Doom Ray

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

The room descended to the bottom, and the surroundings suddenly became dark. It was only illuminated by the lights on the server host. Of course, Wei Chen's golden sword could also serve as a light source.

"Die you!"

Wei Chen doesn't care if the room is lowered or not, his goal is to kill this purple man!The golden sword cannot be detonated, so it can only be done by yourself!
Immediately, Wei Chen swung the injured golden sword and chopped off the purple man's head. At this moment, the purple man was pinned there by his golden sword, unable to move. This is a very good opportunity!


The golden sword crossed the purple man's neck, and a purple head fell to the ground.


Wei Chen froze for a moment, the purple man whom he had hit just now, who was unable to fight back, just died like this?Suddenly, Wei Chen had a very unrealistic feeling, but after a long time, the purple man still didn't respond, so Wei Chen tried to pull out the golden sword that restrained the purple man's body.

"I saw that he was really dead!"

Looking at the fallen body, Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, then reached out and pulled out the purple bead from the purple man's body.The bead was near the chest, and Wei Chen could easily find it through the hole pierced by the golden sword.

"I got it!" After getting the beads, Wei Chen smiled happily, but now the question came, how to get out?Of course, there is a bigger question, what is the basis for the purple people to come here?When the purple man fled before, he lured Wei Chen in, and even triggered the descending mechanism. In other words, there must be something here that could allow him to escape his pursuit!Even kill him!

Wei Chen controlled the gray elves to fly out. The gray elves have night vision ability.However, when Wei Chen switched his vision to the gray elves, he regretted it a bit, and regretted chasing after him!
There is actually a large group of scorpions in the ground!The land was densely invaded, perhaps due to the lack of living space, these scorpions were much smaller than those outside.

But this is not the point, the point is that some scorpions covered in purple mist appear from time to time in this group of scorpions!They are constantly chewing in their mouths, and there is a dead body in their claws.

"Who are these people?"

Seeing this, Wei Chen was stunned. The protective clothing worn by these people was obviously different from Lei Ming and the others, such as the color and the shape of the corners of the clothes.Soon, Wei Chen understood that most of these people were people from other brigades who came to snatch the beads!


The lowering of the room naturally alarmed the scorpions here. Immediately, countless scorpions began to look at Wei Chen in the center of the room and crawled over.


Wei Chen was shocked. He is good at fighting in groups, but this is when the strength of the opponent is not high, and here, there are many scorpions of the third rank of Lieyang. Since there are third ranks of Lieyang, there are naturally second ranks, first rank The scorpion!Maybe at first Wei Chen could rely on his own special state to survive, but then what?Who can be sure that this state will not disappear in the next second?
"It doesn't matter, let's fly first and then talk."

Wei Chen wiped the cold sweat off his brow, made a sword platform out of several golden swords, and sat on it.Then the control platform rose slowly and left the ground.

"I can't hide if I can't beat it!" Wei Chen looked down at the scorpion on the ground that kept waving its pincers at him, and suddenly felt a sense of pride, "It's a pity that the top cover is sealed."

Originally, I wanted to fly out directly, but I didn't expect that the passage leading down the room had already been closed.

"Go and study the room first, since it can go down, it must also go up!"

Holding a glimmer of hope, Wei Chen controlled the gray elf to observe the place where the purple man triggered the switch, to see if there was any way out.Today's golden sword has been improved, Wei Chen sat on it for a long time without any tendency to collapse, so Wei Chen is not in a hurry, and has enough time to check those organs.

But at this moment, a small purple dot suddenly popped up from the crowd of scorpions below, waving their pincers and pinching towards Wei Chen!

A golden sword swept across the scorpion, splitting it in two.

"Tsk tsk~ I almost forgot the bouncing power of these things." Wei Chen wiped off the slime on the golden sword, and subconsciously raised the sword platform under his butt by a large amount.In the blazing sun stage, the physical abilities of creatures will be terribly strengthened. These scorpions can definitely jump up to the sword stage!

"Looks like it's going to be faster!" Wei Chen sighed, while being on guard, he accelerated the analysis speed of the gray elves. The console in the lifting room is composed of many remote sensing devices. To analyze the function of each piece, Wei Chen has the experience of analyzing the metal composite diagram of the epee, and feels very handy in analyzing it.

"Maintain this state, and nothing will happen again!"

After hacking to death a scorpion that was rushing towards him, everything is going well so far, and Wei Chen's heart, which was frightened by those scorpions, is at ease.

It's a pity that the house leak happened to rain all night, and just when Wei Chen thought everything was going well, there was a sudden 'bang' on the wall in the darkness, and then something fell into the scorpion group.

"Where is Tianmu here?"

"I don't know, it seems to have come to the ground."

"I'll go, Team Lei, we didn't say we were going underground!"

"I know!"

Lei Ming scolded back, of course he never thought of going underground.Under normal circumstances, the bottom of this vent must be the control room of the spacecraft, so Lei Ming gave Tianmu an order to go down to the bottom at once.

"What now? Climb up?"

"Go out and find the way! How long are you going to climb upside down!"

"Shut up for me!"

Lei Ming reprimanded again, and the team immediately fell silent.Now Lei Ming has a distorted expression on his face, of course he knows to go out to find the way, but in the situation outside, can he go out?But explaining the situation to the team members will definitely cause riots, attracting the scorpions who didn't notice them at first, but let the team members crawl back backwards without explaining the reason, how can he convince the crowd?You must know that there are many people in the team who are not in his team!
But right here, at the end of the line, there was a sound.

"What are you pulling me from behind?"

A person in the back suddenly felt something grabbing his foot, and then pulled it.

"Still pulling!" The man frowned, the space was narrow, he couldn't turn his head, he could only curse again: "If you don't let go for a while, I'll go out and explode!"

This person also has big plans. When he goes out in a while, he will definitely go out of the air vent one step ahead of him. When the guy behind sticks his head out, give him a few shots!
"Hey! Why are you still biting people?"

The sudden pain in his leg made the man stunned, and then a sense of dizziness swept over him, making him gradually lose consciousness.But at the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, this person suddenly realized that he was the last person in the team!

A reminder of 9000 words is ruthless enough. . .

(End of this chapter)

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