Doom Ray

Chapter 153 Chopping Hands!

Chapter 153 Chopping Hands!

A group of Lei Ming sat in the parliament, some shook their legs, and some clenched their fists in thought.The ladyboy took out the makeup box and touched up her makeup, while Lei Ming sat comfortably, lit a cigarette and began to smoke, waiting for the loud noise to come.

However, the outcome of the matter disappointed him. Not only did the battle not start, Wei Chen knocked on the door carelessly and came back.

Seeing this, Lei Ming broke into a cold sweat, what does this mean?This shows that Wei Chen and that Luo Sheng are acquaintances!Their friendship has reached the level where they can talk peacefully about the ownership of a treasure!

Seeing Lei Ming's embarrassing look, Wei Chen was not surprised, he was already fine without trying to figure it out.

"Oh! Look quickly, the King of Light is back!" The shemale covered the cosmetics box, breaking Lei Ming's embarrassment, "How's it going? Did you get it back?"

As he said that, the shemale raised her head and probed, trying to find the exact location of the bead from Wei Chen's body.

"Bring it back!"

Wei Chen patted his pocket, indicating that the things were in it, then sat down at a random place and said, "Okay, let's talk about the ruins."


Lei Ming cleared his throat and said, "It's fine to talk, but in the end, the beads in the monster's body can't be given to you."

"Why?" Wei Chen frowned.

Lei Ming is not a fool either, Wei Chen can easily get the beads back from Luo Sheng, and it is a relic when he comes here, so if you think about it, you can know that the exchange between Wei Chen and Luo Sheng is probably two beads.As for why Luo Sheng didn't use the bead in Wei Chen's hand, Lei Ming couldn't figure it out.

It's a pity that Lei Ming only guessed right, Wei Chen did want the beads in the ruins, but the content of the transaction with Luo Sheng was not about exchanging beads.

"I've given it to you, what shall we do? I know that after we get the beads, we will definitely give them to Ludi Master, so that he can grant us a lot of permissions, and even the wishing stone can be exchanged for. But if If the beads are given to you, it will be different. Not only will we go with you at the expense of casualties, but we will return with empty hands. I would like to ask you, would you like to be replaced by you?"

Wei Chen nodded, indeed, what Lei Ming said made sense, if he got the beads, then Lei Ming's side would have nothing to gain, and most importantly, in this way, there would be no way for Lei Ming and the others to accompany him to save Huangfu Ling !
I have a headache!
On the one hand, there is the powerful Luo Sheng, and on the other hand, there is the large group of Lei Ming and his party.You can not have it both ways!
Isn't there a way to have both?Wei Chen thought for a while, now he can only communicate with Luo Sheng, whether it is Lei Ming's side or Luo Sheng's side, he doesn't want to give up!

"Wait a minute, I'll go!"

So, Wei Chen got up and walked out without looking back.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~~ I didn't expect this kid to really know Luo Sheng!" Alan De squinted his eyes, looked at Wei Chen who walked out and praised: "Amazing!"

After hearing this, several big men around nodded in agreement.

"Hey! Do you think it will be successful this time?"

"I'm not sure. After all, I just negotiated a deal before, and Luo Sheng wouldn't be so kind!"

"It's just because we are too weak!"

"That's right, if we had that kind of strength, we would have already given up Luo Sheng, and it's his turn to point fingers!"

"Shh! Keep your voices down, be careful not to be heard by Luo Sheng, I guess this area is full of monitors and listeners!"

On the other side, Wei Chen hurried back.

"Did that guy make another cup of coffee?"

The corner of Wei Chen's mouth twitched, this premonition was very strong.

Arriving at Luo Sheng's residence, before Wei Chen could knock on the door, the door opened automatically.


This place is no different from when Wei Chen left before!The only difference is that the cup of coffee on Wei Chen's seat that he drank was full again!
Seeing this, Wei Chen swaggered back to his original seat.

"This time, is it about Lei Ming and their points?"

Luo Sheng opened the mouth and said, the realm is high, and people don't like to bend around.

"Yes!" Wei Chen nodded and replied, "In addition to helping me save people, you also have to cash in all the points you promised Lei Ming back then."

"Heh~" Luo Sheng sneered, picked up his coffee and took a sip before saying, "Good idea!"

Wei Chen shook his head and said, "Of course you want to be beautiful! Turn around, the bead is with me!"

"Joke, it's very easy for me to kill you! Don't elevate yourself!" Luo Sheng sneered for a while.Seeing that expression, Wei Chen straightened his hair.


Suddenly, Luo Sheng changed his voice and said, "It's not impossible!"

This guy really is.
Wei Chen smiled dumbly, so he hurriedly asked, "What conditions?"

"The condition is very simple, that is, when you go to fetch the beads this time, cut off a hand for me by the way."

Luo Sheng said.Hearing that, Wei Chen was taken aback for a while.

Cut off a hand?What's the meaning?Anyone else top this bead too?

Looking at Wei Chen who was puzzled, Luo Sheng's face was a little cold, and he continued: "You should know that my place is not the only place in the brigade, besides me, the old zombie you saw earlier is also there! There are other places too. There are lodgings."

Wei Chen widened his eyes, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, these are all secrets.

"What I didn't expect this time was that the bastard on the west side couldn't find any beads by himself, so he sent someone to grab my things!" Luo Sheng slapped the table angrily and said, "How fucking shameless!"

Wei Chen's eyelids twitched, and he twisted his body backwards to avoid the splashing coffee liquid.

He finally understood that Luo Sheng wanted him to cut off the hand that stretched out to snatch the food!
"No problem, it can be cut into several sections!" The problem was solved, and Wei Chen didn't have to worry about it so much. It's just chopping off his hands, so there's nothing difficult about it.

"It's best not to let any one go! Kill all those who surrender, I want to make that guy regret his decision."

Luo Sheng who said this had a calm expression on his face, Wei Chen's face only twitched, this is probably a precursor to an explosion!

After talking here, Wei Chen rushed back again. According to Luo Sheng, that group of people probably had already entered the ruins, so Wei Chen had to act immediately!
Wei Chen, who was running on the road, asked the gray elves to locate Huang Yang and the others in order to save time. It would be easier for Wei Chen to find them later, after all, it would be easier to do things with a few more helpers.


The door of the conference room was pushed open by Wei Chen in a hurry, and Wei Chen immediately attracted the attention of the audience.Compared with before, there are two more bosses here.

"It's over."

"Really! You won't be bluffing us, will you?"

Hearing those three words in Wei Chen's mouth, many people felt a little unbelievable. When did this Luo Sheng become so talkative?Or does this King of Light have some powerful trump card or background that Luo Sheng dare not mess with?

"Really, he agreed! But there is one condition." Wei Chen said seriously.

"What conditions?"

Alan De, who was on the side, asked, and this question was what everyone wanted to ask.

Seeing that the seats were full, Wei Chen pulled a chair from the side and sat down, and said slowly: "The owner of another brigade is sending his men to grab the beads, and they are already in the ruins!"


"They dare!"

Wei Chen was only halfway through speaking, and many people started angrily complaining.Lei Ming waved his hand and asked them to sit down and listen to Wei Chen continue.

"Luo Sheng's condition is to kill all the intruders!"

Wei Chen licked his lower lip, this condition was bloody enough.

"it is good!"

Lei Ming shouted, and agreed immediately, "Let's go now!"

A few people present nodded their heads, their own cakes can be fought internally, but outsiders are absolutely not allowed to add a bite!
(End of this chapter)

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