Doom Ray

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

The appraisal instrument started to operate, and under Wei Chen's expectant gaze, strips of white light for scanning hit the epee.The appraisal table is big enough, so there is no need to worry about not being able to hold the heavy sword.

Afterwards, Orange Peel pressed a few times on the operating table, and immediately, a different purple light shone on the epee. This light should be used for analysis according to Wei Chen's request.

"It should be a good thing. This appraisal took more time than the previous ones combined!"

The crowd of onlookers started to have nothing to do again, chatting.

"Not necessarily. This time, analytical light is added, so it's normal for it to take longer. Besides, it's not that the longer it takes, the higher the evaluation."

"No, I rely on my intuition, the experience I have accumulated over the past few months! I bet this is a good product!"

"Okay, I'll bet with you!"

"Two idiots."

Wei Chen snapped his fingers, and patiently scanned the epee with white and purple light over and over again. He reckoned that the epee's hardness alone was stronger than the keel!

Suddenly, the roaring sound from the appraiser platform began to grow louder. Orange Pi stood the closest and immediately covered his ears. The audience next to him did the same. They quickly covered their ears, and even the bear's head obediently ears.

what's the situation?
Wei Chen glanced at everyone's actions, and consciously covered his ears, watching the posture, something will definitely happen in a while.

"Why are you covering your ears?"

Xu Jie looked around depressedly, but her words were not answered, because whether it was Huang Yang, Zhang Qian, or Alan, they all sat down.


Suddenly, there was a bang from the appraisal platform, and everyone in the appraisal room felt the world shake.

"Ah! Why no one told me!"

Xu Jie held her head, with a painful expression on her face, her heart was almost knocked out just now, her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't hear anything.

"All right!"

After the roar, Cheng Pi put down his hands, and a group of spectators around him also put down their hands, and Wei Chen naturally followed suit.

"It's because the bombardment material is needed for analysis, that's why it's so loud." Orange Pi explained, pointing to the display screen, motioning Wei Chen to look over it, and the result has already come out!
Norman alloy, rating: A+, attack factor: A, firmness factor: cannot be rated.

"Haha, I won! Bring me something!"

Seeing the evaluation results, the betting couple in the crowd immediately decided the winner.But this time, the surrounding crowd didn't have any huge reaction. After all, this thing itself is very extraordinary, and the only thing that cares about it is the unassessable sturdiness factor!

Sure enough, it is harder than a keel!

Wei Chen really looked like this, but the evaluation is secondary, the more important thing is the analysis of the structure!
"The analysis diagram is here!"

Orange Peel pressed a few times against the console, and all the original evaluation data on the screen disappeared, replaced by an introduction and a three-dimensional spatial structure diagram.

"What kind of alloy is this, so complicated!"

After reading this blueprint, many people showed surprise on their faces. Structural drawings are generally composed of origins and lines. However, in this structural drawing, where can you find out which is a point and which is a line?It's all stuck together.

Wei Chen frowned. Now that he thinks about it, he is still a bit overbearing. Such a complicated structure cannot be replicated by him in a day or two. Moreover, the manufacturing speed of the golden sword will slow down due to the overly complicated situation. slow.

"Forget it, let's find some simple alloys to practice!"

Helpless, Wei Chen had no choice but to give up imitating the structure of the epee for the time being, he couldn't swallow the meal in one gulp, he had to take it step by step.Then, under Wei Chen's signal, Orange Pi put the structure diagram and description into Wei Chen's watch, so that he could study it slowly in the future.

"My lord, there is one more thing, do you want to continue the appraisal?"

"Of course!"

Wei Chen took out the Dragon Ball and handed it to Orange Peel.Today's Dragon Ball has become very strange, and the red dye on it seems to be dripping down.Until now, Wei Chen only knew that the dragon ball would gradually turn red. As for how it turned red and what effect it had, he didn't know at all.

However, the moment Orange Peel touched the Dragon Ball, he let go!

"Why is it so hot!"

Orange Peel quickly shook off his hand, and after just touching it for a while, a red mark was already burned on his hand.

Wei Chen picked up the beads, his hands were warm and cool, how could it be hot?

"My lord, you should put this thing up there." After saying that, Cheng Pi spread out his hand to show Wei Chen.


Immediately, Wei Chen put the bead on it, "Analyze the function!"

"it is good."

Orange Pi will definitely satisfy Wei Chen's request, and he doesn't dare to neglect it at all.

This time Wei Chen asked to analyze the function instead of the structure, and the purpose was naturally obvious, he just wanted to see what the beads were used for!

Orange Pi manipulated a few times to signal Wei Chen to put the things on it.

But something happened that no one expected, the cold female voice of the system suddenly sounded in the entire appraisal room!

"Heavy relics detected, forcibly recovered!"


"The relic is a treasure? Could it be that King Guang opened up the relic?"

"But what does compulsory recycling mean? This system will still grab things?"

There was a lot of discussion all around, Wei Chen had a dark face, and quickly reached out to get back the dragon ball. However, the system was faster than him, and directly opened a hole in the console, and the dragon ball rolled into it!

"court death!"

Wei Chen was furious, he didn't expect this thing to get kickbacks!Immediately, Wei Chen exploded into a red mist state, and quickly blessed the epee with mimicry.

"This, this, my lord, I don't know either!"

Compared with Wei Chen, Cheng Pi was even more nervous. There had never been a kickback from the system. This time, he was completely stunned.It was originally a chance to hug my thigh, but now I have trapped myself in it.

Wei Chen doesn't care about Orange Peel, the most important thing now is to get the Dragon Ball back!

The mimicry was superimposed crazily. Wei Chen didn't know how much strength was needed to smash this thing. In order to maximize the attack, he decided to spend most of the time stacking the mimicry!
Now that Weichen is in a state of red mist, it can last for 10 minutes, and on average, a hundred mimics can be superimposed every five seconds. What is the concept of 10 minutes?
1 mimics!
"Everyone, get out!"

Feeling Wei Chen's aura, Xiongtou, who is also the second rank of Lieyang, hastily greeted these merchants to leave the appraisal room.Huang Yang immediately led a few people out of the identification room, but before leaving, he ran over to get back some important items under Wei Chen's feet.

In just a few minutes, the appraisal room that had gathered a large group of people was empty at this moment, leaving only Wei Chen there to keep accumulating energy.

"No, quit again! Don't even watch the show!"

Xiongtou roared, as more and more mimics gathered, Xiongtou's uneasiness became more and more intense, and it didn't start to weaken until he reached the free market.

A large group of people withdrew suddenly, which was very conspicuous. In addition, it was a free market with many people. What happened just now was quickly spread!

"I heard no, King Guang's treasure has been swallowed!"


"Tsk tsk, be careful to be heard."

"By the way, hurry up and notify those bosses! Relic treasure!"

"Yes, yes, please contact me!"

Many people took out their watches and communication devices, and began to notify those big bosses that this was a chance to get their hands on their thighs!
However, in less than 10 minutes, these big guys couldn't catch up!


On the Sanjiang reward list. . .Really speechless. .

(End of this chapter)

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