Doom Ray

Chapter 143 Nonsense, or True?

Chapter 143 Nonsense, or True?

The motorcycle was still accelerating, and Wei Chen's expression became colder and colder!

"Get out!" the white-haired man said with a ferocious face.


Wei Chen said angrily, stepped forward and punched the motorcycle!

Wei Chen slid two steps back, his fists went numb for a while.The impact of a motorcycle rushing towards it at such an accelerated speed is completely unfounded!However, compared to Wei Chen, the fate of this motorcycle was even more pitiful. The huge impact force made it directly squeezed into a piece of scrap iron!
As for the people in the car, they flew out of the oil film a long time ago. It is worth mentioning that you don't need to swipe your card to get out from inside.

"This man is crazy!"

Xu Jie summed up the truth, "What a disappointment!"

"Forget it, let's go!" Wei Chen shook his head helplessly, but after walking a few steps, an idea popped up in his mind - he must bring his family and Huangfuling over to have a look!
"In this way, I will take you to exchange some necessities, and then we will make plans!"


Wei Chen agreed with Huang Yang's proposal. After all, it was their first time here, and many things were unfamiliar.

"Then go buy a translation headset first!"

So, Huang Yang started to take a few people for a walk.At this moment, the white-haired man who was thrown out climbed up from the ground with a gloomy expression.If Wei Chen were here, he would probably be amazed at this man's tenacious vitality.

Immediately afterwards, the man with white spots took out a dot and said to him, "Master, I found out, it's them!"

Master is generally the respectful name of the lackeys for the creatures behind the scenes!What everyone didn't expect was that the creatures behind the scenes had already reached out to this place!
"How is his strength now?"

"I heard it is the second level of Lieyang!"

After the white-spotted man finished speaking, the other party fell silent. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "You are like this"

"Okay! Must kill the bastard!"

After hearing the plan of the creature behind the scenes, the man with white spots sneered, and then cursed viciously.You know, that motorcycle is worth a lot!

It's a pity that Wei Chen didn't know all of this. If he had used the gray elves to observe the white-haired man carefully, he would have found that that face was not this man's face at all!Because there are very tiny bumps and hollows on this face!
Although the central area is not as lively as the tent area, the supplies here are very complete.Naturally, there are no tents here, but instead, there are very luxurious villas!With the blue sky and white clouds, this place is no less than a fairyland!

But the most surprising thing is that these things existed a long time ago, before the first person stepped in!
"Wow! What a beautiful dress!"

Walking on the street, Xu Jie and Zhang Qian couldn't help being fascinated by the dazzling array of clothes.On weekdays, they wear clothes made of animal skins. The biggest function of this kind of clothes is to keep warm. As for the beauty, there is nothing!
"Brother, let's go buy it!"

With stars shining in Xu Jie's eyes, she begged Wei Chen.The price of those clothes is not affordable for them, only Wei Chen can afford it.

"Don't buy the clothes here, they are useless, the real power comes later!"

Seeing that the two of them tended not to leave, Huang Yang hurriedly persuaded them.But what he said was indeed true. If these clothes were placed in the old world, they would definitely cause a sensation and become the focus of fashion.However, in the new world, it is an embroidered pillow, which is not useful!

It was hard to talk about it, so Xu Jie and Zhang Qian were pulled away.At this point, even Zhang Qian, a female man, cannot resist the temptation of these fashions.

Wei Chen also heaved a sigh of relief, just scanned the price with the gray elves, and the cheapest one cost five-figure points!The mutual aid transaction with Lei Ming made Wei Chen no longer need to use points to hire people, and his money was much more generous.But even so, it can't stand the consumption.

After walking for a while, Huang Yang led several people into a shop.

"It's here."

Huang Yang picked up a few small objects from the counter very skillfully and said: "These are translation earphones, you choose one yourself, and after you choose it, go to the counter and hand over the points. Remember not to take it out for nothing, or you will be charged." !"

Xu Jie cheered, although she couldn't buy gorgeous clothes, but these delicate little objects are also pleasing to the eye.Wei Chen exchanged the earphones for Huang Yang, and bought one for himself, each of which is only 60 points, for Wei Chen who has [-] points, even drizzle is not counted.

However, this translation headset also has limitations, such as tilting the head and the language of the golden wolf, which cannot be translated.

Seeing that Xu Jie and the others were still choosing, Wei Chen walked around on his own.This is a grocery store, so there are densely packed cabinets here.For easy search, there is an electronic screen on the counter for quick selection.

"Tsk tsk tsk ~ so many!"

Looking at the slider on the electronic screen that seemed to never slide to the bottom, Wei Chen was secretly speechless, "There are only so many auxiliary categories! We can't subdivide them."

"Exotics, what is this?"

Impatient to continue to scroll the auxiliary category, Wei Chen switched to other categories, "Is this called Qizhen?"

Fox fur, wolf fur, limbs and internal organs of various wild animals, novel fruits and medicinal materials in the new world.They can be found here, but these things are of no use to Wei Chen.

"Wei Chen, don't look at these useless things."

Suddenly, Huang Yang said behind Wei Chen: "There is a wish list over there, you can go and see it."

wish list?
Wei Chen raised his eyebrows, and he understood that the items included in this list should be some very useful things, but the prices are extremely high, which makes people look forward to but not extremely.

Immediately, Wei Chen became interested.

Finding this wish list from the category, Wei Chen immediately opened it to look at it, and then, a burst of exclamation resounded in the grocery store. During Wei Chenshi, most people quickly shut up, for fear of getting into trouble.

As for the other small group of people, they grinned wryly.


Wei Chen licked his lower lip. There are only ten items on the wish list, but each one is very useful!
For example, the ability stasis cannon ranked seventh, although it looks like a steel pipe, it is terrifying to use!It can disable ability users within a certain range!As for the price, it costs 100 million points!

Caiyunyi, ranked fifth, not only has a very beautiful appearance, but can also resist most energy-type damage, which makes the attacks of energy-type special abilities directly abolished!As for the price, [-] million!

The fourth place is also a piece of clothing, but it's just a set of battle armor!Compared with Caiyunyi's defensive power, it is only stronger but not weaker!Similarly, the price is only high but not low!
"Is this still on Earth?"

Suddenly, Wei Chen felt unrealistic, "Then what is number one? The bomb that destroys the world?"

Saying that, Wei Chen rolled the bar to the bottom, and then stood there stupidly for more than ten seconds!
"What's wrong, big brother?"

Xu Jie asked curiously, so she walked over. Immediately afterwards, she was also stunned, her eyes were shining brightly, constantly changing.

Zhang Qian and Tilted Head also walked over, similarly, they also followed in the footsteps of Wei Chen and Xu Jie.

Huang Yang sighed, as if he had known this before.

The first one is a hope!The hope that is very nonsense but makes people flock to——

The wishing stone, unconditionally fulfill a wish!Price: [-] million!

(End of this chapter)

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