Doom Ray

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
"Almost enough!"

Wei Chen closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Although Wei Chen already knew that the Dragon Ball had been transferred elsewhere, but he couldn't bear it!

Immediately, the red thread subsided, and the black mist erupted.The nearly [-] mimic energy in the epee also underwent a qualitative change at this moment!

"Open it for me!"

Wei Chen roared, holding the hilt of the epee with both hands, using all his strength, swung the epee, and slashed heavily on the operating table wrapped in a layer of film!


No huge swings, no violent bangs.It's like a sword hitting the water, it just acts as a few ripples for the membrane.


Wei Chen's eyes widened, he really couldn't believe the facts before him.A total of nearly [-] mimetic energy blessings, but the effect is so bad that no one can accept it!
As soon as the sword was slashed, the oppressive feeling on the epee disappeared.

"What's going on?" Xiongtou looked inside suspiciously, he could feel that the feeling of threat that brought him disappeared without a trace at that moment just now, "Why didn't there even be any aftermath?"

Not only him, Huang Yang and Zhang Qian also felt the abnormality inside, it was too calm.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Wei Chen roared, gathering strength in his body again, raised his epee and slashed vigorously.


The film moved inconspicuously, returning all the strength of the epee!
Wei Chen was stunned, because this scene seemed familiar!
It was the same when he and Huang Yang and his party went to attack the corpse king.The distance between him and his parents is only a thin film, but Wei Chen can't break it no matter what.

Today, the film on the old corpse king's altar has been replaced by the protective film of the appraisal instrument, and history repeats itself like this!

"Bastard!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth angrily, and punched the film. This film is obviously much stronger than the old corpse king's, and it can withstand and rebound stronger.

After rubbing his fists, Wei Chen condensed a white light on his hands—dispel technique!

This skill can dispel many negative states and skills. At this moment, Wei Chen wants to use it to test whether this film can withstand his dispelling.This is also his last game method!


Wei Chen waved his hand, and the white light flew towards the film.This is the first confrontation between dispelling and rebounding film. When we met the old corpse king, Wei Chen didn't have the skills yet.

However, this time, Wei Chen was disappointed again.The effect of dispersing is to disperse, and the effect of the film does rebound, that is to say, when the dispersing light ball touches the film, it will be offset by its own characteristics!
"Calm down!" Wei Chen patted himself on the cheek. Even if he blows away this thing, he probably won't be able to recover the Dragon Ball. The expedient solution is to find out the owner of this central area!

From the moment he entered here, Wei Chen felt that someone should have built this place, just like the old corpse king's Blu-ray Castle!And Wei Chen feels that the people who are most familiar with this place are none other than a few big bosses!

Therefore, Wei Chen meditated first to recover his energy.

"Lei Ming must know something, and the other bosses should also have their own eyeliner." During meditation, Wei Chen began to think, "And that white-haired uncle! Luo Sheng!"

After recovering, Wei Chen took up the epee and left the identification room.If Wei Chen had the ability to see through, he would have discovered that the blow he charged up just now was not without effect!Although the protective film counteracted a lot of energy, some energy still inevitably impacted into the internal equipment. Therefore, the interior of today's appraisal platform has long since become shattered!

As soon as Wei Chen showed up in the free market, he attracted attention. He had no choice but to carry a huge epee on his body, which was too conspicuous!
"Oh, it's out! I don't know what happened inside."

"I guess the thing will come back, look at the face of the King of Light, it's dark!"

"That's right, it seems that in the future, it is better not to use the objects that are too expensive to be appraised by the appraisal instrument."

With such a incident, the appraiser's praise in the hearts of everyone has been greatly reduced!
"How is it?" Huang Yang ran over first and asked, seeing Wei Chen shook his head, he shut his mouth and began to meditate.

Wei Chen closed his eyes and turned his vision completely to the gray elves.Seeing that there was a house in front of the gray elf, Wei Chen specially controlled the gray elf to fly in the air, so as to prevent Luo Sheng from avoiding his pursuit by going into corners.

"Ask those big guys first." Huang Yang said, "They know a little more!"

"Right on my mind!"

Wei Chen nodded, he had thought of this method just now, but now there is still a problem, that is, he doesn't know where those big shots live, so Wei Chen expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Huang Yang waved his hands and said, "It's okay, someone has already informed them, why didn't they come when you made such a big commotion?"

That's good.

Wei Chen felt relieved, now he was just waiting for those big bosses to come over.

"Big, my lord!"

At this moment, a trembling voice came from Wei Chen's ear, "My lord, it was all my fault just now. I didn't know that the instrument cheated people, so I hoped for Haihan!"

Wei Chen took a quick look and found that it was orange peel, so he said, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

Call ~
Hearing what Wei Chen said, Cheng Pi was relieved.It's also funny that he behaved like this, obviously the system took away Wei Chen's Dragon Ball, yet he came to make amends, obviously a bit unreasonable.However, this is the survival rule of their group!In front of the strong, you must take the initiative to admit your mistakes and bow your head, no matter whether this matter has anything to do with you or not!
Wei Chen didn't wait long when the crowd suddenly stepped aside.

"Mr. Guangwang, I don't know what happened, can you tell me in detail?"

"Yes!" Seeing Lei Ming approaching, Wei Chen nodded at him and said, "Find a quieter place, I have something to ask!"

"Hehe, just right, I also have something to ask sir!"

Before Lei Ming could respond, the ladyboy behind him stood up and said.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen asked Cheng Pi to meet the other bosses here, while he, Lei Ming and his party found a quiet room and got in.As for Xu Jie and the others, Wei Chen asked Huang Yang to take them for a stroll. Xu Jie and Zhang Qian were usually in the deserted ruins, and it was difficult for them to come across the market. I felt sorry for them for not giving full play to their female characteristics.But in this way, Huang Yang will suffer. It is scary for a woman to go shopping, especially a woman who has not enjoyed this kind of fun for a long time!

The place Lei Ming took Wei Chen to was a place where bigwigs often hold meetings.Seeing this, Xiong Tou asked Xiong Da's dog friends to help send his son back, and he followed Wei Chen and his party to the meeting place.

"I've heard the general story."

When he came to the meeting room, Lei Ming randomly found a seat and sat down. The ladyboy sat directly next to Lei Ming, but Lei Ming seemed to dislike this guy a little, and after moving the chair a little, he continued: "Before you ask us questions Now, I want to ask you a question first, did you get that bead from a monster?"


Wei Chen nodded, it seems that the Dragon Ball was forcibly seized, it was not an accidental act!

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(End of this chapter)

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