Doom Ray

Chapter 147 Bear Head

Chapter 147 Bear Head
"You are so brave!"

Xiongtou rushed over angrily, followed by a middle-aged man wearing a red silk ribbon, holding a box in his hand.The two should have come for the appraisal too, but it was a coincidence that they happened upon this.

Wei Chen narrowed his eyes. Fortunately, Xu Jie and his party were wisely thrown aside to watch the show, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome.Just now he heard from other people that this guy's team ranks No.11, and his strength is comparable to Lei Ming's!

so what?

Wei Chen licked his lower lip, and a trace of blood was unconsciously lit up in his eyes.Although he killed so many monsters of Lie Yang's second rank in the dream, he rarely had the chance to fight against humans of the same level!

Xiong Tou looked at Xiong Da's injuries, but fortunately, Xiong Da was just injured and passed out.Seeing that Xiong Da's life was not in danger, Xiong Tou heaved a sigh of relief. Just to be on the safe side, he took out the medicine and injected Xiong Da.

After dealing with Xiong Da, Xiong Tou swept away his anxious expression and became ferocious. He glared at Wei Chen with angry eyes, wishing he could swallow him up!

However, at the moment Xiongtou's gaze met Wei Chen.Xiongtou missed a beat unconsciously!
What is this guy excited about?
Xiongtou was secretly surprised, but recalling his son's tragic situation, Xiongtou made up his mind to make Wei Chen pay the price!

So Xiongtou said: "Chop off your own hand, and I will spare your life as appropriate!"

"Hey~" Wei Chen sneered, and said, "They provoked me first, if I don't fight back, should I let them play tricks on me?"

"Young man, you don't have the right to choose!" Xiongtou stared, seeing Wei Chen's unremarkable clothes, and then said very disdainfully.

It's a pity that this time he was a little bit wrong. Wei Chen's sticky armor was worn close to the body, so naturally it wouldn't show off.And even if Wei Chen took off his clothes and showed it to Xiongtou, he wouldn't be able to recognize him!

"I have no right?" Wei Chen's mouth curled up, and he said immediately, "Well, you just need to give me all the points on your body, and cut off your hands by the way, how about I leave your whole body depending on my mood?"

After listening to Wei Chen's words, someone spit on his mouth.

"Hmph, young people are just useless, I can't stand this at all, how can it become a big deal!"

"It's a good thing to be young and energetic, but it's a pity!"

"The child's life is not good."

There was a lot of discussion all around, shaking his head and sighing, no one was optimistic about Wei Chen.

"court death!"

Seeing that Wei Chen is still so arrogant, black mist erupts directly from the bear's head, it is bound to give Wei Chen a thunderous blow!Let others know that you are not so easy to mess with!
"Just in time!"

As soon as Wei Chen clenched his fist, the black mist on his body also exploded!Those merchants who were not optimistic about Wei Chen suddenly opened their mouths wide, enough to hold two eggs!

A thought filled their minds - this person is also the second rank of Lieyang!
Fist and fist met, there was a muffled sound, and Wei Chen was blown away violently!

"Don't be ashamed!"

Xiongtou snorted coldly, Wei Chen erupted into black mist, which really startled him, but since he made a move, he naturally had no reason to stop, and immediately punched Wei Chen.Seeing Wei Chen retreat violently, this punch made him feel full of confidence!
"Sure enough, you can't fight them with your body alone!" Wei Chen shook his numb arm and whispered, "But that's it!"

If Xiongtou heard these words, his eyes would probably widen.Because Wei Chen's punch just now was not blessed with mimicry, it was purely a test of his pure physical strength!

"Wei Chen is playing!"

Huang Yang nodded and said, this sentence immediately resonated with Xu Jie and others.Then, Huang Yang added: "Just don't play around and take it off!"

Wei Chen licked his lower lip, as if he heard Huang Yang's words, a golden sword began to condense on his hand.

This golden sword seems to have been seen somewhere!

Xiongtou opened his eyes, and tried his best to connect the golden sword in front of him with the sense of familiarity in his mind, but the sense of crisis emanating from the golden sword had to make him restrain his mind and deal with Wei Chen's next attack with all his strength. attack.

"Remember, discipline your son well in the future!"

After saying that, Wei Chen waved his hand, and the golden sword galloped like a wild horse running wild!

The bear's head is forward with both arms, the hair on the face is getting thicker, the mouth is protruding, and a vivid bear's head appears!This is not over yet, and then, thick hair grew on the arms of the bear head, and the tips of the ten fingers, and the nails also began to turn black, thicken, harden, and grow longer!

However, these are of no use!

Blood spattered, and the golden sword passed through, directly connecting Xiongtou's two hands!The tip of the sword just stopped an inch away from the bear's head's left eye!No matter how strong Xiongtou's body is, it can't withstand the piercing of Wei Chen's sword!

Xiongtou panicked, at this moment, death is so close!He could feel that this was the result of Wei Chen's mercy!
"By the way, I remembered! You are the King of Light!"

Xiongtou looked terrified. He didn't join in the fun outside the cabin before, but just watched from a distance, so naturally he couldn't see Wei Chen's face clearly.Knowing the appearance of the golden sword brought back his memory!

I didn't expect to hit such an iron plate!

Xiongtou regretted for a while, he even laughed at others for not having the right to choose, but now it seems that the one who really has no right to choose is himself!
"I said, keep your hand!" Wei Chen controlled the golden sword, and slowly pulled it out until the tip of the golden sword was about to pull out Xiong Da's arm, Wei Chen detonated the golden sword!
The blood mist filled the air, and the smell of blood from the bear's head wafted into the air, and the burst of the golden sword happened to blow off one of his hands.However, due to the power of the golden sword, Xiongtou's other hand and face were also severely blasted!
"This guy is much better than before." Huang Yang said casually.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Jie turned her head and asked. Speaking of which, it was already a year after the end of the world when she saw Wei Chen. She really didn't know what Wei Chen was like before.

"Wei Chen used to be very violent when he was angry!" Huang Yang's eyes flickered, and he recalled the raid on the corpse king. "At that time, he was almost like a lunatic!"


"more or less!"

Wei Chen collected the black mist, and slowly walked towards the bear head lying on the ground.At this moment, the surroundings were very quiet, every step Wei Chen took would hit the hearts of others like a wooden stick striking a bell.And for Xiongtou, this effect is even worse!
"I won't make things difficult for you." As he said, a ball of light lit up in Wei Chen's hand, and it sank into Xiongtou's body. Immediately, the wound that was originally blasted by Wei Chen's golden sword quickly healed after the ball of light entered his body. stand up.


Xiongtou's eyes widened, and Wei Chen who was squatting there could see the large whites of his eyes!

"I'm not wronged!" Xiong Tou sighed and stood up, Wei Chen has such ability, he probably doesn't even have a way to kill Wei Chen.

"This time it's the kid's fault, I can't accompany Lord Guangwang here!"

After saying that, Xiongtou lowered his head to Wei Chen, and continued: "It's all my fault for not disciplined well, I hope the adults can let the boy go."

Immediately afterwards, Xiongtou tapped the watch on his opponent several times, and then Wei Chen felt the watch in his hand vibrate. He opened it to take a look, and there were hundreds of thousands of points in it out of thin air.

Broken arm, lose money.Xiongtou apologized so sincerely that Wei Chen couldn't continue to make things difficult for his son, so he waved his hands and let them go.

Xiong Tou felt relieved, hugged Xiong Da with one hand, nodded apologetically to the gentleman beside him, and then quickly slipped away.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Wei Chen stopped Xiongtou, which made Xiongtou's heart skip a beat.

"How does this machine work?"


Xu Jie giggled, Xiongtou's face twitched when he asked this question, his expression was very funny.Wei Chen didn't care about these things, he really had nothing to do with advanced machines, and he didn't want to involve Huang Yang and his party, so he could only ask others.

(End of this chapter)

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