Doom Ray

Chapter 148 The Importance of the Epee Sword

Chapter 148 The Importance of the Epee Sword

"Wait, Lord Guangwang, let me come!"

Just when Xiongtou was hesitating whether to go back, a person suddenly jumped out beside him and shouted, "My name is Orange Pi! I can operate these things! Lord Guangwang let me do it!"

"it is good."

Wei Chen nodded, it doesn't matter who operates, anyway, they can't grab things from him.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Cheng Pi's eyes brightened, and the opportunity to stand up has come!

Seeing this scene, many people beat their chests and stomped on the ground. What a good opportunity this is. The King of Light is much stronger than the forces behind them, and turning around is just around the corner!

"Damn it, why did he take the lead! I should have shown my favor if I knew it earlier!"

"In the eyes of your power, people don't like it! At least you need someone like me, but why did you let that bastard get ahead of you!"

"Come on, you guys should be quiet, anyone will be an afterthought!"

Wei Chen took out the items he wanted to identify this time from his backpack: heavy sword, keel knife, long thorn, vertical eye, and the dragon ball that he didn't know what it was used for.

"This!" Cheng Pi looked at the things Wei Chen took out, and his eyes lit up immediately. People in their line of business have good eyesight!

As expected of the King of Light!
At this moment, many people nodded and praised, but it is not known whether it is because of the celebrity effect.

Orange Pi started to operate the appraiser. I have to say that this thing is not familiar with it for a while, so it is really difficult to operate!Wei Chen only saw that the orange peel had pressed several buttons repeatedly before the instrument started to roar and start to operate.

"Okay, now we can put things in!"

Orange Pi said, and under Wei Chen's gesture, he picked up the smallest vertical eye and placed it on the appraisal table.This vertical eye was when Wei Chen killed a corpse king of the fourth rank of Silver Moon. He still remembered that if it wasn't for this corpse king who was only of Silver Moon rank, he and Tiltou would have fallen there!
After pressing a few buttons again, the instrument started to operate, and strips of light emerged from the surrounding holes and shone on the vertical eye.Many people subconsciously took a few steps forward. After all, this is something owned by the King of Light. Although it is difficult to get it, it is still possible to feast your eyes.

Xiongtou, who was about to withdraw, also stopped at this moment, he also wanted to see what treasure Wei Chen had.

"Lord Guangwang, let me explain the machine to you first."

It will definitely take a lot of time to appraise an item. Orange Pi is very smart, so start chatting with Wei Chen now to deepen the relationship.

"This is the console, you must enter some commands before operating, and different commands have different permissions. Oh, don't worry, my lord, my permissions are relatively high!" Speaking of this, Cheng Pi unconsciously wiped off his nervous sweat, "The appraisal requires some funds, but I will help you with this!"

"No, I have it myself."

Wei Chen waved his hand and said, but he didn't know that Cheng Pi was a little disappointed at this sentence. You must know that he paid and Wei Chen paid, they are completely different concepts!The former shows that he is recognized by Wei Chen, while the latter shows that Wei Chen probably doesn't want to meet him again!
Be sure to grab your chance!

Orange Pi swore secretly that he absolutely did not want to go back to the old life of standing guard all day waiting for goods.

"Hey, there are results!"

"I don't know the value of this item."

The roar gradually calmed down, and everyone waited eagerly.The same is true for Wei Chen, staring at a light board, after Orange Peel's introduction, Wei Chen also understands a lot of things, for example, this light board is where information will be displayed later.


On the blue screen of the bare board, white characters were gradually typed out one by one. Wei Chen read it carefully, and then nodded thoughtfully.

The identification level of this vertical eye is B+ level, which is not bad. Its main function is to strengthen the attack power of mental ability.

"That's right, a good item, it's very rare, and it's estimated to fetch a lot of money!"

"Hmph, you don't understand this, it's rare, but it doesn't mean someone wants it!"

"Don't worry, at least I know of three or four people with mental abilities! Haha!"

"Tch, it's as if that vertical eye belongs to you."

"My lord, is this thing for sale?"

Orange Pi asked Wei Chen, if Wei Chen wanted to sell, he would definitely try to find another home, and this would give him another chance to build a good relationship with Wei Chen.But Wei Chen's move of shaking his head disappointed him.

Just kidding, when Wei Chen met that corpse king, Wei Chen was beaten quite embarrassingly.How dare the current Wei Chen give this thing to others?If the flow falls into the hands of the enemy, wouldn't it be crying to death?


Then, Wei Chen handed Orange Peel a spike. Perhaps the spike is cheaper, so it was quickly identified.

The identification level of this spike is only C level, and the hardness factor and attack factor are not high, and it is also only C level.

"My lord, this."

Just as Cheng Pi was about to ask Wei Chen if he wanted to sell it, Wei Chen casually threw the other spike at Cheng Pi and said, "It's sold."

This thing is useless at all.

The next thing, Wei Chen's face began to become serious, Orange Peel, who knows how to read words and expressions, suddenly understood that this thing must be extraordinary!
Wei Chen picked up the keel knife, which has been with him for a long time, but after getting the golden sword, the keel knife is probably going to be retired.

Gently touching the blade, you can clearly feel a very neat unevenness on your fingers. The edge of the blade is polished very finely, but it is not sharp, and it feels dull to the touch.But this sharpness is enough for Wei Chen, the huge power is enough for Wei Chen to ignore this value.

Cheng Pi took over the Dragon Bone Knife, knowing Wei Chen's importance to this weapon, so when Cheng Pi took over, he almost lost his grip.

Shocked and apologetic to Wei Chen, seeing this scene, Wei Chen suddenly felt a little bit like, is he so scary?

The machine roared again, and the scanning light began to check the structure of the keel.However, what Wei Chen didn't expect was that the result of the appraisal would be soon!

Large beast bone, rating: F, attack factor: E, firmness factor: S
"No way? Sturdy S but only F overall? Is there something wrong?"

"It should be right, maybe there are hidden parameters?"


After being here for so long, how many parameters will everyone not know?

The discussion about the keel knife began to grow gradually. After all, from the usual experience, the overall score is generally the average value of the other scores.

"grown ups."

"Not for sale!" Wei Chen learned to answer quickly.

Ignoring the buzzing discussions, Wei Chen picked up the last weapon, the epee!

This sword is the sword held by the guard of the old corpse king back then. Not only is it sharp, but it is also very heavy!It has been used as a weapon by tilting its head.

"By the way, Orange Peel, can this machine analyze the ingredients?"

Suddenly, Wei Chen turned his head and asked, startling Cheng Pi.

"Yes, but you need to pay more points."

"Pay more, pay more!"

Wei Chen boldly swiped the card. In the dream, he had his eyes on the material and construction of this epee. If he can understand it, then all the golden swords can be upgraded to a higher level!His fighting power will increase again!
Therefore, at this moment, the epee is very important to Wei Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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