Doom Ray

Chapter 141 The Gambling Ends, Thunder Visits

Chapter 141 The Gambling Ends, Thunder Visits

Thanks for the 100 rewards from Farmer and Water~~………

"That's what you said!"

Pyro doesn't care what others laugh at, if the skill just now is not restricted, except for mimicry, the other three skills will be abolished!
Wei Chen nodded, and during the time that Burning Man retreated, he had already condensed three golden swords!

"Good! Die!"

Seeing that Wei Chen agreed, Burning Man's eyes lit up, and then he opened his posture, a ball of spinning flames emerged from his hand!Although I don't know what the golden sword is, but Burning Man can tell that the golden sword is made of mimicry!Since it is a thing composed of mimicry, its power must not be as strong as skills!

A flame gun appeared in front of everyone again, and the surrounding crowd consciously backed away, but the crowd behind desperately squeezed forward in order to watch the show, back and forth, and the audience in the front row almost broke into a fight!
Seeing that the fire man was ready to go, Wei Chen frowned, because he felt a very cruel aura from the fire man!

"Go to hell!"

With one lunge, Pyro threw out the flame gun with all his strength.As before, the flame gun flew across the air, leaving a thin line in the air!But it's not over yet!
The red mist on Burning Man's body suddenly subsided, replaced by traces of black mist!The flame gun that shuttled through the air was also blessed because of this. The scratches that were only the size of a thin line were now as thick as an adult's arm!


For Pyro's approach, some captains shook their heads in disdain.But after all, this is a gambling fight, and it is normal to use some tricks.

Wei Chen didn't react to the sudden change of the flame gun, but he didn't need to react either!In the dream space before, even if Wei Chen didn't explode, he could still kill Lie Yang's second-level monsters with a dozen golden swords!Therefore, these few golden swords are enough now!

Under Wei Chen's command, the golden sword rushed out and stabbed directly at the flying flame gun!

Although both the sword and the gun were created out of thin air, the flame gun is at the second level of Lie Yang, so it is naturally much stronger than this golden sword!Immediately, there was a crisp sound from the golden sword, and the internal structure began to disintegrate and collapse!
However, this is exactly what Wei Chen needs!



The golden sword exploded, and countless mimics boiled at this moment!It quickly spread out to the surroundings, and a gust of wind was unconsciously driven up like this!
Immediately afterwards, only a 'hoo' was heard, and the flame gun went out in the air!
"This! This! This" Pyro opened his mouth wide, "This is unscientific!"

According to his understanding, the skill must be stronger than the form combined by mimicry!In fact, it's not just Huo Ren, even the shemale on the side, Chi Xin, or Lei Ming standing on the high platform behind, I feel a little incredible!

The skill of mimicry does have a lot of room for development, but as the captain, they have long tried to use mimicry to simulate other skills to compare their power.But the results are very consistent, that is, the skills simulated by mimicry are not as powerful as the original skills!Coupled with the long time for mimicry to condense, this skill was quickly eliminated by these people, and it was only used occasionally in normal melee combat.

But Wei Chen is different. Apart from mimicry, he has no other offensive skills, so he spends most of his energy on researching how to use mimicry.In fact, it wasn't just Wei Chen, the golden wolf and the old corpse king who had been killed by Wei Chen also spent a lot of thought on researching mimicry.And without exception, none of them have offensive skills!
This is exactly what the saying goes, God closes one door and opens another!

After the surprise, what ushered in was Burning Man's defeat!
The second after the flame gun collapsed, a golden sword floated out one centimeter in front of Burning Man's forehead!In addition, in front of his heart, there is also a golden sword pressing against his clothes!

A drop of sweat dripped from Burning Man's cheek and onto the ground.At this moment, he had no doubt that as long as he moved a little, the golden sword would pierce his head and heart!

He lost!
"I lost!"

Pyro heaved a sigh of relief, and after saying this, he felt as if he had collapsed.

Wei Chen nodded, took back the golden sword and said, "Points!"

"Bring the cards!"

Pyro walked over and took Wei Chen's ID card from him.Then, Pyro took Wei Chen's card, swiped it at his watch, and entered a series of numbers.

In the next second, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the 12 points were instantly cleared!
"Okay, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat!" Fire King patted his chest and said, "I'm busy one more time, just come and find me when you need me!"

After saying that, Fire King turned and left, simply and neatly!
"Clap clap clap~~~"

I don't know who applauded first, and then, outside the cabin, there was thunderous applause!

"Amazing! Relying on the explosion of the first-order Lieyang, he killed the second-order Lieyang of Burning Man!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that this King of Light is genuine!"

"Not only that, did you find out that such a powerful skill showdown didn't affect us, it's amazing!"

In the stands behind, Lei Ming fell into deep thought. He began to think about whether he had gone astray in the battle—discarding the skill of mimicry!
Alan De on the side didn't have this trouble. Seeing whether Lei Ming was involved, he took a pack of cigarettes from Lei Ming's chest pocket.

"Big brother is the best!"

After the battle was over, Xu Jie jumped up and hugged Wei Chen. As Wei Chen's fan, she was the happiest one present.Huang Yang gave Wei Chen a thumbs up, and Alan beside him also nodded to Wei Chen, his attitude changed a lot.As for Zhang Qian, her eyes were full of admiration, but unlike Xu Jie, her admiration was for the strong!


For Wei Chen Shengli, tilting his head was the most calm one, picked up the keel knife, and handed it to Wei Chen.

"This!" Wei Chen was stunned. He remembered that he seemed to be carrying a keel knife in, so why is his head tilted in his hand now?

"Don't make a fuss." Huang Yang also saw Wei Chen's doubts, and explained: "This hut is not allowed to bring excessively powerful weapons into it. It is the system's self-protection to prevent the equipment inside from being damaged!"

Wei Chen nodded understandingly, indeed, he could definitely smash the hut with this keel knife.

"Okay, let's go in for the assessment!"

After chatting for a while, Wei Chen asked Xu Jie to go in for the assessment, and he waited outside the guardrail with the rest of the people.Since he registered with Jinlang, Xu Jie also participated in the assessment with Jinlang.

With the golden wolf around, Xu Jie's life is also easy.Then came Zhang Qian and Tilted Head. One was a woman with a rough nerve, and the other was a skeleton who was so brave enough to steal the keel alone. If they didn't pass, there would be ghosts!

While Wei Chen was waiting for the others to be assessed, a person walked in front of him.

"Hi, my name is Lei Ming!"


A new week, and a new January.Please collect and recommend tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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