Doom Ray

Chapter 154 The Hidden Scorpion

Chapter 154 The Hidden Scorpion

"A lot of people!"

"You don't know that, those bosses are going to explore the ruins again."

The bystanders nodded inexplicably.

Wei Chen was also in the team, so he had to boast that the speed with which these people gathered was really fast.Before Wei Chen gathered Huang Yang and the others, Lei Ming's team was already waiting outside the central area.

"It was spectacular!"

Xu Jie, who was sitting on his head and shoulders tilted, said that there are more than a hundred people in the whole team, all of whom are very powerful people!Coupled with the fact that he had already had a run-in when he was exploring the ruins before, his combat effectiveness was terrifying.

Wei Chen looked at the [-]-man brigade with relief.The strength is strong, and there are many Lieyang strong people, even in terms of weapons, they are not inferior to the behind-the-scenes creatures with little resources!This is the capital he pulled to save Huangfu Ling!

"King of Light, just ahead!"

Lei Ming walked aside and pointed forward.Wei Chen looked in the direction of his finger, it was just a ruin, there was nothing special about it.

Wei Chen knew that the ruins could not be so conspicuous, so he mobilized the gray elves to go up and have a look.Sure enough, what came from the gray elf's vision was not what Wei Chen saw in front of him!
The ruins that Wei Chen saw had long since ceased to exist, replaced by a huge statue with its mouth open, as if swallowing the world.

"Is there a protective film?"

Wei Chen turned his head and asked Lei Ming, only to see Lei Ming's eyes twitch, why didn't he play cards according to common sense?
In the end, Lei Ming had no choice but to compliment: "Good eyesight!"

Wei Chen touched his head and smiled, but didn't say anything.Today's gray elves have long been almost transparent, and when they float past, they only let the surrounding light refract, making it difficult to be spotted.

Soon the team put on the film and stood in front of the shocking mouth.Wei Chen looked around, and found that Xiong Tou also came, not only came, but also took Xiong Da, probably to catch his son out to practice.

"Team Thunder, there is a situation!"

Suddenly, the team walking in front discovered a problem, Lei Ming rushed over immediately, and Wei Chen also followed to see what happened.It turned out that there were rows of footprints on the lower lip of the big mouth, and the trap on the side was also triggered, indicating that someone was coming here.


Lei Ming frowned, although he had heard from Wei Chen that someone was digging the cake, but when he actually saw it, he couldn't help feeling annoyed.

"Tianmu, go and have a look."

"it is good."

As he said that, Tianmu released his third eye to scan the road ahead, and the whole team was waiting for his result.

The scans are still going on, this is work that has to be done, and who knows if that team has put something along the way.

Wei Chen looked at the sweaty third eye and shook his head. He knew the function of the third eye, which can send out mental shock waves, but now he uses this eye to find the way, which feels like overkill.

"Put away the third eye, there is nothing in front."

Wei Chen directly said that his gray elves are much better than Tianmu's eyes in this respect.

Tianmu retracted his eyes when he heard this, and looked at Wei Chen suspiciously.Lei Ming also looked at Wei Chen in surprise, this guy also has investigative skills?
Not only Lei Ming, but even the heads of the group of people like Shemale, Burning Man, Chi Xin and Alan De all had this question popped up at this moment.

"Let's go!"

Wei Chen condensed a golden sword and walked in first. With gray elves exploring the way, he didn't have to worry so much.

Seeing that Wei Chen dared to take the lead, the doubts of Lei Ming's group were also dispelled.But to put it another way, Wei Chen still needs them to save people, how could he cheat them?
Naturally, there were no lights in the ruins, so Wei Chen simply burst into a red mist state, condensing a large pile of golden swords, letting them fly all over the sky for lighting.

"This King of Light, you will be discovered by the enemy!"

The ladyboy said later with great scruples. According to the current situation, they are in the dark, and it is much more convenient to sneak attack in a while, and the casualties will be greatly reduced.But what Wei Chen is doing now is tantamount to telling the enemy loudly that we are coming, wash your neck and wait!

Lei Ming was also very dissatisfied. He wanted to sneak attack at first, but now it seems that he was not ambushed by the opponent.

It's a pity that Wei Chen didn't think so. Sneak attack or something, it's not a ploy, that's what strength is!He is not afraid.Now he only hopes that those people can get together and let him do it all together!Complete Luo Sheng's commission.

"rest assured!"

Wei Chen waved his hand, giving the people behind him a reassuring look.Seeing this, the others couldn't say anything, even in Xiong Da's heart, he wished that Wei Chen would be chopped into minced meat by the team that suddenly attacked.

When approaching the ruins, there is a long downhill passage. The air and the rock wall are very humid, giving people a very dull feeling.But Wei Chen, who has experienced underground, feels very comfortable at this moment, not only Wei Chen, but also tilting his head. He has lived underground for countless years, and it feels like returning home after entering the ruins.

At the bottom of the passage, there was a quagmire. Compared to the discomfort of the others, Wei Chen and Tietou ran happily.

"King of Light, go this way!"

Lei Ming pointed and said earlier that there is a fork in the road ahead, but fortunately Lei Ming and his group have already figured out the way.

Wei Chen is still walking in the front, although this action looks stupid to some people, but in fact, Wei Chen is protecting these people, they are all members of the rescue team, even if Wei Chen is missing, he will feel sorry for him.

"King of Light, start to be on guard, there are monsters appearing here!" Lei Ming gathered a stun gun in his hand, and said on guard: "There are a lot of them, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen nodded. As for the other team members, they had already aimed all kinds of guns at the surroundings, loaded and ready to fire at any time.Looking at the posture, Wei Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, good guy, there are all kinds of weapons, even the most powerful gravity weapon in the current exchange items, there are several!

Suddenly, Lei Ming threw the electric gun in his hand, and the moist air was very easy to conduct electricity. When the electric gun passed by Wei Chen's side, he could clearly feel the numbness coming from his body.


The stun gun exploded, some disgusting mucus and broken armor were blown up, and a tail with a hook fell in front of Wei Chen.Wei Chen took a closer look, isn't this Scorpion Tail?
"When did it come out!"

Wei Chen's eyes widened. He kept the gray elves on guard in front, but he didn't see where the scorpion came from!

However, the next moment, Wei Chen understood why!
I saw that the originally wet rock wall began to slowly become higher.The space that was originally not that big suddenly shrank a lot at this moment!Co-authored scorpions are all disguised as rock walls!In addition, the cave was already filled with their smell, which made Wei Chen preconceived that the underground air here was originally like this, causing the gray elves' vision to be confused!
Immediately, Wei Chen exhaled and exclaimed, "Amazing!"


Thunder roared, and all the team members pulled the trigger unanimously!All of a sudden, all kinds of gunfire illuminated the space!Immediately, countless limbs were blown to pieces, and mucus splashed on the team members, corroding the clothes into small holes.

"It seems that these are the guardians, just like the murlocs back then!"

Wei Chen commanded the golden sword, "Kill!"

"Chi Chi Chi~~~"

The golden sword easily passed through the bodies of these scorpions. With Wei Chen joining, the number of casualties of the scorpions began to increase dramatically!Wei Chen is very good at fighting in groups!

(End of this chapter)

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