to destroy these monsters!

Another golden sword exploded, and the surrounding zombies and wild beasts gave defensive instructions one after another. The vulnerable ones were like hunter zombies. They retreated quickly to remove most of the impact, and stood up intact!As for other high defense, there is no need to dodge at all!
"One won't work, then I'll get two!" Wei Chen said in his mouth, combining two golden swords, and stabbing them at the monsters!A golden sword exploded, and the aftermath destroyed the structure of the other golden sword, causing it to explode too!
Serial explosion!

Those half-dead monsters that were bombed were killed by another golden sword!For a moment, Wei Chen's killing speed became faster again!
The crowd outside the white hut quickly noticed the points rising again, and they all opened their mouths slightly, and some people could even stuff two eggs.

"This is unscientific! How can it still explode! This is the first time!"

"It's not fair!"

Many contestants who were eliminated waved their fists in protest, causing others to shake their heads.With this kind of mentality, it is no wonder that you can only mix at the bottom.

"This kid is definitely out of shit luck!" Burning Man said very unwillingly, "I can do it instead!"

Hearing this, the shemale standing in front of Burning Man sneered and said, "Cut~ you're not ashamed to say anything."

"You dead man." Pyro was about to start scolding, but immediately realized that this shemale is not easy to deal with, so he swallowed back some words that shouldn't be said.

"Dead man?" The shemale glanced at Burning Man, he knew what the next word Burning Man was going to say, and then said with great disdain: "Oh, you said you were better than others, he will come out in a while, there is something wrong Why don't you go up and compare with others? Seeing that you have such a backbone, you can't be a softie, right?"

"Hmph!" Pyro snorted coldly, his face turning purple from suffocation.To be honest, he really didn't dare!
"Just look at him like that!"

Chi Xin didn't know when to push forward, and abruptly interjected a word, which made the ladyboy laugh, and looked at the burning man with a different kind of eyes.As everyone knows, this action became the last straw that overwhelmed Burning Man!
So Huo Ren said angrily: "Compare! I'm betting on all the points!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people are expressing emotion in their hearts, the fire man is so obvious, this fire man still jumps into the pit, it's fine to jump, but he insists on adding such a condition to himself, in case A family has real materials, isn't this a slap in the face for yourself?
"Oh~" the ladyboy said with a smothered smile, "Then it's settled, and I'll come forward to help you fight!"

"Hmph, I don't need you, I'll do it myself!" Burning Man's face was dark, and now he can only bite the bullet.

"Haha, there's more to this!"

Lei Ming's team members ran over and told him about it. Immediately, both Lei Ming and Alan De couldn't help laughing.They looked at each other, and their smiles grew stronger.

There is a good show to watch!
"A little while longer!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth and insisted that the energy had been used up, and the only thing he could rely on were those golden swords flying in the air.Without the bonus of the black mist, the power of the golden sword has also become much smaller, and it is no longer so stable. Wei Chen only needs to detonate a dozen or so swords at the same time to achieve the original effect!But in this way, the consumption speed of the golden sword in the air will be greatly increased!

Finally, Wei Chen made a defensive mistake, and a hunter zombie rushed in roaring. You must know that this is a second-level hunter of Lieyang!

"Not good!" Wei Chen quickly mobilized a large number of swords to resist. He doesn't have the blessing of the black mist now, and the attacks of these monsters can basically kill him in seconds!


Dozens of golden swords were instantly detonated by Wei Chen, and the hunter zombies were turned into dust at this moment. However, Wei Chen was also uncomfortable, the explosion distance was too close!The golden sword's shock wave directly blasted him away, leaving him bloody and bloody!To make matters worse, the healing technique has no energy and cannot be triggered, and there are a lot of monsters waiting at the drop point!
As long as Wei Chen touches the ground, he will die!

"Hold me!"

Quick and witty, Wei Chen quickly manipulated the golden swords to gather under him, and let the golden swords drag him up by virtue of his own control!This kind of practice has a feeling of lifting yourself up by your own hair. Normally speaking, this is impossible!
However, Wei Chen succeeded!

Landing firmly on a large handful of golden swords, Wei Chen blinked his eyes, and then showed ecstasy.

"Hahaha, I can fly!"

As the saying goes, unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades, before Wei Chen racked his brains to think of how to use two things at once, but he never succeeded, but this nonsensical idea was realized.

"Let's see how you beat me!" Wei Chen pulled himself up a bit, and looked at the monsters looking up at him from the ground, "I never thought that even the idea in the book, mimicry can be realized! This skill is really powerful!"

Immediately, Wei Chen boldly said: "As long as you are creative, there is nothing that mimicry can't do!"

Wei Chen drove the golden sword to avoid the long-range strikes of some giant cannon zombies and large balloons. Of course, this golden sword is not without flaws. For example, because these swords support Wei Chen, their movement speed is greatly reduced Even the one under Wei Chen's butt was already on the verge of exploding!

For these swords, Wei Chen is too heavy!
After dodging the shells for a while, this level is over, and the tide of monsters recedes.

".No.12 level"

"Huh~ It's finally here. I don't know what the third level of Lieyang is like." Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief after pulling away a few swords that were about to be broken, and waited for the monster to appear with anticipation.

I saw the four doors that were originally scorched by black flames, suddenly turned aside, and turned purple all over!Immediately, a purple light flashed, and a hand with sharp claws pulled out Wei Chen's heart!
too fast!
Wei Chen suddenly opened his eyes!

"The assessment is over. Congratulations to the examiner who won the assessment No. 1, and reward the rest of the team with one-tenth of the points."

On the ceiling of the cabin, the system's icy voice sounded, "The identity card has been activated, and the points have been recharged to the account. You can use the card to consume the points to exchange for items. Item exchange"

Wei Chen, who had already lost his mind, didn't listen to the system's whining at all. He only had one thought in his mind at the moment, the third stage is Ziwu!

"Look, come out!"

"So young! I don't know if the strength is really like this!"

The door of the small wooden house was pushed open by Wei Chen, and the outside world was already in a commotion. The crowd was desperately pushing forward, just to witness Wei Chen's true face.Fortunately, there is a systematic fence outside the cabin to protect it.

"Big brother, we are here!" Xu Jie waved at Wei Chen and shouted again, but unfortunately, the surroundings were too noisy, and Wei Chen, whose mind was still in a state of chaos, couldn't hear Xu Jie's shouts at all.

"All quiet for me!"

At this moment, Pyro stood up and roared at the top of his voice.The captains of several strong teams helped to maintain order. After all, it is the most important thing to find out what Wei Chen is.

Soon, under the command of several famous captains, the crowd gradually quieted down, but whispered discussions still existed.

Seeing that the order had almost stabilized, Huo Qi stepped forward aggressively, and said loudly, "King Guang, do you dare to fight one-on-one?"

Wei Chen was confused by this face and said: "What? Say it again!"

"Bastard, what are you talking about!" Hearing Wei Chen's answer, the Fire King exploded in anger!The man actually said what he was!How unreasonable!

With the conscience of heaven and earth, Wei Chen is very innocent.Not to mention that he is still in a daze and hasn't woken up yet, even the Fire King speaks a fluent foreign language (note), Wei Chen can't understand it!
…………… Note: Foreign language does not refer to English.

Two consecutive bombs, fired together.Ask for favorites and recommendations! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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