Doom Ray

Chapter 17 Out of the Destination

Chapter 17 Out of the Destination
PS: I want to hear more of your voices, I want to receive more of your suggestions, now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "Light of Doom"!
The biggest difference between the suburbs and the city is that the greening is much better. Of course, it can't be described as much now, and it is simply incomparable.

At a glance, the poles are green, the wires are green, and the walls are green.

"Don't worry, lure them away first." Li Wenbo walked in the front, squatting behind a truck, holding two glass bottles.

This is a method they accidentally discovered, relying on sound to lure the zombies away.Since then, casualties have been greatly reduced.

The green bottle arced through the air.


"Three, two, one. Go!"

Following Li Wenbo's order, everyone bowed and quickly crossed the street.

"Look, there is a fortress!" Turning a corner, someone exclaimed.

"It's here! It's here!"

At this moment, everyone cheered and jumped for joy, regardless of the blood and smell of zombies on each other's body, they hugged each other and wept with joy.

"Quiet! Don't disturb the zombies!" Chen Zhi lowered his voice to warn everyone.

Since they knew about the sensitive hearing of zombies, everyone made full use of it and greatly reduced the casualty rate.But it also led to a very depressed atmosphere along the way, which finally broke out at this moment.

"Forget it! There's no need." Li Wenbo waved to Chen Zhi.This place is already very close to No. [-] Middle School of the city, so the surrounding area has been cleaned up very cleanly, and there is no need to worry about attracting any zombies.

"Huh?" Wei Chen was also very happy when he saw the fortress, but soon he found that there were many eyes watching them from all around.

Dark whistle!

Sure enough, Wei Chen saw a pair of binoculars from a residential building.


"Report! Captain, we have been found."

The person who was called the captain calmly lit a cigarette, and said slowly: "It's okay, survivors, it's not like I haven't seen them before. And this team is very strong!"

"Captain, how did you find out?"

"You can't grow your brain. Can a character who can live outside for half a month be weak?"


Walking into the fortress, Wei Chen found that the so-called fortress was actually piled up with discarded items, with cars on the bottom, dirt bags on the top, and an iron fence in the middle as the door, which looked quite simple.

"The survivor team over there, please wait here first!"

When Wei Chen and his party approached the fort, an officer and soldier in military uniform behind the fence shouted to this side.

Everyone couldn't make up their minds for a while, and they all looked at Li Wenbo.

"Listen to them, don't cause trouble after you go in!" Li Wenbo told everyone.

Wei Chen nodded. He still doesn't know what's going on inside and what the rules are.It would be bad if there was a conflict and they were kicked out.

"We will have special personnel to give you a medical examination, and you can only come in after passing the pass." Then, the officer continued to add.

Everyone nodded.Indeed, if people were let in without inspection, it would have been occupied by zombies long ago.

So, they waited in the middle of the road.


"Great, it's finally here!"

"We're here, we're here! We're here! Xiangzi is saved!"

what happened?Wei Chen turned his head and saw that there was another group of people.

This group of people, men and women, are not very good looking.The most conspicuous thing is that two of these people are carrying a stretcher made of vines, and a person is lying on the stretcher. This person's chest seems to have been hit hard, and his flesh is bloody.

If you look carefully, you can still see a few sharp things protruding from the chest.

rib cage!

This is not dead, so strong vitality!

"Quick, quick, put this here first, put it flat!" After a burst of cheers, an obese middle-aged man in the team directed the crowd to put the wounded on the ground first.

"You take good care of him here!" The middle-aged man told the others, and after finishing speaking, he ran towards the defense line of the fort. Wei Chen and others must have passed by in the middle, but the middle-aged man took Wei Chen and his party as if they were alive. People ignored it.

"Brother Bing, Brother Bing! Let's go in first, we have a wounded here." The middle-aged fat man pointed at himself and at the team, dancing and describing what happened to the officer.

"No, those who have not passed the medical examination of the relevant department are not allowed to enter!" The officer said with a serious face.

However, the middle-aged fat man was not only not depressed after hearing this, but instead smiled and took out a small cloth bag from his backpack.Unzip the cloth bag, and a colorful halo emanates from it.

That's a whole bag of crystals!
"Brother Bing, I understand, I understand." After the middle-aged fat man finished speaking, he reached out and handed the bag of crystals to the officer.

The officer stretched out his hand, and just when the middle-aged fat man thought he was going to reach out to pick up the bag, the officer pushed the middle-aged fat man's hand away.Then he shook his head and said, "I know you're worried about the brother behind, but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't take the lives of tens of thousands of people as a joke!"

After hearing this, the middle-aged fat man became anxious. He took out another bag from his bag and said, "Isn't it enough? I still have more. Let us. No, let my brother go in for treatment first!"


Seeing that the officer was still shaking his head, the middle-aged fat man knelt down and begged, "Please! I beg you! I kowtow to you!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged fat man really kowtowed to the officer

"I really can't help it." The officer couldn't bear it, so he turned his head away.Opening the door is not a joke. If you are not careful, you will face tens of thousands of souls.


"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Hearing this voice, Wei Chen frowned.Except for the middle-aged fat man, everyone's attention was attracted by this roar.

It was a jeep coming from a distance, and a strong man with a beard in the passenger seat was yelling towards this side: "Peng Feng, pull the fence away!"

Peng Feng, Wei Chen looked at the officer, it should be his name.

"Liu Tianming, you know the rules, how can you mess around?" said the officer named Peng Feng.

The jeep stopped in front of the defense line of the fortress. Liu Tianming got off the passenger seat, pointed at Peng Feng's nose outside the fence and said, "Hurry up and open the door for me, boy! A brother is injured, if he leaves a trouble for me later Kill you and me!"

Peng Feng frowned, and said lightly: "It has not been checked by relevant personnel."

"**Don't do this to me, open the door!" Before Peng Feng could finish speaking, Liu Tianming interrupted him directly.

"Crack!" A clearly audible voice came from Liu Tianming's hand.

"Believe it or not, I jumped you!" Anxious Liu Tianming took out a pistol and pointed the gun at Peng Feng viciously.


However, what responded to him was the sound of loading from all directions!It turns out that all around this line of defense are secret whistles!

Liu Tianming did not show weakness here, seven or eight people got out of the jeep, holding guns in their hands and pointing at the surrounding secret whistle.

For a moment, the atmosphere was tense!
"Let me go." Wei Chen sighed, if he really took action, his side would definitely be affected, and he would be directly beaten into a sieve.

"Be careful!" Li Wenbo nodded to him.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Wei Chen said with a smile, saving people is really too easy for him! (The novel "Light of Doom" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and at the same time there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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