Doom Ray

Chapter 155 Accelerated upgrade speed!

Chapter 155 Accelerated upgrade speed!

"During the dream match, this guy killed the enemy like this, right?"

Seeing the golden sword like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, many people expressed emotion, calling them to go alone, and they were torn to pieces by scorpions.You must know that the scorpions here are not only big, but also poisonous!
"Ah, I got stung!"

"Don't panic, step back and inject the serum first, and the brothers behind will go up!"

Lei Ming commanded that they had already prepared for this kind of scorpion poison.Then, the man took out a needle tube from his clothes, and there was some green liquid in the needle tube, which seemed to be the serum of scorpion venom.

"Ah! Big brother, I was stung too!"

Suddenly, Xu Jie who was on the side exclaimed that her little hand was accidentally swept by the scorpion's tail hook, and a wound about one centimeter deep appeared on her hand. Go green!
Xu Jie shook her hand, and now her whole hand was numb, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Little sister, come here, I have serum here."

Chi Xin hurriedly shouted, she knew that this girl was someone close to King Guang, so she didn't dare to neglect her.However, this time, she was overwhelmed.Detoxification is too simple for Wei Chen!
Wei Chen didn't turn his head, and threw the white light from his hand into Xu Jie's body.In just a moment, the black tissue on Xu Jie's wound was metabolized spontaneously, and the black blood flowing out became normal.

"much better!"

Clenching her fists, Xu Jie continued to join the fight.But all of this was seen by Chi Xin who was on the side, and he suddenly felt bad.

This skill is too comprehensive, not only has a powerful attack, superb detection ability, but now it seems that there is also a detoxification skill!
"Miss, be careful!"

Suddenly, a scorpion pounced on it while the blazing heart was distracted. Fortunately, the team members on the side intercepted the scorpion immediately.

Chi Xin heaved a sigh of relief, recovered his senses and began to take it seriously, but during the fight, his eyes would look at Wei Chen from time to time, full of curiosity.

The bear on the other side calmed down, then patted his son's head with his palm, warning: "Don't provoke that guy in the future!"

Xiong Da was baffled by the photo, but seeing his father's serious expression, he didn't dare to make a mistake, and nodded in agreement.

Just kidding, others don't know what Wei Chen's remaining skills are, but Xiongtou knows!It's healing!When Wei Chen cut off a hand, he was treated by others!

"This combination of skills is perfect!"

Xiongtou envied secretly in his heart, and then looked at his own bear paw in the blink of an eye.
At this moment, Wei Chen was frowning and thinking about something, because just now, he discovered a very interesting thing!

"The scorpion is back!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, and everyone else looked up into the distance. Sure enough, the scorpion in the back row seemed to have been killed and frightened, and they all turned around and retreated in panic.

At this moment, many people breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground, while some cheered because this was the first time they fought off the tide of scorpions.

"Captain Lei, those people must have gone the wrong way!"

After fighting the scorpions on the way in, the intruder team has never encountered Lei Ming and the others. The only possibility is to go another way.

"That's even better!" Lei Ming said, "That road is a dead end. Not only is it a waste of time, but there are many scorpions on the road, enough for them to drink a pot."

"Mostly move on! Send some people to set up traps in the back, and trap them again!"

Aland stepped forward and said that most of them agreed with this opinion.

"King of Light, it's up to you!"

Lei Ming saluted Wei Chen, but the way of saluting seemed a bit awkward.However, Wei Chen's mind at the moment has long since ceased to focus on this. He has been thinking about one thing.

When Xu Jie was poisoned just now, Wei Chen naturally used disperse. Although it seems to be nothing on the surface, it must be remembered that energy-type special abilities can only use one skill at a time!
"It seems that it is feasible to use one mind at two times!"

Wei Chen looked at his left and right hands, and began to look for the feeling just now, but unfortunately, that moment was too short, so short that he didn't even notice it.

After thinking for a long time, the team had already moved on, so Wei Chen had to stop thinking and keep up with the team.

After the battle just now, there was no death, but there were a few injured. Wei Chen tried to heal them, but before the healing technique was used, he felt the golden sword crumble, and then stopped releasing it.

"A long way to go!"

Wei Chen sighed, this idea is not so easy to succeed.

After stepping over a large number of scorpion corpses, Wei Chen and his party came to a hole similar to a passage. There were small holes in the muddy ground, which should have been left when the scorpions retreated.

"Check the equipment!"

Thunder issued an order, and it was estimated that there would be another battle to be fought in a while.

Energy-type special abilities such as Lei Ming and Chi Xin sat down and began to meditate to recover their energy.The same is true for Wei Chen, but this meditation is different from the other times!
It has to be said that skills cannot be used during meditation, and then the flying swords in the sky disappeared one by one, turning into energy and returning to Wei Chen's body.According to common sense, Wei Chen's fruit can hold the energy of a hundred petals now, and if it is counted as a mimic, it is also about a hundred. Therefore, Wei Chen has recovered after only absorbing the energy of two swords.

But here comes the problem, there are more than two golden swords in the sky!
"It won't be able to absorb it?"

Wei Chen raised his head, and an idea was brewing in his mind.Then he continued to meditate, sucking back all the energy dissipated by the golden swords in the sky!Think about it, how many mimics are there!

Wei Chen held back the excitement in his heart, so much energy was absorbed, those seeds grew purple spots at a speed visible to the naked eye, and these spots are still expanding!

There is a play!

Wei Chen was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, an unintentional move made him discover a new way to increase his strength, that is, after condensing a large number of golden swords in the red mist state, he then exited the red mist state to absorb these golden swords!
Soon, the remaining energy of the golden sword in the sky was sucked by Wei Chen, and the rapidly increasing pleasure stopped. Wei Chen stood up without a trace of reluctance. He knew that he could enjoy this kind of pleasure anytime he wanted. Feel!

It seems that the promotion is not far away!

Thinking of this, Wei Chen clenched his fists. With such a promotion speed, he was afraid of some black hand behind the scenes. Most importantly, he adjusted the frequency of seed breaking, and he would not have any obstacles before advancing to the imperial rank!
"Huh~ wait for me, this is the earth, not a place for you alien creatures to be reckless!"

Then he put down his harsh words and continued to follow the team.

(End of this chapter)

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