Doom Ray

Chapter 165 New Sword

Chapter 165 New Sword
The blood-red liquid wrapped around the purple sword instantly filled the purple sword, changing the original color of the purple sword to red abruptly!
The purple man's white eyes fluttered for a moment, and then he quickly drew his sword back, and at the same time he threw the purple sword that was dyed red like a grenade!
The abandoned purple sword was inserted into the ground, and it was swallowed by the red liquid not long after.After a while, the red liquid flew out of the purple sword and flew back into Wei Chen's body, and the purple sword that was originally stuck on the ground had long since disappeared.

what happened?
Everyone who was in a cold heart was taken aback by this scene.Then, something even more terrifying happened!

Wei Chen who was below let out a roar, his eyes were instantly filled with blood, and the heart that had been punctured was healed before he knew it!

At this moment, Wei Chen felt the heart that had just been repaired in his body start beating suddenly. Every time he beat, Wei Chen felt like a burst of thunder, ringing in his ears!

A trace of blood was exerted an invisible pressure, and began to flow out from the skin, forming a layer of coating on Wei Chen's body like the purple man!It's just that Wei Chen's coating is blood red, but Ziren's coating is purple!
Just after the blood-red coating completely wrapped Wei Chen's body, Wei Chen suddenly disappeared!Like the purple man, he disappeared into the cabin on the next floor!

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the current Wei Chen is comparable to that purple man!They didn't expect that Wei Chen still had such a powerful strength that he didn't use!

Wei Chen's eyes were blood red, and a sense of bloodlust filled his nerves, but at this moment his consciousness was very clear!At this moment, he felt the power all over his body, this power was extremely powerful!
At this moment, Wei Chen could see the purple man who disappeared from the field. The purple man was moving at a high speed, and the purple sword in his hand had recovered, and he was staring at Wei Chen.

"It's your turn to die!"

His eyes were blinded by red, but this did not hinder Wei Chen's vision. He once again entered the state of sympathy, and his facial features can be used in a cross-mixed manner!
Sensing the direction of the purple man's movement, Wei Chen clapped his hands, and two golden swords appeared in his hands at the same time!One mind and two tasks, this ideal is being used at this moment!


With his feet on the ground, before the wind blows in his ears, he has already arrived in front of the purple man!
"Ding ding~~"

There was a burst of sparks in the space, and this burst of sparks was like an initial signal, and then the entire venue continued to appear such sparks!


Many people in the upper cabin swallowed and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads. This kind of battle at this level is no longer something they can see clearly. Even the strongest Lei Ming has a bitter look on his face.Only those with talent and eyesight like Tianmu can see two blurred shadows, one red and one purple, that's all.

In other words, the following battle has gone through an unknown number of rounds, and finally, a sword broke!


The golden sword broke, Wei Chen threw out the broken golden sword in his hand, detonated it, and squeezed out the last ounce of use value of the golden sword.Then, a new golden sword appeared in Wei Chen's hand.

"I have to observe quickly!"

The two sides are evenly matched, but Wei Chen doesn't think so in his heart, he doesn't know how long this state can last, so during the battle, he is still analyzing the remaining two sets of blueprints, trying to simulate the epee as soon as possible. A golden sword of the same material!

"It seems to have become easier!" Wei Chen was a little happy. In this state, not only did he achieve double-tasking, but his brain seemed to be developed a lot!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Chen seized the time to analyze the drawings!
"One by one, put them together in the end!"

Slowing down the offensive, Wei Chen began to try to condense a new golden sword on the sidelines. This golden sword was condensed from one of the three blueprints!
Soon, the structure diagram on the second drawing was simulated by Wei Chen using mimicry. As for the remaining third drawing, it was only a matter of time before it could be analyzed!
"Then put it all together!"

Slowly, the structure on the third blueprint was also simulated by Wei Chen, but compared with the first one, the imitation golden sword produced by the later two pairs was not as stable.But this is not a problem, the next thing is the most important!Wei Chen will spend three mimics to rely on them, and finally make a golden sword!
In order to speed up the production, Wei Chen switched from offense to defense, leaving one hand free to gather these things.

"One time success!"

Wei Chen cheered himself up in his heart, although it was easy to splice it together, Wei Chen still didn't dare to give a 100% guarantee.

Seeing that Wei Chen's attack slowed down, the Ziren started to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, and it didn't care what happened to Wei Chen!
The two purple swords waved in a semicircle, Wei Chen only had one sword, and it was very difficult to parry, so he had to keep retreating.

"Annoying!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth, "I'll see you later!"

Now he can't be impatient, he must concentrate!
Due to entering this strange state, Wei Chen quickly used three mimics to condense three different structures and began to combine them!
According to the drawings, the first simulated piece should be placed in the middle and used as a pillar, while the other two pieces are used to reinforce the 'top pillar'.

Combining the three mimics is very easy, and Wei Chen quickly completed it, but this is just the beginning!Wei Chen must continue to manufacture this kind of thing until it finally takes shape!

Tilting his head and looking at Wei Chen, who was fighting fiercely below, he began to fight in his heart. Maybe for other people, the huge skeleton in the central area of ​​the lower floor is useless, but for Tilted Head, this is another A chance to renew the skeleton!

The keel that was replaced last time has already been covered with bruises, and even hard things will wear out after a long period of polishing. In addition to the skull that has not been replaced, I tilt my head and feel that this skeleton is like sending charcoal in the snow!

So, unable to bear the excitement in his heart, he tilted his head and began to look for other passages that could lead down.Not to mention, there really is one!Unfortunately, he couldn't get in.

Tilting his head after two attempts, he still gave up, and had to obediently wait for Wei Chen's battle to end.But no one expected that a tentacle would slowly stretch out from the opening opened by the tilted head.
"It's done!"

Wei Chen held the newly made golden sword. Compared with the previous one, this golden sword was much heavier, giving people a sense of thickness!

The purple man didn't know that the golden sword had changed to another version, or that the two purple swords were swinging and slashing as before.

"Try the power!"

Wei Chen looked at the newly made golden sword and said, with the same physical strength and stronger sword body structure, Wei Chen has no reason to retreat!


When the three swords intersected, what Ziren didn't expect was that its two purple swords were all broken!The explosion that followed directly blew up one of its hands!


For the sake of the three points we wrote, ask for a recommendation for collection. .

(End of this chapter)

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