Doom Ray

Chapter 152

Chapter 152
"Please pick it up in three days."

After spending more than one hundred thousand points, these two wedding dresses were settled. The moment Wei Chen walked out of the store, Wei Chen didn't know why he did this, maybe it was a young impulse.

The gray elf is now at Luo Sheng's residence, and it is convenient for Wei Chen to find him, as long as he walks in the direction of the gray elf.Along the way, Wei Chen also took a look at the buildings in the central area. Most of them are European-style villas. Of course, there are also a few Chinese courtyards, which are quite simple.

"If Luo Sheng is a nice person, this is a good place to stay."

Looking at it, Wei Chen has changed from an appreciation attitude to a purchase attitude.Indeed, the conditions here are much better than outside, with blue sky and green water, and the housing environment is also very good.

Luo Sheng's residence is in the inner area, separated from the luxury accessories area by a free market and two villa areas, so by the time Wei Chen arrived at Luo Sheng's house, the cup of coffee was already cold.

"come in!"

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted and opened the door to enter.Since Luo Sheng is the owner here, it is not difficult to know that he has come to the door.

"I just can't figure out why you suddenly went back to buy such expensive clothes, so I have to make you a cup of coffee again."

Wei Chen grimaced, seeing Luo Sheng's reaction, he probably chose peace talks.Afterwards, Wei Chen also sat down on the sofa very bluntly. He saw Luo Sheng sitting on the opposite sofa waiting for him through the gray elf before, so the sofa position Wei Chen made now is correct.

"You know, making a cup of coffee is hard."

Seeing that Wei Chen was very active, Luo Sheng also minded, while talking, he was still grinding the coffee beans in his hand, "This thing is not evenly ground, and the taste of brewing will not have that strong feeling. After a long time, it will become sour again, it is difficult!"

As he spoke, Luo Sheng poured the ground powder into the gauze, put it in the funnel, picked up the boiling water and poured it slowly over the coffee powder, and the filtered coffee liquid dripped from the filter net, looking very elastic.

After brewing, Luo Sheng took the glass bottle filled with coffee, sat across from Wei Chen, poured the cold cup of coffee into the trash can, and refilled it for Wei Chen.

"I have to say, every time I do these movements, I feel very moved!" Luo Sheng put down the glass bottle and said, "Try it."

"it is good."

Wei Chen was not polite, he directly picked up the cup and took a sip, his face full of sadness.

"How is it?" Luo Sheng looked at Wei Chen expectantly.

What kind of coffee is this? It's obviously black water.

Wei Chen licked his lower lip. Although he doesn't know how to taste coffee, he can still distinguish the taste of water and coffee!I don't know how this guy did it, but he actually brewed a cup of black water alive!
"So-so." Wei Chen commented, of course, there is a lot of moisture in it.

However, Luo Sheng frowned and asked, "Really?"

"Fake." Wei Chen shrugged helplessly, it seemed that Luo Shengduo's ability to identify lies was quite high, so Wei Chen added: "It's not delicious at all!"


Luo Sheng smiled wryly, with a look of knowing this.Then he took out a bead from his pocket, the red color on the bead was already so rich that it was about to drip.

Luo Sheng threw the beads to Wei Chen and said, "I'll give it back to you, this thing has already been used."

Wei Chen took the dragon ball and looked at Luo Sheng with puzzled eyes, did he take a useless ball?

"Don't look at me like that, haven't you tuned to the beads yourself?" Luo Sheng pointed to Wei Chen's head and said, "If you don't believe me, try hitting the beads with that spoon, the seeds in your head will Sensitive."

Wei Chen nodded, picked up the spoon suspiciously, and tapped the beads on his hand.Sure enough, the seeds in his head trembled along with the beads!

Knock it!

Knock twice!

As Wei Chen kept knocking on the dragon ball, the seeds in his mind kept trembling. Now, Wei Chen believed it.

"When did this happen?"

Wei Chen wondered, but Luo Sheng couldn't answer this question for him.So Wei Chen began to recall when he got the dragon ball. He remembered what the old corpse king wanted to use the dragon ball for. Now it seems that it should be tuned to let the seeds in his brain germinate!
Later, he fought with the old corpse king, and finally killed the old corpse king after recovering his energy through meditation.

"By the way, it should be when we were fighting the old corpse king!" Thinking of this, Wei Chen remembered that he was blind during that period of time, and it must have something to do with Dragon Ball, maybe it was at that time that he coordinated with Dragon Ball.

Whatever it is, let it be!

Wei Chen, who fell into the memory, quickly woke himself up. Since the Dragon Ball has been coordinated with him, then this thing should only be used by himself, and there is no need to worry about these things anymore.

Seeing Wei Chen come back to his senses, Luo Sheng said, and got to the point: "I know the purpose of your coming, to gather people to rescue your old friend, right?"

"Yes, what conditions will allow you to make a move!" Luo Sheng got straight to the point, and Wei Chen also said straightforwardly.

"I can take action, but at most I will help you deal with your so-called masterminds, and I will ignore the rest." Luo Sheng said a little bit, and Wei Chen was very happy to hear that, but then the topic changed, "But I also want you Please do me a favor."

"Is it about the beads?"

"Yes, it has something to do with the beads. I also want to break through to the next level." Luo Sheng said, "If I'm not wrong, you should know that us people can't touch the beads directly, right? Since the beads are with you, That means that guy Bai Jing is dead, right?"

"White Mirror? Old Corpse King?"

Wei Chen was startled, this was the first time he heard the name of the old corpse king.

"Yes, it's the old man who survived after being stabbed by me!" Luo Sheng continued, but he didn't know that these words caused an uproar in Wei Chen's heart.

The needle on the old corpse king's head was actually inserted by this person!In other words, this person's name is not Luo Sheng at all, he should be called Niu Luo!

Wei Chen frowned, this old corpse king really likes to deceive people, this Luo Sheng doesn't seem to be a zombie, right?

"Hahaha, isn't it great to be cheated?" Luo Sheng laughed loudly, "He is the most cunning one in our group, luckily he is dead."

Wei Chen felt the same way, this old corpse king is indeed not a good bird, and his tricks are quite superb.But thinking of the old corpse king, Wei Chen broke out in a cold sweat suddenly. Since the old corpse king would lie to him, how can he prove that Luo Sheng is not lying to him?Judging from Luo Sheng's concealment of his name, Wei Chen felt that he might be jumping into a new pit!

Must fight back!

Wei Chen's eyes froze, he is not that young man who is slaughtered by others!Soon, a plan took shape!

"How about this deal?"

"I agree!"

Wei Chen said, "But I have one condition. After I get another bead, you must first help me deal with the behind-the-scenes creatures. How about I hand it over to you afterwards!"

"Oh? It seems that you don't trust me very much." Luo Sheng is not an idiot, so he naturally heard that Wei Chen still had scruples.

Wei Chen nodded frankly and said, "Yes, I don't believe you now!"

"Well, just do as you say, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

Luo Sheng picked up the coffee and drank it in one gulp.

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, the old corpse king likes to lie, but Wei Chen will repay that kindness!This bull must die!

(End of this chapter)

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