Doom Ray

Chapter 158

Chapter 158


As soon as the team member finished speaking, the entire spaceship shook as if it had been hit by something.

Lei Ming was shocked, many of the people above were his team members!These people are the elite of the elite, and they cannot afford to lose!However, the biggest problem now is that I can't go up!The entire cabin is more than ten meters high. Thinking that it is as high as the previous five or six floors, and the cabin door above is also locked, Lei Ming is in a dilemma for a while!

"Give me the sword!"

Lei Ming was in a hurry, and Wei Chen was even more anxious. Before tilting his head to bring the epee, he dodged in one stride and pulled the epee out from the back of the tilting head.Afterwards, a red mist emerged from his body, and a golden sword quickly took shape beside him!

If Lei Ming and others can't get up, it doesn't mean that Wei Chen can't get up!He could step on the golden sword and let the sword drag him up!In order for the golden sword to bear the weight of the epee, Wei Chen still handed the sword to Tilted Head, letting him throw the epee up in a while.


Tilting his head and shaking his head, Wei Chen was a little confused, what's wrong with this guy?
He tilted his head and took off the other epee and held it in his hand. Then, he bent his knees and jumped up suddenly under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone!

I don't know what kind of metal the cabin door is made of, but a foot-shaped pit was directly stepped on by this step!
He tilted his head and rose rapidly, but due to his own weight and the epee, the upward momentum was quickly slowed down.

"No! It's only half of it."

Lei Ming shook his head, this is more than ten meters high, too reluctant.

However, just as Lei Ming finished speaking, he tilted his head and thrust the epee into the wall beside him!Then, with the support of the epee, he jumped up again, and at the same time, a bony hand did not forget to pull out the epee where it was inserted!
"This unscientific!"

Lei Ming almost stared his eyes out. This kind of practice has already violated the laws of physics in the past.Wei Chen secretly praised, this is almost the same effect as dragging himself up with a golden sword. Of course, these are difficult to explain clearly, just like zombies, things that did not exist in the first place, but came inexplicably in seconds.

While talking, the tilted head jumped to the top, and the epee in his hand directly slashed into the door of the upper cabin, but after only one slash, the sword stopped moving forward, and the tilted head just hung on it.

"Let me do it." Wei Chen saw that the golden sword on the side was almost ready, so he assembled the golden sword into a base and stood on it.

"Impossible! This is unscientific!"

Lei Ming exclaimed again, Wei Chen's way of doing this will always give people a feeling of lifting his hair and lifting himself up.

"Wow! Edgeworth Flying! Me too! Me too!"

Xu Jie waved at the side, but Wei Chen ignored it.What a joke, Weichen went up alone, these golden swords were a bit overwhelming, and the internal structure began to collapse.If Xu Jie is added, Wei Chen probably has not yet flown halfway, and they will face the problem of how to survive the explosion.

Seeing Wei Chen flying up, he tilted his head and didn't stop, let go of his hands to let himself fall, and the onlookers below hurriedly moved out of the way.


He landed with his head tilted, and there were two more footprints on the ground.

"How rude!" Xu Jie curled her lips, she was a little dissatisfied that she didn't sit on Wei Chen's golden sword.After tilting his head, he scratched his head and stood aside.Wang Qian yawned boredly. Along the way, she didn't make any big moves except for shooting two arrows when she was besieged by the scorpion just now.Huang Yang has long been used to it, with a pair of eyes watching a play.And Alan, with one hand on Huang Yang's shoulder, looked at the rising Wei Chen, wondering what he was thinking.

As for the golden wolf, it has been thoroughly treated with soy sauce, but it also makes it idle.

Compared with the last time sitting on the golden sword, this time Wei Chen felt more like sitting on a time bomb. Gradually, Wei Chen grasped the epee stuck on the hatch.

"Huh ~ relax a little bit."

With a sigh of relief, Wei Chen began to cut the hatch.But at this moment, Wei Chen really felt the tension of the bomb disposal team. Once the cabin doors are all opened, the weight of the epee will be borne by the golden sword under Wei Chen's buttocks!As long as Wei Chen is careless, he can enjoy the thrill of sex every minute.

There is also a side.

Wei Chen swallowed, cut the last side, and he had to find a way to escape.However, troubles also followed. After the cabin was cut, it would fall downwards, hindering Wei Chen's way of escaping upwards.

If you can't go up, go down!
Wei Chen licked his lower lip, and slid his hands down towards the last edge!

Wei Chen could feel the heaviness of the heavy sword coming from his hand, and the restlessness of the golden sword under his buttocks!Wei Chen didn't dare to stay longer, turned over and jumped off the sword platform.


The golden sword exploded suddenly, slowing down the falling hatch. At the same time, Wei Chen also just landed, but looking at him like that, he seemed to be in a bit of a panic - he was blown up!
"Are you okay?"

Lei Ming hurried forward to express condolences, and the bear in the team rolled his eyes. Don't you know that this guy has healing skills?


Wei Chen waved his hand. Although he can't jump up at this height, it's fine to jump down, "I'll deal with the big guys first, be careful!"

With a word of advice, Wei Chen condensed a few golden swords again, made a sword stand, and lifted himself up.


Jumping out of the cabin, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, took back all the golden swords, and made new golden swords again.

"Go back and change to another metal, iron is still too fragile!"

Wei Chen looked at the newly condensed golden sword, shook his head and said, originally he planned to directly imitate the metal composition of the epee, but because the metal of the epee has become very complicated, Wei Chen even There is no way to analyze it carefully.So I had to settle for the next best thing and choose a relatively low-level metal.

Wei Chen has an idea that maybe one day he can really use the golden sword as a flying machine!

"Where is the monster?"

"Up at the entrance, turn left at the second hatch!"

Hearing Wei Chen's question, a disgusting mix of men and women came from the intercom, and Wei Chen knew it was a shemale.

"Hold on, I'll be there soon!" Wei Chen said, with his feet on the ground, he rolled over and got into a cabin door above, which was much lower than the previous cabin of more than ten meters.

"Not good! The scorpion has come out again, everyone be careful!"

"Here too, I'm on the fourth hatch above the entrance."

Suddenly, warning sounds kept coming from the channel, Wei Chen frowned, he still needed this to know the location.

"Attention! Unless you encounter a big monster, don't occupy the channel!"

Hearing Lei Ming's command, many people shut their mouths. After all, killing the most important one is the most important thing now.

"This thing is pretty smart!"

After the channel was restored, Wei Chen praised the other party very generously, its approach is a bit like guerrilla warfare, first divide the teams, and then break through one by one!

"King of Light, it seems to be heading towards you, be careful!"

"It's okay, it's just in time!"

Wei Chen pressed the button on the walkie-talkie, licked his lower lip, just boasted that you were smart and then immediately became stupid, this guy can't help boasting!

(End of this chapter)

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