Doom Ray

Chapter 160 Strong Kiss

Chapter 160 Strong Kiss
The golden sword exploded, a hole was blown out of the scorpion's head, and he died.Wei Chen dodged the flying pieces of meat and mucus, and turned away as if he didn't even look at the scorpion.

The truly valuable things are still below!
"Captain Lei, the scorpion on my side has escaped!"

"Me too!"

"It should be the Scorpion King who died, so fast!"

"The King of Light is amazing!"

"Yes, it's amazing!"


Wei Chen shook his head and smiled, if he hadn't developed a new use of mimicry in the dream space, he would have spent a lot of effort!

"Are there really no side effects?"

Calling over a golden sword, Wei Chen frowned and looked at the thing he had created.The power of the golden sword is not only powerful, but also has the effect of restoring energy. One must know that the most troublesome thing for an energy-type special ability is that his own energy is too little.But there is a saying that goes out, you always have to pay it back, so Wei Chen always feels a little uneasy about this golden sword.

do not care.

Opening a cabin door, Wei Chen jumped down, maybe he was just thinking too much.

The scorpions receded, and the other team members continued to search. Of course, there were still a few casualties in some places, such as touching the traps of the organs and accidentally getting into the scorpion's lair.

"Be careful! Zoom in and see, what are those auxiliary players doing?"

Lei Ming felt very sorry for such unnecessary casualties, so he cursed on the walkie-talkie. As for the auxiliary team members, they were those who were in charge of the search.And Lei Ming himself also began to search upwards. After all, the big scorpion ran down from above, so Lei Ming subconsciously thought that the big scorpion's lair was above.

On the other side, Wang Qian was looking out of breath at the mass of corpses piled up under the passage, densely packed, and the mucus on the scorpion's body was piled up together, it looked like a bowl of scorpion soup!

"I don't know how it tastes?" Wang Qian licked her drool and said, "I've never eaten a scorpion before!"

After saying that, Wang Qian crawled down from the edge, broke off the front claw of a scorpion, took out some potion from her bag and sprinkled it on, and the scorpion meat that was originally mixed with solid and liquid instantly solidified and turned into pieces of white flowers The pieces of meat are the same as the claws of crabs.


Wang Qian took a bite and nodded in satisfaction. As a result, her task changed from finding beads to eating, and Wei Chen's instructions were completely forgotten.

Huang Yang took Alan, Xu Jie and the tilted-headed golden wolf to explore with Lei Ming, but in the middle, they separated from Lei Ming. According to Huang Yang, there are good things over there.

"I don't know if Zhang Qian got the beads."

Wei Chen kept going down the road, trying to avoid the passing team members during the process. Although he had reached a covenant with Lei Ming and the others, the premise of the covenant was that Wei Chen got the beads, not Lei Ming and his party got the beads!Even if Wei Chen is willing to share some rewards with Lei Ming and the others, Lei Ming and the others may not necessarily share some things with Wei Chen!

Even if there are, they are tasteless and useless.

"It looks like a success!"

Wei Chen nodded in relief, seeing only Wang Qian's aura in the passage leading to the lower part, Wei Chen felt that Wang Qian did a good job this time!

Suddenly, Wei Chen let out a light snort, because he found that the cabin door below was very intact, but when he opened it, there were a few traces of Wang Qian's breath wafting out of it!
"Amazing!" Wei Chen praised, "This can be regarded as a kind of talent!"

Wei Chen is probably the only one who can wipe his butt so clean!

"I don't know what she used to do?"

Seeing that the traces along the way were treated very cleanly, Wei Chen couldn't help becoming a little curious, "Go back and ask, are you okay?"

So, with this thought in mind, Wei Chen continued to dive. Of course, in terms of 'wiping buttocks' skills, Wei Chen is far inferior to Wang Qian, or he doesn't know these things at all.But when Wei Chen opened a downward hatch again, he froze.

I saw a sticky area underneath, and many places were still bubbling because of the scorpion venom, it felt like a pot of water about to boil.And in the middle of the 'water', there was a person sitting on the head of a scorpion corpse, gnawing on a scorpion's leg conscientiously, not only that, Wang Qian carried these on her back, and her eyes kept moving Aim at the water pool.

Wei Chen twitched all over his face. Just now he boasted about this guy's ability, but now he is so unsightly.

"Wang Qian, did you find anything?" Wei Chen shouted directly without using the walkie-talkie. After all, if he shouted into the walkie-talkie, it would reveal everything!

"Looking for hiss?" Wang Qian chewed a large piece of meat, and said vaguely, "Can you hear me!"

Wei Chen slapped his head, looking at Wang Qian like this, he probably hasn't found the beads yet.Helpless, Wei Chen had no choice but to jump down and search for it himself.


Wei Chen fell to the ground next to Wang Qian, and his juice splashed everywhere.Wang Qian didn't mind either, and even saw a lump of green liquid in her hand, so she just opened her mouth and ate it.

The corner of Wei Chen's eyes twitched, isn't this woman afraid of eating people to death?


Wang Qian burped, and seemed to be eating comfortably, "Hey, Wei Chen, do you want to have a hair?"

Wei Chen looked at Wang Qian speechlessly, this guy is also top-notch, "Where are the beads?"

"Below!" Wang Qian pointed to the bottom of her and said, of course, what she called the bottom was the cabin that continued to go down.


Wei Chen sighed, sure enough, he had to do some things by himself, so regardless of the mucus, Wei Chen dived directly and opened the door to the next cabin.

Suddenly, like flushing a toilet, the soup gushed down, flushing Wei Chen and Wang Qian down together.

"Oh oh oh, so exciting!"

During the fall, Wang Qian stretched out her hands and shouted.

The two landing sounds were extraordinarily loud, the front one was from Wei Chen who had landed first, and the back one was from Wang Qian, this guy pressed on top of Wei Chen desperately.

"Hey, Wei Chen, you see how nice this place is, do you want us to?"

As she spoke, Wang Qian hugged the twitching Wei Chen's head while she was sitting on it, and kissed him on the mouth while Wei Chen was still recovering from his injuries.

Isn't this guy disgusting!
At this moment, Wei Chen felt as if he had knocked over the bottle of five flavors. Wang Qian looked good, especially in terms of temperament, which was both lazy and wild.If it was a different place, Wang Qian might be able to successfully push Wei Chen, a little kid, but unfortunately, the scene is a bit wrong!
The surroundings are full of slime, and these cabins have been inhabited by scorpions all year round, and there is a disgusting smell in the air.Coupled with the broken limbs of various scorpions on the ground and the disturbed scorpions nearby, it can be said that this place is definitely not a good place to flirt, and it is estimated that only Wang Qian, who has a heavy taste, has this kind of sentiment.

"Go aside!"

This kiss is definitely not a good experience. Wang Qian ate so many scorpion claws and mucus just now, the smell exuding from her mouth is unflattering, no matter how angry Wei Chen is, he will be smoked by the smell Gone.Therefore, Wang Qian was kicked away by the very ungrateful Wei Chen!

Made, my first kiss!

Last night at 11 o'clock, I just came back and found that there was a reminder ticket! ! !Unfortunately it has expired. . .

Well, the update should be resumed this week. By the way, if you have any tickets, just drop them here.

(End of this chapter)

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