Doom Ray

Chapter 156 Battle against the guards

Chapter 156 Battle against the guards
Except for the small holes in the ground that were pierced by the legs of the scorpion, this cave is very similar to the ruins where Wei Chen stayed before!

There are guards here too!
Wei Chen frowned. Although the guards at the ruins were controlled by the old corpse king, Wei Chen reckoned that it was very likely that the old corpse king snatched the guards to control them after he seized his hometown!

"The rocks here are so slippery! I can't go up!"

Sure enough, upon hearing the shout from the team in front, Wei Chen and the team members tilted their heads and looked at each other in tacit understanding.This place is so similar!
The same passage, the talc at the end of the passage, Wei Chen estimated that if the old corpse king hadn't moved in early, he would have died under the siege of the murlocs long ago!

"Let me do it!"

At this point, even if you think about it with your butt, there is definitely a guard on the top of the talc!Wei Chen, who has rich experience, naturally has to share a little for others. After all, he is a member of the rescue team, and there is no loss!
"it is good."

Seeing that Wei Chen was about to go, the others naturally had no objection.

But since he knew there was a guard waiting for him above, of course Wei Chen had to be prepared.So, Wei Chen sat down on a talc, and the red mist burst out, starting to condense the golden sword.

On the road just now, Wei Chen shamelessly thought of a way to limitless energy, which is to break up the golden sword condensed in the red mist state into energy, and then exit the red mist state to absorb these energies.

This method is shameless, but very practical.It looks like a BUG.

"Will there be any side effects?"

The energy obtained so cheaply made Wei Chen feel ecstatic, very unreal!
"Don't worry about that much, let's talk about it after you beat the guard!"

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Wei Chen began to concentrate on condensing the golden swords, and he didn't stop until there were hundreds of golden swords flying all over the sky.After all, what we have to deal with next is the guards, and Wei Chen dare not take it too seriously.Not only that, those retreating scorpions were probably with the guards too!
It will be a fierce battle for Wei Chen to go up this time!
"Be careful!"

Absorbing two golden swords to replenish energy, Wei Chen told Xu Jie and others.Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wei Chen kicked the ground, stepped on a golden sword, and successfully jumped onto the stone platform by virtue of the buoyancy of the golden sword!In the next second, Wei Chen quickly controlled the two golden swords and placed them not far in front of him.


As Wei Chen expected, when the golden sword appeared in front of him, an invisible sword energy hit the golden sword!The powerful destructive power of the sword qi directly shattered the structure of the golden sword!

The golden sword exploded, and Wei Chen's vision was blocked by the afterglow from the explosion.Wei Chen didn't dare to stay where he was, as he often practiced with the guards, he knew the character of this puppet very well!

Sure enough, the moment Wei Chen moved his body away, there was a sound of breaking the air from where he was originally standing!

"This should be with all your strength!" Wei Chen kept moving, dodging the sword qi that was constantly coming, and for some things that he couldn't dodge, Wei Chen directly let the golden sword resist!

Soon, Wei Chen became familiar with the rhythm of the puppet's release of sword energy. Even later, Wei Chen didn't need a golden sword to resist at all, and he could dodge successfully by relying on his legs!

While dodging, Wei Chen also took time to look at the puppet.Compared with the old corpse king's, the armor on this puppet is thicker and brighter, and the heavy sword in its hand is still shining with blue light, which is much more gorgeous than the one in the hand with its head tilted!
Most importantly, the eyes of this puppet guard are full of red light, looking like they are fully fired!
"go with!"

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of Wei Chen's hand, several golden swords accelerated from above and stabbed at the puppet guard.

The puppet guards completely ignored these golden swords, and still focused on releasing the sword energy to deal with Wei Chen.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

A few golden swords hit the puppet guard's body, but unfortunately, the guard's armor was too thick!The golden sword is completely impenetrable!
Wei Chen frowned, watching the golden sword being bounced back, he suddenly had a hunch that the metal on the armor was the same as the metal on the epee!


Now, no matter what kind of metal it is, Wei Chen has to bite the bullet and use it!

Detonate those rebounded golden swords, and for a while, the puppet guard was submerged in a ray of light!
However, this was of no use, the sword energy flew out of the light without interruption.


Wei Chen said inwardly that it was not good, he stopped being stingy with energy, and burst into a red mist state, and the hundreds of golden swords flying in the space were more than doubled in an instant!
"Come again!"

With a wave of Wei Chen's hand, the two golden swords turned their tips again, and shot towards the puppet guard. Compared with just now, the sound made by the two golden swords breaking through the air was even sharper!
"Ding ding~~"

It's a pity, two crisp sounds, another blow to Wei Chen.That armor is too hard!
The next two explosions were still fruitless, Wei Chen had no choice but to grit his teeth and blast out the black mist!He can't maintain this state for long, so he can only make a quick decision!

"Give it to me!"

Wei Chen became cruel, and with an order, nearly half of the golden sword shot towards the guard, the speed was so fast that it was impossible to catch it with the naked eye!Even the gray elves could barely see the ray.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

Numerous crisp sounds came out, Wei Chen touched the cold sweat, held his hand for a while, and the remaining golden swords were arranged in long strips, with the distance between the swords.

"One last try!"

Wei Chen narrowed his eyes. Since the armor is thick, he should attack at one point. He doesn't believe that the metal is really strong enough to ignore all attacks!


The first golden sword, under Wei Chen's command, collided with the guard's armor, and immediately exploded!Immediately afterwards, it was the second, and the third!
I don't know if it's the guard's own thoughts, or the thoughts of the master behind the control, he seems to be very confident in the armor!Completely ignoring Wei Chen's continuous attacks, the epee in his hand continuously swung out sword energy.


"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

The number of sword points in the sky is decreasing, Wei Chen's heart is also slowly sinking, and the duration of the black mist state is not long. If he can't attack this time, he can only take another heavy sword to fight back. Passed the barrier.

With the same material and the blessing of mimicry, Wei Chen has the confidence to chop the opponent!

However, just when Wei Chen retreated a little bit, there was a slight sound from the armor, and Wei Chen, who had excellent physical fitness, quickly caught a message!

"Successful! Explode!"

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, if there is a crack, it will not be far from breaking the armor!

Wei Chen detonated the golden sword, this time the shock wave successfully lifted up several fragments!

Wei Chen, who saw the dawn, was not idle. Apart from dodging, he kept gathering the new golden sword in his hand!
Immediately, these newly condensed golden swords were sent to the battlefield by Wei Chen!

The next golden sword expanded the original crack a bit, and the tip of the sword even penetrated into the guard's skin!
"Blow me up!"

Following Wei Chen's order again, this piece of armor was directly blown away by the shock wave!
"The next blow will kill you!"

Wei Chen licked his lower lip, the regret of not defeating the guards at the beginning was made up for at this moment!
But this time, Wei Chen was a little early to be happy!The guard saw that the armor was shattered, so he stopped the offensive, swung his epee horizontally, and blocked a deadly golden sword!This is not over yet, as if sensing the danger from the guards, those scorpions that had originally retreated climbed out again!
(End of this chapter)

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