Doom Ray

Chapter 159 Killing the Scorpion

Chapter 159 Killing the Scorpion
Since it is coming, Wei Chen will not leave, and find a place to slowly condense the golden sword.With this thing, his energy is almost inexhaustible!Soon, there were hundreds of golden swords floating around Wei Chen, the momentum was like a rainbow!

"King of Light! That guy turned a corner! He didn't go to your place!"

The ladyboy has been broadcasting the location of the target, but just now, the big monster suddenly turned a corner and missed Wei Chen.

"so troublesome."

Wei Chen frowned, and quickly took off, but only halfway through this movement, Wei Chen stopped.According to the previous practice, that guy is not an idiot!It is estimated that this time is also the same, it is likely to lead Wei Chen over!

"Be careful, there is probably a trap in there! Don't move, wait for me to pass!"

Therefore, Wei Chen immediately said into the walkie-talkie, reminding the demons and the others.

"it is good."

The monster team quickly stopped, and Lei Ming also cooperated, directing the nearby team members to stay away from that area.As for the next, then Wei Chen has nothing to do, he still has to go!
After climbing over a wall, a green mark appeared on the ground, presumably it was left behind when the big guy escaped after being wounded by the monsters with their weapons.

"King of Light!"

Wei Chen turned his head and saw that a group of transvestites had also rushed over, but looking at them like that, they were quite embarrassed!Among them, a large piece of facial bone was corroded on the face of a person!Wei Chen wanted to throw some healing light balls at them, but due to the problem with the golden sword, it couldn't be used.

"Leave the injured ones, and follow me!" The ladyboy said to the people behind, now that Wei Chen is here, they can relax, "Remember to be careful of scorpions!"

The entourage nodded.

Ever since, Wei Chen followed the ladyboy.With blood but road signs, Wei Chen felt that it was much more convenient than shouting!Soon, Wei Chen and the transvestites came to a corner, were greeted by a person in the team, and stopped.

"My lord, be careful inside!"

Wei Chen nodded, he knew that this person was in charge of tracking him in the team.It is worth mentioning that almost every team will assign such a character. Although they are not strong in combat, they are good players in exploration and on the way.

But such a person is useless to Wei Chen, he also has detection skills, which are very advanced!
Through the vision of the gray elves, Wei Chen did find the big guy at the corner. There are two huge black front claws standing there, the tail is divided into four, each has a hook, and Wei Chen has carefully looked at that After checking the moving direction of the tail, I found that the four tails can move freely and do not conflict!
Yes, it was this big scorpion that the ladyboys and the others had been chasing for a long time!

"Let me come, you guys get something nearby, don't let him run away!" Wei Chen said, "Also, stand a little farther away!"

After the others listened, they followed suit, after all, that was what King Guang said.The ladyboy also knew that if he kept it, it would add to the chaos, so he and the team members went to set up traps.

Wei Chen took a deep breath, adjusted the frequency of the walkie-talkie, and after saying something, controlled the golden sword to turn around the corner and bombard the scorpion!With the gray elf as vision, he didn't need to stand face to face with that scorpion!

"Boom boom~~"

There were constant explosions at the corner, and the scorpion was also stunned. It had set up a trap here and waited for those who killed it to take the bait. It didn't expect that someone could kill it with a powerful attack without showing up!So, the scorpion panicked, and kept resisting with a pair of front claws.

You must know that before Wei Chen entered the stage of scorching sun, he beat the dragon man who was also guarding the beads to the ground. Even though this scorpion is a little stronger than the dragon man, Wei Chen is stronger now than before. Not a star!
On the other side, where Lei Ming and his party were.

Lei Ming was directing the crowd to keep climbing, rushing to join the battle and rescue their companions.However, when everyone was busy climbing, they didn't realize that there was one person missing in the team!

"It's so high up here."

Wang Qian opened the hatch leading to the bottom and said, of course, this height is naturally not as high as the previous one.The reason why she came down was Wei Chen's order.

This is also the plan that Wei Chen started to arrange after seeing the scorpion.At first he thought that the so-called monster was on the same level as a dragon!Therefore, we dealt with it very carefully, but when Wei Chen saw the scorpion, he understood that the monster at the same level as the dragon should have died too, and these scorpions absorbed the beads just like the murlocs back then. It is the energy emitted that mutates!

In other words, the bead is not on that big scorpion!

In addition, the scorpion appeared above instead of the control room below, which also made Wei Chen think that it was diverting attention!After all, the beads they were looking for were probably still down there!

So, Wei Chen asked Wang Qian, who was most present, to go down and get the beads.


"It hurts so much, the virgin is shattered to pieces!"

Wang Qian scratched her butt beautifully, put down the crossbow arrow with the other hand, and opened the next hatch, "Woo~~ Why are you still jumping?"

Wang Qian was a little wronged. From just now until now, she has been jumping down without doing anything else.

"Are there no scorpions?" Wang Qian, who was nervous, was looking forward to the sudden appearance of a large number of scorpions to attack her.

Sure enough, what happened next was exactly what she thought. In fact, if Wang Qian went to open the door next to the passage, she would find that this is the residential area, the most comfortable place in the entire spaceship!Coupled with where the beads are, there are also a large number of scorpions here!
"Haha! Shoot you to death!"

Seeing the densely packed scorpions crawling over, Wang Qian didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, she opened the crossbow excitedly and shot towards the bottom of the cabin door!Her abilities are used to the fullest in this place!
"It's not bad, it's probably going to level up soon after killing monsters like this!" Wang Qian shook her head and said, but the so-called leveling up must be nonsense.


"Finally I can't stand it anymore!"

Wei Chen smiled and looked at the big scorpion in front of him. The current scorpion, after being bombarded by Wei Chen, had one of its front claws broken, and the armor on its body was also in pieces. Even the most frightening tail , and only two left!


Seeing the culprit, Scorpion Qi's carapace turned slightly red, and he rushed forward waving the remaining pincers.

"Good come!"

Wei Chen recalled a golden sword, held it in his hand, and rushed towards the scorpion.While running, the red mist on Wei Chen's body began to shrink, replaced by a more powerful black mist!

With the black mist on his body, Wei Chen's speed suddenly soared, scaring the reaction of the scorpion in front of him a beat!
"It seems that being too smart is not good." Wei Chen looked at the scrupulous Scorpion and said. Indeed, although the Dragonman was stupid back then, in terms of combat ability, he was [-] times ahead of this guy in front of him!
"Go to hell!"

Easily bypassing the attack from the front claws, Wei Chen directly inserted the golden sword into the scorpion's head!The green liquid touched and splashed all over Wei Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen quickly backed away, and when the scorpion was frightened, he uttered a word:



Meat Splash!

(End of this chapter)

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