Doom Ray

Chapter 162 Fighting the Purple Man

Chapter 162 Fighting the Purple Man

A sound came from beside Wei Chen, and the purple sword that was originally inserted into the ground was pulled back by the purple monster with a wave of his hand.Then, the tip of the sword turned and shot towards Wei Chen!

Wei Chen immediately condensed a golden sword, and black mist rose all over his body!The golden sword blocked the only way for the purple sword to pass.


The two swords intersected, making a clear scream.The purple sword of the purple monster was intact, but Wei Chen's golden sword was on the verge of exploding!

"Blow up your sword!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth, and his face was full of ruthlessness. He knew that the purple sword would be greatly strengthened again because of the purple mist. With the same composition structure, Wei Chen would lose. The best way now is to detonate the opponent's purple sword !


The golden sword burst apart, and countless small golden fragments scattered away, and the shock waves generated by the explosion washed over the purple sword floating in the air wave after wave.

However, this is of no use.The purple sword is intact, not even a little bit of explosive momentum!
"Impossible!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth. According to his estimation, the explosion was enough to detonate the purple sword, but the fact was not!
"Is there such a big difference between the second and third ranks?"

Wei Chen frowned, seeing that purple man and purple sword, he felt a headache, "What's wrong?"

Wei Chen couldn't figure it out, but the enemy wouldn't give him time to figure it out!Zi Jian stabilized his body and flew towards Wei Chen. Wei Chen had to condense a new golden sword to fight against it!

"This is going to be the end of the game!"

Wei Chen was very focused on this purple sword. At first he thought that he could destroy this purple sword by detonating countless golden swords, but later, Wei Chen dismissed this idea. This purple sword was too strong. !
"It is estimated that the arrangement of the epee is the only way to beat him!"

Constantly being forced back by the purple sword, Wei Chen became more and more annoyed as he grew older, but there was nothing he could do about it. Now he could only have a glimmer of life if he used the structure of the epee to condense the golden sword!
But thinking about the complicated graphics, Wei Chen felt dizzy.Wang Qian was watching from the cabin above, but she didn't dare to speak. The battle below is not for her to participate in!
"Hurry up!"

Desperate, Wei Chen had no choice but to use his brain to figure out the structure of the epee, taking advantage of the purple man's playful fight with him, to fight for this chance of life!
"Day, it's too complicated!" Wei Chen asked the gray elves to capture the trajectory of the purple sword, while he pulled out the structure diagram of the epee from his watch and began to observe carefully.

Soon, Wei Chen understood, looking at it like this, it's not going to work at all!The picture in his watch is just a flat version, and there are still many structural arrangements inside that are blocked by the outer skin!

But soon, Wei Chen found a solution - change the perspective!

Using his own eyes to observe the attack route of the purple sword, let the gray elf look at the complicated structure diagram, Wei Chen believes that what he sees from the eyes of the gray elf must be different from what he sees with his naked eyes!
really!Looking from the perspective of the gray elves, the originally complex alloy structure was actually divided into three groups by the eyes of the gray elves!Compared with just now, there are many introductions!
"Hey~ let's make do with it." Wei Chen was helpless, even if it was divided into three parts, the structure was still difficult for him to understand!

The purple sword split a flying golden sword, and the purple man behind him was waving his arms, directing the way of the purple sword.At the beginning, Wei Chen chose to use the golden sword to confront the tough, but later, Wei Chen began to avoid, saving a few golden swords to replenish energy. After all, once the energy is exhausted, he will be almost done.

"One by one, I can't do it!"

Wei Chen avoided it, and began to concentrate on looking at the structural diagram that had been split into three parts.We can only cringe a little until the new golden sword is released!

During the period, it was not that Wei Chen had never thought of using the dispersing skill to disperse the purple sword, but the result was not satisfactory. The originally very versatile dispersing also lost its effect at this moment.Wei Chen estimated that this was caused by the level gap.


While simulating the structure in his hand, Wei Chen avoided it, and finally had to focus on observing.The only result of this is that he starts getting hurt!

First, the gray elves were turned away, Wei Chen's naked eye's ability to capture was not that strong!Can only barely or.Then, there is the current distraction, especially when Wei Chen deduces to the key point, he is the most dangerous!


Just when Wei Chen was teased by the purple man like a mouse, the purple man suddenly let out a roar, and a big purple bubble expanded from his body!
Wait a second, do two things at once!
Wei Chen's eyes widened, and he used to say that laymen watch the excitement, while professionals watch the way.Wang Qian above just thinks that this purple man is very powerful, and he can also open up something like a cover, but what Wei Chen sees is a dual-purpose method!

If one person uses two skills at the same time, the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased.But what Wei Chen is facing now is such a terrifying existence, no matter in terms of realm or material structure, Wei Chen has lost to that purple man!

"Hey! Why can't I go down?"

Just after the purple film opened, Wang Qian in the cabin above found that her hand could actually touch the film, and then the film grew bigger and bigger, covering the cabin where Wei Chen was.


Wei Chen was facing a formidable enemy, he didn't expect this purple man to be so ruthless!Although there are not many protective films he has seen, each one is very powerful!

At the moment when the protective film was fully opened, the purple man moved, the purple body was completely floating in the air, and the purple sword flying in front of Wei Chen was quickly recalled by it and held in his hand!

Come for real!

Wei Chen's pupils shrank, he didn't have a better resistance strategy, so he had to take advantage of this time to condense an extra golden sword!However, the purple man moved so fast that Wei Chen hadn't even made the hilt, and the purple man had already appeared in front of Wei Chen.


The purple sword light slashed at Wei Chen, the speed was so fast that Wei Chen couldn't dodge at all!Even the gray elves can only capture a little bit of vague movement.


The purple sword slashed across Wei Chen's chest, bringing up blood.At that moment, Wei Chen felt as if something had been pulled from his chest, and it became very difficult to breathe. Fortunately, the healing technique was immediately mobilized to repair the catchy mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the purple man swung his sword down again, and slashed at Wei Chen!Wei Chen subconsciously wanted to move backwards, but how could that speed be faster than the purple sword swung down?Helpless, Wei Chen had no choice but to stretch out a hand to resist, and kept outputting mimicry, letting it condense in his hand!

With a crisp sound, the purple sword brushed against Wei Chen's palm, and sparks burst out!Then, the small golden piece in Wei Chen's hand exploded!

The explosion was not loud, but it was so powerful that it almost blew Wei Chen's palm off!But even so, Wei Chen laughed instead, because that small piece of gold was made according to the previous one-third of the epee structure diagram!
(End of this chapter)

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