Doom Ray

Chapter 157 Exploring the Ship

Chapter 157 Exploring the Ship

There was a loud bang, and dust was flying above the talc, and the dust rolled down along the large steps formed by the talc, and Wei Chen rolled down together.

"How's it going?"

The ardent and eager question asked everyone's heart.Wei Chen stood up, patted the dust off his body, and gave everyone a relieved look.

Although the guy who controlled the puppet guard later realized the seriousness of the situation and sent scorpions to stop Wei Chen.But, are those scorpions useful to Wei Chen?


In the dream space competition, apart from the BOSS station, is there a wave of monsters that are not overwhelming?Wei Chen has long been used to group battles!The only trouble is that the energy consumed by the black mist state is too fast, many times Wei Chen has to stop to absorb the two golden swords to restore energy.

Later, the guard fell, and the scorpion fled consciously.

"You can go up!" Wei Chen said.


Lei Ming nodded expressionlessly, he would be surprised if Wei Chen lost.

Immediately afterwards, the team began to climb up the slippery rock. When most people came up, the first thing they saw was the potholes left by the battle, and the dust that was still flying. Everyone understood that the opponent in the previous battle should not be easy!For them, being able to run away after encountering this kind of opponent is already very remarkable!It can even be used as bragging capital after drunkenness!
After the group of people went up, they did not rush forward, but waited for the dust to settle before leaving. Before leaving, Lei Ming did not forget to set some traps on the talc. Of course, in order to protect the two people behind, the traps used on the talc were also It is more commonly used in the team.

Wei Chen walked past the ruins guarded by the puppet, picked up the heavy sword with blue light in one hand, threw it to his head and said, "Try it!"

Tilting his head, he took the epee, swung it twice, and inserted it behind his back with great satisfaction.Sometimes Wei Chen couldn't figure out why he still didn't feel anything when something so heavy was pressed on his body!The only thing that can prove that the tilted head has become heavier is the footprints it stepped on, and these footprints are much deeper than before!


Suddenly, lighting sticks were thrown out one by one in the team. The cave was too big, and the lighting equipment they carried couldn't see the specific appearance of the cave clearly.

"Hiss~~ My darling! What is that!"


"No way, there is such a thing here!"

The lighting stick was thrown, and immediately, a very dazzling red light shone in the cave, and the surrounding area was illuminated, and the huge castle that appeared attracted everyone's attention.

Wei Chen compared this place with the affected cave. The layout of this cave is similar to that of the old corpse king. The only difference is probably the castle in front of him!
The old corpse king's castle was made of blue luminescent material, which can glow blue in the dark, but this place does not!Secondly, the old corpse king's castle is more like a castle, with spires and walls, and this castle is more like a super-sized spaceship that has been bumped upside down!
The head of the spaceship is deeply embedded in the ground, and the tail is a fracture, and the architectural style on it is very irregular.

"King Guang, what should we do next?"

Unknowingly, Lei Ming casually asked Wei Chen, as if at this moment, Wei Chen had become the backbone.

"Be careful when you go in! There should be a mechanism inside!" Wei Chen said, he would not forget that when he was close to the old corpse king's castle, if the old corpse king had something to use him, he would waterproof Wei Chen.Otherwise, Wei Chen would have starved to death in that endless corridor long ago!

"I'll listen to you next! You have experience!" Lei Ming said.

Wei Chen agreed to come down, so the team followed Wei Chen and entered.Of course, even though he has experienced it once, Wei Chen cannot be 100% sure that it will be fine this time!
I hope the guy who controls the mechanism is a little stupid!
Wei Chen prayed secretly in his heart, and Lei Ming repeatedly told the team members to be careful after entering, follow closely, don't fall behind, and used all kinds of scary remarks to raise the vigilance of the team members.

However, these preliminary works were of no use after everyone entered the 'header castle'!Even Wei Chen couldn't figure it out, this 'upside-down castle' is really a super-sized spaceship!

"Will this guy be able to navigate the universe?"

Lei Ming was asked coldly by the younger brother at the side. Lei Ming looked at the expectant eyes of the younger brother, smiled and said: "Dream! It's broken like this, and you still want to fly?"

The subordinate scratched his head, yes, this thing is broken like this, it seems to be two pieces shorter, and it is estimated that there is no good performance left.

Immediately afterwards, everyone walked cautiously into the open door at the base of the spaceship, and the scene inside was truly astonishing.Since the entire spaceship was inserted on the ground, the 'floor' under everyone's feet should be a wall.Then came the problem, there are two directions to go, one is to jump down to the head of the spaceship, and the other is to climb up to the broken tail of the spaceship.

Of course, the exploration value of the head of the spaceship is obviously greater than that of the docked tail!Lei Ming simply divided the people into two groups, the main force went down, and the rest slowly explored up.

Wei Chen and his group naturally ran down with Lei Ming's main team. It is worth mentioning that some of the cabins are channel-shaped, with a length of about ten meters, and many people will always get hurt when they jump down.

"Do you think there will be zombies here? You can see that in those games and movies."

While advancing, people in the team kept whispering.

"Jump down quickly! There are really powerful monsters and it's not your turn to take action. You can deal with ordinary monsters by yourself. Why do you think so much!"


After being told a few words by a friend, this person felt quite reasonable, so he jumped down.


Lei Ming commanded the road below to prevent the stampede from happening.However, at this moment, the hatch above suddenly closed!Then the alarm sounded.

Organ trap!

Wei Chen immediately understood that this should be done by the spaceship owner!

Lei Ming let out a cold snort, and thunder light continuously splashed out of his body, and the team members standing nearby could even feel a little numbness in their bodies.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Lei Ming condensed a large amount of electric light with one hand, and pressed against the wall. Immediately, the huge current directly short-circuited the circuit of the control cabin!This is not over yet, the side tilted his head and raised his epee, directly piercing through the intersection leading to the bottom!
"Captain, are you all right?"

Hearing the movement inside, those who did not jump down shouted through a special walkie-talkie.

"It's okay, if the hatch can't be opened, you can go explore it!"

"it is good!"

Order the people above to get rid of them, Wei Chen and Lei Ming continue to go down, their strength can destroy the spaceship, naturally they are not afraid of these ordinary organs, and even if it is a spiritual attack, such as illusion, etc., there is also the Celestial Eye, everyone Don't be afraid!
Everyone is constantly moving forward, but what they don't know is that what they are looking for is not below!

"Thunder Team No"


Hearing the sudden voice from the walkie-talkie, Lei Ming was startled, and quickly shouted back: "What happened!"

"Team Thunder! Come up! The big monster is up there!"


There are a lot of things recently, and most of the time I have time to write in the early morning, I hope everyone will understand us~~
(End of this chapter)

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