Doom Ray

Chapter 161 The third-level monster of Lieyang!

Chapter 161 The third-order monster of Lieyang!

Being kissed by Wang Qian, Wei Chen felt very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the girl, he would probably spit directly. Those who have never tried it will never know how choking the smell in Wang Qian's mouth is. .


Wang Qian, who was kicked away, twisted twice on the ground, looked at Wei Chen with a flushed face, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with desire!

Seeing this, Wei Chen took two steps back, and looked at Wang Qian with a puzzled expression. Doesn't this guy usually look like this?Thinking about it, Wei Chen frowned, the more he watched Wang Qian's movements, the more he felt something was wrong.

The scorpions around slowly crawled over, but seeing the corpses of their companions around them, many scorpions hesitated a little. The stench in the air reminded them that it was very dangerous there!
Today's Wang Qian is just like Fafachun, all she has to do is take off her clothes.

Wei Chen turned his face away, and casually threw a scorpion to disperse it. He guessed that the scorpion meat had an aphrodisiac effect.Sure enough, after being dispelled, the blush on Wang Qian's face quickly rolled out, replaced by a sickly paleness, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on her forehead, her eyes showed a look of panic, especially when she looked at Wei Chen, always with Put on a special look.

Then, Wang Qian stood up like a normal person.Then Wang Qian saw that Wei Chen was staring at her, and immediately said with a smile: "I will miss you sooner or later!"

Wei Chen turned his head and pretended not to hear.

Then it was time for the massacre. The hesitant scorpions nearby were all killed by the two of them. One could shoot arrows all over the sky, and the other wielded an ever-increasing number of golden swords.

After a while, there was a layer of green liquid and broken carapace on the ground.Wang Qian didn't learn her lesson at all, and even picked a scorpion and ate it, but was photographed by Wei Chen.

"Go on, you have to go back and eat."

Wei Chen shook his head and said, Wang Qian listened to this very seriously, so he dug out a few pieces of scorpion meat and stuffed them into the bag.Wei Chen said go back to eat, but didn't say what to eat!

This cabin is much larger than the one above, so there is no need to worry about being washed down again.

Wei Chen knocked on the door leading to the next cabin, let the liquid run out first, and then jumped down by himself, followed closely by Wang Qian.

This cabin is much smaller than the previous one, but strangely, it is very quiet here, and there are no scorpions around.

"Let's go, hurry up, it's almost here!"

With that said, Wei Chen opened the door of the next cabin. There are no scorpions here. The most likely reason is that those scorpions dare not live here!In other words, the next cabin should be where the big scorpion lived!

The cabin door is opened, the interior cabin and the outside atmosphere are in contact with each other, and the air pressure in the cabin is instantly corrected.

"Have it!"

Then the light from the golden sword made Wei Chen's eyes glow with golden light, and a very huge skeleton was placed in the next cabin!Looking at the jagged skeleton, Wei Chen could deduce that this monster was very vicious in life!

"Wow, what beautiful beads!"

Wang Qian pointed to a place in the cabin below and said, Wei Chen immediately moved his gaze there.

Near the monster's head, this purple bead is floating. Compared with the hair-raising scarlet color of the dragon ball, this bead looks more strange and looks very dazzling.

Seeing the beads, Wei Chen took a deep breath, this thing is too important to him!
Just when Wei Chen was distracted looking at the beads, Wang Qian suddenly hugged Wei Chen from behind, and put his hands directly into Wei Chen's clothes!
"what are you doing!"

Wei Chen struggled hastily, he really couldn't figure out what was going on in Wang Qian's head.

"Do you dislike me that much?" Wang Qian hugged Wei Chen tightly, leaned her head on Wei Chen's shoulder, and whispered.

"Sorry, I have someone I like." Wei Chen shook his head, the moment he saw the purple beads, his mind was full of Huangfuling, and Huangfuling would be forced to marry in a few days , where does he have time to pay attention to Wang Qian?

"As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a lie." Wang Qian let go of Wei Chen, pretending to know herself and said, "Hmph~ shoot her to death every minute!"


There was a sudden explosion from the spaceship, and Wei Chen punched the wall of the cabin, angrily said: "If you dare, let me try!"

Wang Qian was taken aback, she didn't expect Wei Chen to react so strongly, didn't she, at this juncture, Wang Qian said that she wanted to shoot Huangfuling to death, could Wei Chen not be angry?

"I was wrong." Wang Qian lowered her head, her body was still trembling slightly, she could feel that she almost made a big fuss just now.

Wei Chen took a deep breath, and quickly jumped out of the cabin. He made such a loud noise on the wall before, and he probably attracted many people to explore below!But in reality, almost everyone was frantically rushing down.

Lei Ming and his group are not idiots, he also wants to get the beads himself first, so that he can give the beads to Luo Sheng directly without responding to Wei Chen's unreasonable conditions, and he will definitely get what he deserves!As for the enmity with Wei Chen, Lei Ming doesn't care about it, he believes that after obtaining Luo Sheng's large amount of resources, he can completely arm himself, and it is not impossible to surpass Wei Chen in strength!The big deal is to give up some benefits and find Luo Sheng for a chance to save his life!

In fact, not only Lei Ming, but several other powerful bigwigs have this attitude. They had no choice but to join forces before, but now that the obstacles are gone and the treasure is right in front of them, who cares about the previous agreement?

However, just as they were frantically running downward, Wei Chen's hand was less than a slap away from the bead!
"Get it!"

At this moment, Wei Chen was a little excited. In this way, Huangfu Ling will be saved!

But at the moment when Wei Chen touched the beads, he seemed to feel that he had been emptied, his pupils became slack at that moment, and he was in a trance!

Wei Chen fell to the ground, his mind was clouded.He reached out and patted his face, trying to wake himself up.

"Wei Chen, be careful!"

Suddenly, Wang Qian's exclamation came from above his head, Wei Chen woke up suddenly, rolled to the side, and looked back, it turned out that there was a purple sword stuck in the place where he was lying, and he was very familiar with that style!Isn't that the golden sword he simulated with mimicry!But the color is changed to purple!

what happened?

Wei Chen looked up suspiciously, and saw an incredible scene!
Not far in front of him, there is a person standing!The naked body, the strong muscles are full of explosive power!There is white light in the eyes, and the eyeballs cannot be seen. The strangest thing is that this guy is covered in lavender!
However, the focus of Wei Chen's attention is not here, but the mist emitted from the purple man's body. This mist is the same color as its body!

The third rank of Lieyang!

Wei Chen clenched his fists, very vigilant.He will never forget that when he was in the dream space, those purple monsters knocked him out with just one blow!

(End of this chapter)

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