Doom Ray

Chapter 140 The Thick-skinned Burning Man

Chapter 140 The Thick-skinned Burning Man

Wei Chen didn't understand, so he looked at a foreigner in the distance who was yelling at him.

What is this person?
Wei Chen scratched his head, then ignored the mad dog, turned to look for Xu Jie and the others.However, this action is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire for Pyro!


First, he was inexplicably scolded as 'not a thing', but now he was completely ignored, and the shemale was giggling beside him, making Huo Ren furious!I saw the red mist on his body ignited, and when he stretched out his hand, a ball of flame continuously spun and spun in his hand, and finally became longer suddenly, and a majestic spear appeared in the hand of the burning man.

Seeing this, several nearby captains backed away slightly. As competitors, they had long been familiar with Pyro's skills!
This trick is not mimicry, it's Pyro's skill!

Feeling the crisis, Wei Chen's hairs all exploded, and he turned his head quickly, just in time to see the scene where the burning man threw the flame gun!
"Oops!" Wei Chen said in a bad voice, he was completely unprepared for this blow, and even the red mist did not burst out, once hit by the flame gun, he would shed a very thick layer of skin even if he was not dead!

With a muffled sound, the red mist on Wei Chen's body burst out, and the hasty explosion made him feel a burst of discomfort all over his body.The golden light condensed in the hand, and a golden sword condensed out quickly!

However, there is not enough time!
It takes at least five seconds to make a golden sword, but it takes less than a second for the flame gun to fly over!Immediately, the flame gun left his hand, and the burning man had a cold expression on his face. This blow is bound to save face!

There was only a 'whoosh' sound, and the flame gun pierced the air, leaving an extremely thin trail in the air.

Wei Chen stayed where he was, neither dodging nor dodging, waiting for the arrival of the flame gun.

The corners of Burning Man's mouth turned up slightly, very proud of himself, look, he was so shocked!And Chi Xin's captains frowned, Wei Chen was so supportive, it made them think a lot——

Could it be that the King of Light is already strong enough to resist this blow?Or did this guy really just do that with the help of the system?Or maybe it's just an afterimage.
However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations——

When the flame gun approached Wei Chen, it disappeared!
What's happening here?
This scene made most of the people present stare!what's going on?Could it be the skill of the King of Light?
Yes, this is indeed Wei Chen's skill!
After realizing that it was too late to make the golden sword, Wei Chen suddenly thought that he still had a dispelling skill that had been thrown aside. Coupled with the dynamic vision of the gray elves, Wei Chen could clearly capture the trajectory of the flame gun, and put it there in advance. The white light ball of the previous dispel technique.

Ever since, there was the scene where the flame gun disappeared.

"Impossible!" Pyro couldn't accept this fact the most, so wouldn't all his skills be ineffective against Wei Chen?Wouldn't they be defeated in a fight at that moment?

"Oh, how is that impossible." The ladyboy teased, "Why don't you hurry up and go to the war? Do you really want me to help you?"

"Hmph, jerk!"

Chi Xin added fuel and vinegar to the side, and after the previous scene, she is now very eager to see how strong Wei Chen is!
"Go and go!" Burning Man said, with the red mist still floating on his body, he crossed the guardrail outside the hut and walked in front of Wei Chen, staring straight at this person who caused a sensation many times.

It's all a coincidence!Nothing to be afraid of!Pyro gritted his teeth and thought.

Seeing Burning Man approaching, Wei Chen looked at him very vigilantly, and didn't put away the red mist, for fear that this guy would make another sneak attack.


"What do you mean?" Wei Chen asked in a daze, frowning.

He doesn't understand!

Fireman was also stunned, he suddenly remembered that this person seemed to be just a newcomer, probably he hadn't even exchanged the translation earphones before!Co-authoring the matter just now is completely self-indulgent?
Thinking of this, Pyro couldn't hold back his face.

"Wei Chen! Catch it!"

Seeing Huo Man and Wei Chen staring at each other, Huang Yang slapped his forehead and immediately reacted. He took out a small thing from his bag and threw it at Wei Chen, "Put it on your ear!"

"Pa-ta~" Wei Chen didn't turn his head, and caught the flying little thing with a flip of his hand.This scene made Burning Man's heart skip a beat again—how did it happen?
After thinking hard for a moment, Pyro had no choice but to attribute all these things to Wei Chen's skills, and the fact was the same.

Hearing Huang Yang's words, Wei Chen put the little thing on his ear, and suddenly, he understood all the messy language!
good stuff!
Wei Chen couldn't help but praise in his heart.

Hillbilly!Seeing Wei Chen's surprised look, Huo Ren cursed inwardly proudly.

"Do you understand my words now?" Pyro took a deep breath, "I want to bet against you!"


Wei Chen frowned, interesting!So he responded, "What's the bet?"

"Bet all the points!" Burning Man waved his hand, and a watch on his arm lit up, projecting a screen with a string of numbers written on it, which should be Burning Man's points.

"12 points! As expected of Burning Man!"

"Yeah, this score is a hundred times more than mine! But it doesn't matter, I will definitely surpass him someday!"

"Cut~ You don't even look in the mirror at yourself."

"Hmph, at least better than you!"

Hearing the sounds of envy around him, Pyro immediately felt very satisfied.

"That's all?" Wei Chen sneered, "Are you willing to bet with me? My points are more than four times yours!"

The fireman was a little annoyed, Wei Chen continued, "If you want to fight, you can! Either you have the same points as me, or..."

Speaking of this, Wei Chen paused for a moment, rolled his eyes and said: "Either bet on these points, and do me a favor!"

"it is good!"

Pyro agreed without hesitation. One favor can offset more than 30 points, which is quite a bargain.As for the busyness, Pyro doesn't care, as long as it doesn't require too much of a suicide, he can do it.

I have to say that although Burning Man is a little impulsive, he still has integrity, otherwise he would not be able to take the position of captain.

"Then let's get started!"

Hearing that Pyro agreed to come down, Wei Chen smiled, this Pyro was the first helper he received!

"Here?" Pyro was stunned after hearing this, "Don't you want to find a more open place?"

You know, if the Lieyang Stage fights, it will be earth-shattering, and it will inevitably affect innocent people.

"That's it, don't worry, it will be over soon!" Wei Chen licked his lower lip, he had already dealt with so many sun monsters in the dream, and he was ready for it!

"Don't be ashamed!"

Pyro snorted coldly, and distanced himself from Wei Chen.But before the battle, Pyro suddenly thought of something, and quickly added a condition to the battle, "The skill that made my skills disappear just now, you are not allowed to use it!"


This sentence surprised the people present.

"Hahaha, Burning Man, you are still shameless!" Chi Xin laughed loudly, "Why don't you tie up his hands and feet and beat him?"

"Exactly!" The shemale covered her mouth and gave Huo Ren a disdainful look.As for the other captains, they were not as strong as Huo Ren, so they had to turn their heads and laugh.

"it is good!"

Wei Chen was also happy, this guy has a thick skin!

ps: I wish all the old children a happy Children's Day! !

(End of this chapter)

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