Doom Ray

Chapter 151 Get ready!

Chapter 151 Get ready!
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"That's right!" Lei Ming regained his energy immediately, "Let me tell you the efficacy of the bead! Anyway, the bead is no secret among us."

"Hmph! Speaking out will scare you to death!" The ladyboy pointed her finger and interjected.But Wei Chen was terrified by his movements.

Lei Ming was sitting for a while, and continued: "King Guang, you should know that there is still a realm above Lieyang! But if you absorb energy in the usual way, you can't reach that height!"

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face.He has never heard of this kind of thing. According to the idea of ​​the old corpse king before, the seeds will be cultivated after the fruit is grown. After the seeds are full, they will germinate. Only by meditating to absorb energy can this process be carried out effectively.But now, Lei Ming told him that he couldn't advance in this way!

Lei Ming sighed and said: "Actually, from the first person who arrived here, no, from the outbreak of the end of the world, we have been looking for the cause. Maybe it's because I watched too many movies, so many people thought it was a virus outbreak at first, especially When we found such an advanced place, this thought was deepened. At that time, we all believed that it was those alien creatures that carried or dropped the virus to our earth."

"Wait a minute, what does this have to do with the next stage of realm?" Wei Chen said, Lei Ming seemed to be a bit biased!Wei Chen has absolutely no interest in how the zombies came to be.

"Don't worry, you have to talk about the cause and effect."

Old Lei Ming blushed, and then went directly to the topic, "Later we found a ruin nearby, and found a lot of documents in it, including the mention of beads. If we advance normally, it will be because the seeds are not strong enough, or The seeds are too strong, and the sprouts cannot grow! Only by finding the zero point of seed germination can we hope to enter the next stage!"

"But it's too difficult to find the critical point, so I found other solutions, one of which is to use external force to fix the zero point!" Lei Ming drew a bead shape on the table and said: "Your bead, It was used to fix the critical point, but it's a pity."

After finishing speaking, Lei Ming sighed, and the beads were snatched away.

Wei Chen on the side was stunned for a long time, he didn't expect the effect of Dragon Ball to be so great!As for why Lei Ming told him this, Wei Chen could almost guess that they wanted to be the first to test the owner of this area!
Sure enough, I only heard Lei Ming say: "But you also know that once the beads are brought back, they will be plundered by the brigade owner, so we can only settle for the next best thing, relying on the points and contributions obtained by the beads to exchange for that A wishing stone. Although it may not be effective, at least it can make a wish to wipe away the ball."

Wei Chen nodded, no wonder such an unreliable wishing stone can be ranked No.1 on the leaderboard!
"This is the address of the owner of the brigade, you can look for it and see if you can get the beads back."

In the end, Lei Ming's actions did not exceed Wei Chen's expectations. He took out a piece of paper, wrote an address, and handed the note to Wei Chen.

Sure enough.

Wei Chen took a breath.This is a blatant conspiracy!Knowing that he was going to beg for beads, Lei Ming forcefully instilled in him the importance of beads, so that Wei Chen had to face the powerful land master!Judging by the attitudes of Lei Ming and the others, the Ludi Master must be very strong!So strong that after Lei Ming and his group got the beads in the ruins, they couldn't escape with the beads!

At this point, Wei Chen could only jump into the pit, so he accepted the note.


After getting the note and seeing the location written on it, Wei Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.Then, under the watchful eyes of Lei Ming and several new bosses, he walked out.

"Did you say he would go?"

Chi Xin knocked on the table, a group of them had gathered together for a while, she guessed what Lei Ming wanted to do right away.

"Yes! Certainly!"

Lei Ming looked around, took a deep breath and said: "As long as you are a person, you will not be indifferent to that bead! It's fine if he didn't know the efficacy of the bead before, and the land master can beat the King of Light with just a few things. But now that the King of Light knows the effect of the beads, Lu Landlord can't get rid of him, and according to the personalities of the two parties, it is estimated that they will have to fight in the end!"

"The benefits of the left-handed fisherman, right?"

The ladyboy glanced at Lei Ming, "I'm afraid they won't be able to fight!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen!" Lei Ming said confidently, "Unless they are old acquaintances, it's hard to have room for negotiation!"

Wei Chen went out and took out another note with a wry smile on his face. The addresses of the two places were exactly the same!
"What a coincidence!"

Wei Chen smiled, he never thought that the owner of Lu Land was actually the white-haired middle-aged Luo Sheng. At first, he thought it should be some strange-looking aliens or computer intelligence.

Turning the vision of the gray elf, Wei Chen saw the scene inside through the window of Luo Sheng's residence.

Luo Sheng was grinding coffee beans at the moment, and there were two cups on the table, as if waiting for someone.Wei Chen raised his eyebrows when he saw it, "So enthusiastic!"

It's not that Wei Chen is narcissistic. Judging from this situation, the cup should be for him!
That being the case, Wei Chen was not in a hurry to go, instead he turned back to the luxury accessories area.


Walking into the store, a super-simulated robot next to him bowed to Wei Chen, and its movements did not lag in the slightest.

"The number of guest points is detected, and the VIP mode is turned on!"

Immediately afterwards, the system's cold voice sounded from all around.

Wei Chen turned his eyes to look, this voice should be used to save face for those distinguished guests!Think about it, if someone like Xiong Da came here, and the system suddenly popped up such a sentence, wouldn't it be more face-saving?

"There's no one here." Wei Chen muttered, he was the only one wandering around in such a big shop.

"But it's okay, it's clean!"

As he said that, Wei Chen called the robot over and said, "One man's clothes and one women's clothes, bring all the most expensive ones!"

"As ordered!"

After the robot listened, it ran to get things by itself.Regarding buying clothes, Wei Chen has no experience, so he can only buy the most expensive ones based on the nature of a local tyrant.

Soon, the most expensive men's and women's clothing in the store were put up by robots.

"Okay! That's it!"

Seeing the two clothes, Wei Chen's eyes lit up!As expected of the two most expensive items, they are really extraordinary!
"Please enter the wearer's system and age, and the system will make fine-tuning according to different situations."

"The male scans mine." Wei Chen said, "The female?"

Having said that, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.As for Huangfu Ling's size, Wei Chen didn't know, but it wasn't a problem!Although he only had contact with Huangfu Ling for a short period of time, Wei Chen remembered every minute and every second of that time clearly, and that figure could be easily outlined in his mind!

Immediately, a burst of red mist suddenly appeared on Wei Chen's body, and with a stretch of his hand, the mimetic threads were disrupted into small particles, and quickly reassembled in front of Wei Chen!
Yes, it doesn't matter if you don't know the size of Huangfu Ling, Wei Chen can just simulate it for her!
"Wait! I can save you soon!"

Looking at the gradually formed body, Wei Chen murmured, knowing that Luo Sheng took the Dragon Ball, he started to prepare coffee for him, Wei Chen understood that this is a very good opportunity!
Wei Chen smiled, and the next moment, a stern look flashed in his eyes!
"Maybe it would be nice to grab a kiss!"

(End of this chapter)

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