Doom Ray

Chapter 145 Identification

Chapter 145 Identification
"Forget it, I'm an old man, and it's useless to hide it."

Luo Sheng said very cheerfully.There was a wry smile on his old face, combined with his old face and thin body, he looked a little weak.

However, Wei Chen doesn't think so. Just looking at this guy's ability to pass through another central area, one can tell that his strength must not be weak!
"Well, boy, if you really want to know something, come here and find me."

Perhaps because of the crowd, Luo Sheng didn't directly tell Wei Chen about other areas here, but gave Wei Chen a note with an address written on it.

"Okay, definitely visit!"

Wei Chen nodded very seriously, put the note away, and watched Luo Sheng leave.But before Luo Sheng left, Wei Chen sent gray elves to follow.As the saying goes, people are old and smart, Wei Chen would not believe that the old man he just met is so kind-hearted!
"Ah! I want this one!"

Suddenly, Xu Jie yelled from the side, she saw a type of clothing in the armor column, so she even called Wei Chen, a rich man.But Wei Chen shook his head after looking at the dress, and Xu Jie was about to cry.

It's not that Wei Chen doesn't want to buy it, this dress only costs 12 points, Wei Chen can afford it.The main reason is that the main function of this piece of clothing is to strengthen the ability, and the enhancement of the ability has reached the C level!However, this point is of no use to Xu Jie.Her ability is animal language, even if it is enhanced, it will have no good effect.

In the end, under Wei Chen's persuasion and the promise of a set of gorgeous clothes, Xu Jie calmed down and obediently chose another armor that cost [-] yuan.This piece of clothing is not bad either. Both defenses have reached A-level, but the ability blessing is only the lowest E-level. It is very suitable for a special ability like Xu Jie.

Then came Zhang Qian, she chose the one that Xu Jie had fancyed earlier.After all, she came all the way with Wei Chen, Wei Chen naturally couldn't treat her badly, so after buying clothes, Zhang Qian went into the dressing room and changed into the armor.Seeing this scene, Xu Jie's eyes burst into flames!
"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have recruited this woman!"

Xu Jie said angrily, one of the biggest reasons why Zhang Qian followed them was Xu Jie's persuasive persuasion on the road.

Zhang Qian just smiled when she heard this, not as knowledgeable as Xu Jie.As for Huang Yang and Alan, who have such a convenient need, Wei Chen is relieved, and Huang Yang is fine. If Alan wants to buy it, he really has to weigh it. This woman has always given him a bad feeling!

After choosing the armor, Xu Jie and Zhang Qian continued to click on other items to look at them, as if they would not give up until the points were spent.

"Uh, Wei Chen, it's still useful to let them keep some points!" Huang Yang hurriedly persuaded, "There are many things that can be exchanged, and you don't need to use points to buy them!"

"Can I change it?"

Wei Chen's eyes lit up, he still had some materials from the corpse king's body, and he was worried that he couldn't deal with it.

"Yes, there will be a free market in a while, and you can entrust things there for trading. You can exchange things for things or points for one thing!" Huang Yang said. For them, points are not so easy to earn, so this free The trading channel in the market has become an important way for them to obtain excellent equipment.

With Huang Yang's advice, Wei Chen called Xu Jie and others, and followed Huang Yang to the so-called free market.After all, if these two women continue to hang around, he will go bankrupt.

After leaving the grocery store, the few people didn't go far when they heard the noise coming from the front—the free market is here!

"It was spectacular!"

Wei Chen opened his eyes and looked around.Although the traffic here is huge, it is not crowded at all.Compared with the free market and the grocery store, this place is more like a second-hand market.

While walking, Huang Yang introduced.There are two types of transactions here, one is that the shopkeeper directly sets up a stall and trades directly.As he was speaking, Huang Yang pointed to a few people who were arguing and bargaining as examples.The other is entrusted transactions, entrusting items to the system, and letting the system exchange points through auctions.

"Use the auction!" Wei Chen said, he didn't have time to argue with others.

"Auction is fine, but you have to pay a handling fee." Huang Yang said, "Before the auction, it's best to spend some points to appraise it, and open an evaluation certificate to sell it."

Hearing that there is still an appraisal, Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, "Are you sure that the appraisal will be done after the auction?"

"Of course not. If you want to appraise it, you can appraise it." Huang Yang explained, "Not only items, but also the striking ability of the capable person, the attack power of skills, etc. can be evaluated."

"Really?" Wei Chen frowned, it's still like this!Then came an idea——

Must try!

Outside the brigade, the white-haired man was under a big rock, hesitating left and right, as if he was waiting for something.

"This group of people is so slow! It's not reliable at all!"

The man with white spots complained, took out a strange metal bottle from his backpack, poured a little yellow ointment from it, and applied it on the bruises on his arms and back, "It's so fucking cruel! It hurts me to death! "

Just as he was talking, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the white-spotted man, "Hmph, you won't live long if you don't take refuge in your master!"

Thinking of this, the man with white spots became more excited.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a large circle of dust spread out. The man with white spots accidentally swallowed a large mouthful of dust, which was mixed with minced meat left over from eating by some zombies.

"Bah bah bah!"

Trying to squeeze out a few drops of saliva to clean the mouth, the white man's face is as ugly as eating shit, "Damn, why does this happen every time! Those guys must be doing it on purpose!"

"When I return from my meritorious service, I will settle accounts with them!"

After muttering a few words, the man with white spots remembered his water bottle, quickly took two sips of water to rinse his mouth, and then gave himself an injection of antibodies, and the man with white spots felt relieved.Waiting in place until the dust dissipated, the man with white spots walked towards the explosion point.

Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a meteorite fell to the ground, and a big crater was knocked out in the central area.In the pit, there was a bulging metal ball lying on it. Judging by the look of the white man, this thing should be what he wanted!
Sliding down the side slope, the man with white spots looked at the metal ball depressedly.Because the keyboard for entering the password was smashed!
"It's the dog's day!"

The man with white spots kicked the metal ball hard, "It was intentional! It must be intentional! When I go back, you are dead!"

After spraying the metal ball for a long time, the man with white spots helplessly pulled out the weapon he had exchanged from the central area, and began to slash towards the metal ball. The things inside were related to the master's plan, so he dared not neglect it!

"Ding ding ding~~~ bang"

The weapon is broken!


The man with white spots blushed and smashed the broken handle on the metal ball.


Transition chapters are really hard to write.

(End of this chapter)

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