Doom Ray

Chapter 144 Sticky Armor

Chapter 144 Sticky Armor
"Karma weapon!"

Wei Chen swallowed, and looked expectantly at the introduction under the wishing stone, "It's too expensive! One hundred million points will be saved until the year of the monkey."

"Wei Chen, look carefully! It's not just expensive!" Huang Yang pointed to the gray icon in the lower left corner of the wishing stone and said, "Don't even think about exchanging these things without a certain amount of contribution."

"Contribution amount?"

"Yes, other than points." Hearing Wei Chen's question, Huang Yang explained to him, "The higher the contribution amount, the more prizes can be exchanged. But this amount is the central government's responsibility." regionally shared."

As he said that, seeing a group of people still a bit puzzled, Huang Yang paused for a moment to think, and gave an example, "It's just like upgrading bases in strategy games before. The more advanced the base, the better the weapons for units will naturally be bought!"

So it is! .

Everyone nodded and understood.However, Wei Chen thought of a problem through the example of Huang Yang. The condition for clearing the level of this type of game is that there is only one camp left on the whole map. If Wei Chen and his party are in the game, how can they play with only one base camp?
Wei Chen shuddered, if that was the case, places like the central area would spread all over the world!Maybe some camps have already exchanged for the wishing stone!


Exhaling, Wei Chen put aside those 'unrealistic' fantasies in his mind, and continued to look through the grocery store.Xu Jie and Zhang Qian also found a machine from the counter, and began to slide their fingers.And the only thing I didn't understand in the whole process was tilting my head, it didn't have the concept of 'game' at all.

"Wei Chen, I suggest you to take a look at those powerful weapons!" Huang Yang said, "It's easy to be prepared if you know the effect!"

Wei Chen nodded seriously after hearing this, the technology here is so high, maybe there is a special weapon to restrain him!For example, the ability stagnation gun ranked seventh on the wish list!
Click on the column of weapons, and there are more detailed classifications in it.

"Cold weapons, hot weapons, laser weapons, gravity weapons, genetic weapons, space"

Wei Chen was very patient, he went in one by one to find out!
Cold weapons are naturally things like knives, guns and swords. Due to different materials, such weapons are naturally good and bad.Wei Chen looked at this item very carefully, especially the material used to make the weapon. After all, the material structure is related to the power of Wei Chen's golden sword!

After spending half a day browsing through it, Wei Chen is somewhat familiar with these advanced weapons.Currently, the most threatening of these weapons is the gravity weapon. As the name suggests, the effect of this type of weapon is to create gravity!Even if you are not killed all at once, the effect of the gravity weapon will pull the enemy, making the opponent restrained!
However, the icons of genetic weapons and space weapons are still gray, it seems that the contribution amount is not enough and has not yet been opened.


Wei Chen exited the weapon bar and began to check the armor. Unlike weapons, armor is a matter of life and wealth. Even if Wei Chen has healing skills, he would not dare to make too much of it. He carefully read the introduction and prepared to buy two.

"Qingdaoyi? Why do the scales look so familiar?"

Swiping the screen, Wei Chen sent out a very familiar dress.But Wei Chen didn't know that what he was familiar with was not the clothes, but the scales on the clothes!The scales are very similar to the scales on the hands of the first corpse king he dealt with!

"It's only [-] points, so it's probably not a good deal."

Wei Chen shook his head, this thing is about life, no matter how much you squander the points, it is not too much!

Continue to scroll down to check, one piece of clothing floats past Wei Chen's eyes, finally, it's the end!

"Slimy Dragon Armor! 20 points, it seems to be about the same!" Wei Chen looked at the third last piece of clothing, stared at it very much, then stretched out his finger to point at the clothes, and then heard Wei Chen's exclamation: "There is still data!"

It turned out that after Wei Chen clicked on the clothes, in addition to carefully observing the corners of the clothes, he could also see the defense index of the clothes!

"Defense against physical impact: A-level, defense against energy attacks by special abilities: B+ level, comfort level: S-level! Wait, the degree of ability enhancement is C+ level!" Wei Chen's eyes lit up, he didn't expect these clothes to be able to enhance Ability strength!
Ever since, Wei Chen took out all the last three clothes and compared them. In the end, Wei Chen still chose this "sticky dragon armor". A'Come, it only strengthens the 'defense against the energy attack of special abilities', but Wei Chen, who has the dispel technique, least needs this aspect of defense.

"It's up to you!" Wei Chen clicked to buy, and then swiped the card on the counter. Immediately afterwards, a robot appeared from the door behind the counter, holding a bunch of black balls in his hand.

The ball is about the size of Wei Chen's palm.


With the black ball in his hand, Wei Chen only felt lightness!
"how to use?"

Wei Chen looked at the robot blankly, waiting for its answer.However, who would have thought that the robot would sneak into the backstage door without looking back.

"Damn it!" Wei Chen held a bunch of black balls and said very depressed: "Anyway, give me an instruction manual to explain how to use it!"

Wei Chen, who wanted to cry without tears, turned his head and looked at Huang Yang. Huang Yang spread his hands and said that he didn't know. Although he has been here for a while, he has never been exposed to this kind of high technology!

"Stick it to your chest!"

At this time, I heard an old man with white hair walking by, and reminded me very kindly, "This thing will expand and open after being heated, and it will automatically fit the whole body. But once you choose to fit, the size is fixed. It's hard to put on others."

"So it is! Thank you, uncle!"

Wei Chen thanked the white-haired old man, and then pressed the black ball to his chest.

Sure enough, the white-haired old man was right, the black ball attached to his chest was getting hotter, and it looked like it was about to melt!Immediately afterwards, the black ball suddenly shrank, as if it had reached a certain zero point!
Suddenly, the black ball was like a bursting water balloon, and black particles scattered in all directions.But before these black particles flew far, a pulling force that appeared out of thin air pulled them back to Wei Chen's body from the air!Under the 'education' of this pulling force, these black particles began to become honest and arranged in rows and columns in a very orderly manner.

A moment later, a layer of black skin wrapped Wei Chen's whole body from the head down!
"It's so convenient!" Wei Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, he changed without even taking off his clothes.

"Tsk tsk, young man, I guess you are the first person in this area to wear this dress!" The white-haired old man said enviously.

After Wei Chen thanked him again, he asked, "I don't know the uncle's name?"

"My name is Luo Sheng."

While Luo Sheng was talking, Wei Chen reached out to shake his hand and asked, "Can you tell me what's going on in other areas?"

"Hi! Leaked!"

Luo Sheng slapped his thigh. He was a little envious when he saw Wei Chen dressed just now.

Wei Chen smiled, in fact, it wasn't just that Luo Sheng missed the word "this area", just because he knew how to use the clothes that can only be exchanged for 20 points, it was enough for Wei Chen to ponder !

(End of this chapter)

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