Doom Ray

Chapter 168 Escape

Chapter 168 Escape
"Climb forward! There are scorpions behind!"

After the three people were dragged away by the scorpion, the fourth person finally reacted and shouted forward, but this time the shouting did not help him out of the predicament.After the fourth person, the last few people began to push the person in front to climb forward desperately.

"Don't panic!"

In the air vent, Lei Ming, who discovered the situation, quickly organized order, but compared with the threat of death, Lei Ming's order seemed so pale at this moment.

"Lei team, what should we do?"

Tianmu turned his head and asked, the wolf in front and the tiger in back, they can be said to be completely surrounded by this vent.

"How long can you fight for with full abilities?" Lei Ming asked, they have been together for a long time, and they have already figured out the abilities of each team member.

"Including the consumption just now, it can last for 2 minutes!" Tianmu replied after estimating the time.

"Okay!" Lei Ming nodded, and immediately issued an order to everyone, "Go forward! Gather up quickly after exiting the vent!"

Then, Lei Ming said to the Celestial Eye in front of him: "Let's start!"

Tianmu closed his eyes, and the third eye on his forehead began to shine brightly. Soon, waves of invisible ripples appeared in the air, and the scorpions under the ground who vowed to be interfered by the ripples all eased their movements. Those who are too weak may even die directly!
This is not over yet, and then the red mist began to emerge from Tianmu's body, and the ripples that were originally diffused, under the blessing of the red mist, the range became even wider!

Lei Ming pushed the Tianmu out of the air vent, and he fell down with the Tianmu. During this period, the thunder light in Lei Ming's hand was bright, and he slashed down at the stunned scorpion on the ground!For a moment, the smell of burnt food filled the air, attracting more scorpions.Lei Ming turned on the black mist state, added power again, and emptied the nearby scorpions!
"Let's go too!"

Behind Lei Ming, there are the leaders of each team. With Lei Ming's instructions, they just follow Lei Ming's instructions, so they all follow Lei Ming's example and jump down, but they only turn on the red mist state, after all, the black mist state consumes too much energy.


Alande jumped down, his body began to turn into a beast, and black mist also emerged. Compared with energy-type special abilities, their power type has more advantages in protracted battles!So Aland directly turned on the black mist, killing all directions.

Xiongtou was not far behind, thick hair grew on his head in an instant, and black mist emerged, waving his claws and rushing forward to tear up the scorpions.

Of course, the other team members don't have that kind of strength, and they can't use all kinds of cool skills like the big guys. What they can do is to take out weapons from their bags and aim at the enemy to launch them!It has to be said that these thermal weapons sometimes produce stronger effects than those energy-type special abilities!
With the interference of the third eye for 2 minutes, the personnel in the passage jumped down one after another to meet the scorpion.However, some of them were unable to escape in time, and were taken back by the scorpions in the passage.

"Hurry up!" Seeing a few panic-stricken people, Lei Ming urged, "Stay still, what should you do!"

"Roger that!"

Several team members relieved their emotions and joined the team to start fighting!
"By the way, Captain Lei, what should we do next?"

The ladyboy waved her fan, somehow killed a lot of scorpions in front of her, "There are two very strong scorpions over there."

As he said that, the ladyboy pointed to the depths of the scorpion group. Maybe the human flesh in his hand hadn't been eaten by chance. The scorpion of the third rank of Lieyang has no interest in the group of humans washing there for the time being.

"Ask him after the Celestial Eye is released!"

Lei Ming said, "Now I have nothing to do, I can only rely on him to point out a way out."

Everyone nodded. Indeed, in terms of command, Lei Ming is not very good, but Lei Ming's strength is stronger and it is easier to convince the crowd.In terms of seniority, Lei Ming is also high. Compared with a strong novice like Wei Chen, Lei Ming can ensure their safety more in terms of experience.

But once these people know that Wei Chen has been cured, they won't think so.

"Save the firepower first!"

After everyone was in position, Lei Ming began to command, "Now take it easy and fight, and use it later when we break through!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Ming patted Tianmu's face, trying to wake him up from it, but this action was stopped immediately, just kidding, if he was woken up in this state, Tianmu's mind would probably be blown off later!
"Feel sorry."

Lei Ming hurriedly apologized, he was a little anxious, but the pressure on the team leader is very great!
"Take your time, take your time!"

"Yes, boss, take your time, we are still alive anyway!"

"Thank you." Lei Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and the cheers of his teammates were no different from a piece of high-power equipment, "Okay, brothers, hold on!"

As he spoke, Lei Ming shot out two more lightning bolts.


In the upper cabin of the film cabin, Huang Yang and his party are still in it.

"Let's eat first!"

Huang Yang tore open the packaging bag, and inside was a bowl of hot instant noodles, "I don't know when they will be served, by the way, I have a suggestion, why don't we go to the bowl of noodles and wait?"

"Alright." Zhang Qian was the first to nod. The vents were too clean before, which meant that there were some hidden monsters here, waiting for the prey to take the bait.Little did they know that the battle below had begun!

"Is the Celestial Eye ready?"

After persisting for more than 2 minutes of mental agitation, it finally came to an end, but the problem came, the third eye had no energy!
"Drink it!"

At this moment, Lei Ming took out a small glass bottle, which was full of blue liquid, which seemed to make people lose their appetite at all.But after Tianmu took it, he drank it all in one go!
"Wait!" Tianmu closed his eyes, the potion was for restoring physical strength, so now he can use skills again.So the Third Eye opened again, and if there was sufficient light, the third eye of the Third Eye could be seen to have become red, even a little swollen, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

This third eye does not have night vision, but pathfinding can still be done.

"There is a dark hole on the left, like a passage, and the right is very bright and powerful." Tianmu told Lei Ming the detection result, "Which way to go?"

After hearing this, Lei Ming fell into deep thought. There was a dark hole on one side, and something very bright and powerful on the other. Under normal circumstances, it would be right to choose the hole to escape, but Lei Ming could feel a huge gust of fire coming from the left from time to time. oppression!
"Go to the right!"

Unable to tolerate Lei Ming's hesitation, he immediately made a choice, and as a result, a lot of skills broke out in the team to open the way!
Chi Xin and his younger brother teamed up to create a huge fireball, and threw it in the direction Lei Ming pointed!The fireball flew over the scorpions along the way and was burned directly!Individual strong scorpions can survive.

After a hole was torn open, Alan De and Xiongtou immediately cut in to keep the opening open, and then the rest of the team moved quickly, waiting for the scorpions to occupy their original place, and they just moved to a new site .


Lei Ming shouted, Chi Xin siblings continued to open the way, and the team moved forward little by little.


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(End of this chapter)

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