Doom Ray

Chapter 146

Chapter 146
Thanks to Farmer and Water for the 100 rewards!Thanks!
"Why are there so many people here?"

As Huang Yang came to the appraisal room, Wei Chen found that there were a lot of people gathered here in twos and threes.Not far in front of them is an appraisal instrument, but these people have no intention of using the instrument.

Huang Yang explained from the side: "These people are here to hunt for treasures. Once someone identifies a good item, these people can immediately trade with the owner. Even if the transaction fails, they can immediately know what kind of item the owner wants to buy. .”

The co-authors are all businessmen.

Wei Chen muttered, and then only heard Huang Yang on the side continue to say, "Don't underestimate them, these people are backed by powerful forces!"

"What's with me?"

Wei Chen curled his lips, so what about the big power, do you dare to come and do it?I have to say, compared to Wei Chen who used to stay on the bed all day, he is much more confident now!
Huang Yang pursed his lips helplessly, looked at Wei Chen, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. If it were him, he would definitely have to consider a lot of things before doing these things, and finally made himself fearful.

"Stay here, try not to lean over for a while!" Wei Chen warned.Once he can't reach an agreement with these forces, and there is a situation of killing people and seizing treasures, Wei Chen doesn't care. Before those forces come to him, they must weigh whether they are capable or not!But if it was Xu Jie and the others, the nature would be different.

Wei Chen shook his head, unknowingly, he thought of Xu Jie's tragic experience again.

"I hope the family is all right!"

Wei Chen took a deep breath, took some past gains from Tiltou and Xu Jie, and walked to the appraisal platform.Wei Chen's action immediately attracted the chattering crowd, one by one stretched out their heads to look over, some smaller forces subconsciously took a few steps forward, if a heavy treasure was released in a while, they would be able to talk to Wei Chen immediately Let's talk.

And those businessmen who represent this great power disdain this.No matter how hard the small powers work, they are destined to pick what is left over from them!Their financial resources and strength are simply not comparable to them!

"Oops, I forgot to ask for such an operation!"

Wei Chen slapped his forehead and stood there blankly, suddenly looking a little embarrassed.Carelessness is already an old problem of Wei Chen, it appears frequently, and even occasionally forgets that he still has the skill of dispelling.

"Haha, Xiong Da, look there is a bumpkin over there!"

Just as Wei Chen was hesitating in front of the appraisal platform, a piercing voice came from behind him.

"I brought so many things but I don't even know how to use the equipment. I can tell that I just came here!"

"Hmph, it's probably a pile of broken copper and iron. You see, such a big sword was hacked to death before it could be swung!"

"Okay, okay, don't pay attention to such rotten people. Let's take a look at the treasures I found today!"

That Xiong Da opened his mouth and said, which immediately attracted a burst of praise, and Xiong Da also enjoyed it.Of course, as to whether it was really this Xiong Datao, that's unknown.

Wei Chen frowned, then turned to look at the person who came.There were nearly a dozen people in this group, and the leader had a hulking back and a curly brown hair, but he had a pair of small eyes on his face, which looked very gloomy.There were men and women next to them, lined up, shoulders and backs, walking staggeringly.

"Cut, what, it's this guy every time."

"Keep your voice down, you will be miserable if you are overheard. That guy's father is the captain of the No.11 team, Xiongtou! We can't compare."

"Hey~ I know, this bear head is also amazing! I heard that this bear head can fight against Lei Ming without losing the wind! But every time I see these guys come here to show off, I'm so angry!"

"I think you are jealous!"

"Where is it~ Hey, don't you think that person is not the daughter of my daughter, and she hangs out with them!"

"What nonsense, I didn't see anything! Go away, don't pull me to death!"


It turned out to be a group of second generations.

Wei Chen raised his brows, ignored the ladies and gentlemen in the back, and continued to think about the dazzling buttons on the identification instrument.However, when Wei Chen was at a loss, a hand put on Wei Chen's right arm, and then a thrust came from this arm!
"You trash, get out!"

There was a roar, but Wei Chen remained motionless.

"Hehe, dare to resist!"

The younger brother beside Brother Xiong smiled disdainfully, and spit directly on Wei Chen!

"court death!"

Wei Chen's eyes turned cold, he could dodge bullets, let alone a mouthful of saliva?
Immediately, Wei Chen twisted his body, and the phlegm directly passed Wei Chen, and was about to touch the appraisal platform.But a thin film suddenly lit up on the appraisal platform, and flicked the phlegm back.

Wei Chen took advantage of the situation to hide, and the phlegm returned to its owner's mouth like this!

"Ouch~ Clapper, you are so disgusting!"

Seeing this scene, several women who accompanied him showed a series of ugly expressions.

"Ah! You are looking for death!"

Such a gaffe in front of friends will greatly damage the image.Clapper spit out and returned his saliva, his face turned red, he roared and threw his fist at Wei Chen!
"This idiot is miserable!"

Xu Jie sighed and turned her head away.Huang Yang hurriedly covered Alan's face with his hands. He still remembered that when Wei Chen was at the meeting place of No. [-] Middle School, it was rude to kill someone!


Sure enough, there was a loud noise from the appraisal platform, Wei Chen directly grabbed the clapper's hand, swung it like a whip, and slapped the shell of the appraisal platform heavily, and then only heard a series of bone shattering sounds.This is not over yet, the film on the appraisal platform has a rebound effect, so there is another bone marrow sound!


The second generations behind were spoiled and spoiled in the central area, coupled with the rights of their parents, they had long forgotten the cruelty of this world, and they took a breath. The only one who was still calm was the leader Xiong Da!
"Boy, do you know who he is?" Xiong Da raised his head and said proudly, "I tell you, if you don't pay the medicine fee today, and give my brother some spit, I'll let you Can't get out of this place!"

"If you don't pay me back all the points today, you are begging for mercy on your knees, and I won't let any of you get out of this place!" Wei Chen said with a sneer, what this guy said sounds like fart!

This Xiong Da was suddenly so angry that his veins bulged, but he would not rush up like that fool just now, but took out a gun from his waist!
Gravity Weapons!

Wei Chen's pupils shrank, and the moment Xiong Da drew out his gun, he recognized this thing.Even if he didn't know the power of this gun, Wei Chen knew that being hit would definitely not be comfortable!
"Death to me!"

Xiong Da didn't talk too much at all, he just pulled the trigger!

Although Xiong Da shot very fast, Wei Chen was faster than him!

With a short body, Wei Chen first shifted his body to open the muzzle of the gun, and then rushed in front of Xiong Da with a stride!Immediately afterwards, a powerful fist hit Xiong Da's chin abruptly.


There was a crisp sound from Xiong Da's mouth, and a dark red blood donation shot out along with a few teeth and a small piece of tongue!

At this moment, Xiong Da only felt a little blue and black granules start to appear in his eyes, the pain could no longer be felt, and the self-protection of the brain made Xiong Da go straight away.


Wei Chen snorted coldly, but at this moment, there was a shout at the door of the appraisal room!
"How dare you hurt my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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