Doom Ray

Chapter 166 Pursuit

Chapter 166 Pursuit
"it is good!"

Wei Chen couldn't help shouting, the purple sword that was originally indestructible, now he cut off two of them at once!This kind of golden sword simulated by epee alloy has different reliability!
The purple man looked at his hand in disbelief. The power generated by the explosion of the purple sword was not enough to break its hand. The only thing that could explain this phenomenon was that the golden sword not only cut off two purple swords, but also By the way, he cut off his own hand!


The purple man let out a roar. After fighting for so long, it finally had something to say, but the next moment, the purple man turned around and ran away after roaring, disappearing in place.

"Want to leave?" Wei Chen smiled and said, "No way!"


The cabin made of metal was dug out by Wei Chen's foot. Like Ziren, Wei Chen also disappeared and entered a state of high-speed movement.Although he doesn't know why there is such a thing as a purple man, Wei Chen understands that if he wants to get the beads back, he must be killed!
"There is also a secret passage!"

The injured purple man was not fast, but it wasn't that Wei Chen would be able to catch up in a short time. It directly blasted open a hidden hatch on the wall and got in, with Wei Chen following closely behind.

"what should we do?"

In the cabin above, after Tianmu told everyone about the situation, everyone signaled Lei Ming to give him a solution.The purple man is gone, but the film leading to the bottom is still standing there.But at this moment, Lei Ming has nothing to do.

"Hey! Look, everyone, there's a hole there!"

Just when everyone was at a loss, a voice suddenly came from the team, and a team member pointed to the hole opened by tilting his head with joy on his face.

Lei Ming and the others went over to check it. The hole should be something like a vent. It is completely possible to bypass the membrane-wrapped cabin below and move on!

"Okay, let's go from here!"

Lei Ming decided at once, if there is a way, then of course they have to go on. Wei Chen hasn't got the beads yet, which shows that they still have hope!
Immediately, everyone filed in.Tianmu led the way on the strongest side, and the entire vent pipe was slowly blocked by the team members.At the end of the team was Huang Yang's group. It wasn't that they didn't want to get in early, but that the two big guys, Tilting Head and Jin Lang, couldn't get in.

"Can't you lose weight?"

Xu Jie grabbed the golden wolf's hair, and cooperated with the others to pull the trapped golden wolf out, "What should I do, I got separated from my big brother like this."

"Don't worry about Wei Chen, his life is at stake."

Seeing that Jinlang and Tilted Head couldn't get in, Huang Yang went to the side and sat down, took out some dry food from his pocket and started to eat.Zhang Qian is almost the same, Wei Chen's kind of battle, they can only get in the way if they go.

Alan was very happy when he heard that there was no need to drill the vent, and said with a smile: "Brother Wei Chen is very strong, so don't worry about it, and the vent is very dirty! If you go back and drill it, you will be covered in dust!"

Zhang Qian nodded, and did not refute Alan this time. Indeed, even if the vent is cleaned frequently, it will still be covered with dust, not to mention this spaceship that has not been maintained for many years.

"Is it dirty in there?" After hearing this, Xu Jie stretched out her hand to wipe the vent, and found that her fingers were very clean. Even when she touched the vent, she felt that the wall of the vent was a little wet.


Seeing Xu Jie's clean little hands, Alan frowned and said.This scene also attracted Huang Yang and Zhang Qian, so everyone touched the vents one after another.

"It really is!"

Huang Yang looked at his clean fingers, and was a little surprised. Then, Huang Yang realized something, and immediately stretched out his hand to touch the wall next to him, and his hand was immediately covered with dust!
Seeing this, Huang Yang's back was instantly soaked.

"Stay away from here!"

Huang Yang pulled Alan and Xu Jie by the back collars and ran back, Zhang Qian Jinlang also pushed away immediately after hearing this!There's something in the tunnel!

On the other side, Wei Chen chased Ziren and came to a long corridor.There is a large pillar in the center of the corridor, and the glass tubes above it emit a few beams of faint light.

"Don't be a fool!"

Wei Chen really didn't expect that there was such a place in the spaceship.This should be the very center of the spaceship. If you look up, you can see the fracture of the spaceship above!And below, it is a piece of pitch black.


The purple man ran to the end of the corridor and knocked open the door at the end.Wei Chen hurriedly chased after him. He didn't know how long this state could last, so he had to make a quick decision!

"By the way, where is this guy going?"

After chasing for so long, Wei Chen felt that the purple man was running away with a purpose, as if it was safe as long as it got there!
"I can't let it succeed!" Wei Chen tried his best to speed up, but his body didn't listen to his orders, and he couldn't increase the speed no matter what!

The acceleration was fruitless, Wei Chen sighed, after all, this power is not his own!
During the chase, Wei Chen also tried to control the golden sword to fly over to injure the purple man, but the result was not very satisfactory. Their running speed is much faster than that of the golden sword flying in the air!
"Where are you going?"

Seeing that the purple man opened the door again and got in, Wei Chen became impatient, but the moment Wei Chen got into the room, the door closed with a 'bang'!

"It looks like this is here!" Wei Chen looked around vigilantly, the purple man was in front of him, but Wei Chen would not kill him so soon, this place is a place where the purple man can feel safe!In other words, Wei Chen is very dangerous here!
Sure enough, the purple man swung a few switches with his only remaining hand!

Before Wei Chen could react, the ground began to sink!But Wei Chen was not in a hurry, and the ground that the purple man stepped on followed him down.

"Let's deal with you first!"

Holding swords in both hands, Wei Chen rushed up. He checked it with the gray elves just now. Apart from the continuous sinking, there are no other traps here!

Wei Chen came over, and the purple man had no choice but to accept the move. The room is not big, surrounded by things similar to server hosts, and the purple man was a bit in the way when he avoided it.

So, Ziren and Wei Chen seemed to have switched roles. Originally, Wei Chen was beaten to death, but now it was Ziren who was beaten into a mess!

"So what if it's fast, running to such a place is courting death!"

Wei Chen sneered, although he didn't know what would help Ziren after the bottom, but Wei Chen still knew the principle of first strike first.

Constantly forcing the purple man to retreat, Wei Chen's purpose is to make the purple man retreat to a point where there are several golden swords hidden in the slits of the server case!
"Here we are!" Wei Chen waved his hand and said, "Go!"

In an instant, several golden swords were hidden nearby, all of which were inserted into the purple man's body!
"Enough, explode!"

Wei Chen stepped back and gave the command to let the golden sword explode, but at this moment, Wei Chen miscalculated, the frame of the golden sword was the same as the metal frame of the epee!Where did it explode so easily?

The incident happened suddenly, Wei Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.And at this moment, the sunken room is finally over!
(End of this chapter)

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