Doom Ray

Chapter 18

Chapter 18
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Even when faced with a black muzzle, Peng Feng was still very calm, looking at Liu Tianming's eyes.

"How did it hurt?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Liu Tianming said angrily, "Scratch, how about it!"
After speaking, Liu Tianming wiped his eyes with the other hand.

"Sorry, I don't have the right. And I advise you to kill him directly, you also know the consequences of being scratched by those things!" Peng Feng said lightly with his hands behind his back.

"You bastard!" Liu Tianming cursed, the hand holding the gun trembling slightly.

This action made everyone's nerves twitch. Everyone believed that as long as the trigger was pulled, the nearby secret whistle would shoot back immediately!
At this second, the focus of the audience was on Liu Tianming's hands, for fear that he would become unstable and cause harm to Yang Chi.

Wei Chen, who was about to go forward, also stopped in his tracks, for fear that an unsteadiness would touch Liu Tianming's nerves.

Perhaps because he couldn't bear his teammates to die with him like this, Liu Tianming calmed down and put down his gun.Although Peng Feng's words were a bit ruthless, it was also true. Even if Lin Lei was treated and survived at this moment, he could not escape the end of becoming a zombie.

"Boom!" With the safety on, Liu Tianming slammed his fist on the fence and shouted, "I'm not reconciled!"

"Hey~" At this moment, how many people sighed.Yes, who hasn't been reconciled?How many teammates who fought side by side died helplessly at the hands of the corpse poison.

Liu Tianming put down his gun and climbed into the back seat of the jeep with a dead face. There was a person lying there—his teammate Lin Lei.

The man was barely breathing, with a large gash in his stomach, and one hand was covering his exposed intestines.

"Brother, let me give you a ride!" Liu Tianming said with red eyes.

Lin Lei nodded, with relief in his eyes, the other team members in the jeep couldn't bear to turn their heads away.

How many times, how many times has this happened?Liu Tianming shouted in his heart, raised his gun unwillingly, and slowly pointed it at Lin Lei's head, turning his head away, not daring to look directly at his comrades.

shot!shot!Shoot!Liu Tianming gritted his teeth tightly, and his veins bulged, as if the gun weighed a thousand catties!
"Brother, let's go."

"Wait, I can save him!"

Can save him!These three came into his ears, causing Liu Tianming's tense body to tremble, and he suddenly raised his head to look for the source of the sound.

It was a disheveled young man, there seemed to be a scar on his head, which caused no hair to grow there, and the clothes all over his body had been stained black from the scrambling.If he hadn't spoken out, no one would have noticed this boy.

"What you said is true!" Liu Tianming turned over and jumped out of the jeep, came to Wei Chen, and said viciously: "Boy, if you can really save him, I can promise you anything, but if you If you dare to lie to me, I will strip you alive!"

Seeing Liu Tianming's aggressive face, Wei Chen was very calm, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry!"

This is true! Looking at the confident smile, Liu Tianming believed him in a daze!
Seeing that Liu Tianming was still hesitating, Chen Zhi couldn't help but yelled from behind: "Hmph, Wei Chen is willing to help you, that's your luck! Be content."

This guy.Wei Chen listened helplessly, isn't he afraid that Liu Tianming would pull out a gun and shoot him directly?

But in retrospect, Wei Chen was a little envious of Chen Zhi's mentality, he yelled out any displeasure, carefree and happy.Unfortunately, he couldn't do that himself.

"Let's go!" Wei Chen walked quickly towards the jeep.Liu Tianming followed. He was afraid that Wei Chen would not be able to climb into the car, so he stepped up to get in the car first to pull him.

"How is it? Is there help?" Liu Tianming asked eagerly when he came to Lin Lei.

"As long as you don't die, I can save you!" Wei Chen said confidently, but to others, it seemed more like bragging.

"Be patient." Wei Chen told the wounded man, he knew very well that he would not feel refreshed at all during the treatment.

"En." Lin Lei nodded cooperatively and closed his eyes.

In the next second, the ball of light in Wei Chen's hand rose slowly, like a gentle sun, the light reflected on everyone's faces, leaving a look of surprise.Next, something even more miraculous happened to them!

Wei Chen pressed the ball of light on Lin Lei's stomach. The originally exposed intestines were pulled back by a mysterious force and returned to their original positions. The dark muscles on the stomach began to boil, emitting bursts of blue smoke.

"Hey!" As the treatment continued, another puff of black smoke came out, emitting a disgusting breath, and the two female team members in the jeep subconsciously covered their mouths and noses.

This is not over yet, when the black smoke stopped appearing, the flesh near the big wound grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and bunches of granulation began to approach quickly, and they were slaughtered together.In just a blink of an eye, the original big cut was gone, replaced by a piece of brand new white skin.

"He is a person with special abilities!" Immediately after the treatment was over, there was an exclamation from under the car!

"How is Lin Lei?" Liu Tianming and others were more concerned about Lin Lei's situation than Wei Chen's identity.

I saw Lin Lei gave Liu Tianming and his teammates a big smile, and said with a few big teeth: "It's so cool!"

"Hahaha~ good" Liu Tianming was about to hug Lin Lei, but there was a figure that was faster than him.

"Brother Lei!" It was a thin figure.She buried her face deeply in Lin Lei's arms, and then cried.

"Hey, it's all right!" Lin Lei put his head in his lover's hair, enjoying a few sniffs.

Seeing the two lingering together, Liu Tianming scratched his head in embarrassment, and the other members of the jeep tactfully left them a space.

"Brother Wei Chen, thank you very much." Liu Tianming bowed, and thanked Wei Chen very solemnly, "What I said just now counts, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me!"

"Yeah." Wei Chen readily agreed, and when he enters this large gathering place, there may be many things that need their help.

By the way, there is one more.Wei Chen recalled that there was an even worse injured patient lying on a stretcher.

Seeing Wei Chen walking towards the stretcher, the eyes of the middle-aged fat man kneeling on the ground burst out!Immediately got up and chased after.

"Little brother, as long as you can save him, I will give you all these crystals!" The middle-aged fat man took out two bags of crystals and dangled them in front of Wei Chen.

"No need for these, I will save them." Wei Chen rejected the middle-aged fat man's kindness, pushed away two bags of crystals, and walked quickly towards the stretcher.Of course, it's not that Wei Chen is noble, but that in these two bags, Wei Chen didn't sense the yellow crystal he wanted.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!" Seeing Wei Chen's insistence, the middle-aged fat man put away the spar, wiped the corners of his eyes, and walked over with Wei Chen.

Arriving at the team of the middle-aged fat man, there has already been a way out here, waiting for Wei Chen to arrive.

Wei Chen was speechless secretly, everyone in this team looked at Wei Chen expectantly, it seems that this end times is also beneficial, at least everyone cherishes their companions.

Half-squatting in front of the stretcher, Wei Chen couldn't help admiring this man again, feeling admiration for his vitality.

Looking at it from a distance before, I just thought it was too miserable, but when Wei Chen walked in, I realized that this is not only miserable, this kind of wound can already make people's scalp numb!

The entire breastbone seemed to be ripped open by a pair of big hands!If it weren't for the lungs still opening and closing, Wei Chen would probably just treat him as a dead person.

After being stunned for a while, Wei Chen hurriedly started treatment, maybe in the next second, this person will ascend to heaven.

The petals darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Of course, the effect was remarkable. The broken ribs were slowly connected and recovered as before, and the flesh on the chest began to grow back.

"Saint, saint!" Seeing that his injury was almost healed, the middle-aged fat man knelt down to Wei Chen.

"Huh~ It's all right." Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, then turned to the middle-aged fat man and said, "Get up quickly."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir." Although the middle-aged fat man got up, he still bowed to Wei Chen.

gentlemen.Wei Chen felt strange about this title, he had never been called that before.But in the near future, as long as the word 'Mr.' pops out of people's mouths, it means Wei Chen.

A group of people sent Wei Chen off respectfully, and then surrounded the stretcher and began to take care of the stretcher and ask about his health.It's a pity that perhaps because of too much blood loss, this person is still unconscious.

"It's amazing!" Liu Tianming, who came up with Wei Chen, exclaimed.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Liu Tianming! I don't know what the little brother's name is?" Liu Tianming patted his head, remembering that he hadn't introduced himself yet.

"Wei Chen." Wei Chen said, and then he asked a very concerned question: "Brother Liu, what are special abilities?"

After hearing this, Liu Tianming looked at Wei Chen in surprise, but then he thought that Wei Chen and his party should not have a unified name for these ability users outside, so he explained: "A person with special abilities is someone with special abilities like you. The abbreviation is the special ability person. And those who only have brute force like us are called evolutionists.”

"Evolvers can absorb crystals to evolve and become stronger. Of course, you supernatural beings seem to have another way to become stronger." Seeing that Wei Chen was still puzzled, Liu Tianming continued. "I remember that you are called capable people outside. We only call people who have just awakened here called capable people, and those who have absorbed spar and evolved once are called evolutionaries, and then there will naturally be first-level evolutionaries. Level [-] evolutionary, and so on.

"Actually, you special abilities are the same, but because the combat power of the same level is too different, you are called first-level special abilities and second-level special abilities."

Wei Chen nodded, he basically understood, in fact, he just unified the titles and graded them according to the number of enhancements.

"Then how many people with special abilities are there?" Wei Chen asked another question that he was very concerned about. You must know that apart from what Li Wenbo said about people with special abilities along the way, Wei Chen has never met anyone with the same ability as himself. people with special abilities.

"I remember there were about a dozen of them, but it is said that the superiors have graded the abilities of you special abilities." Liu Tianming said: "But I don't know what it is."

"Survivors outside, listen up, the inspectors are here, please line up for inspection!"

Just when Liu Tianming and Wei Chen were having a heated chat, Peng Feng opened the fence and shouted to everyone.

"Brother Wei Chen, do you want to take our car?" Seeing that he could enter, Liu Tianming invited Wei Chen.

Wei Chen directly refused, and he left with Liu Tianming. What about Li Wenbo, Chen Zhi and his group?
Seeing that Wei Chen had a team, Liu Tianming felt a little regretful, but he immediately thought about it. People like Wei Chen are not something their team can have!
"Wei Chen, our team is in Area C, please come to us if you have any troubles!" Liu Tianming left his residence address, got into the jeep, drove in, and underwent inspection.

"Then let's go first, and when Xiangzi wakes up, I will have him come and thank you in person." The middle-aged fat man stepped forward and said to Wei Chen.Although the fat man's original intention was to enter with Wei Chen, so that maybe Wei Chen could take care of them, but after thinking about it, let's forget it, not to mention that this might cause Wei Chen's resentment, even he felt very sorry in his heart.

Wei Chen nodded, and watched as the stretcher swayed into the gathering place of No. [-] Middle School of the city.

It was almost over, and Wei Chen returned to Li Wenbo's team. Chen Zhi's face was sour, and he said to Wei Chen in a very awkward manner: "I thought you were going to leave with that Liu."

"Pfft!" Seeing Chen Zhi's appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"How come?" Wei Chen laughed.When everyone was immersed in joy, Li Wenbo said to Wei Chen very seriously: "Wei Chen, our team can't tolerate your big Buddha at all!"

This?Everyone was stunned, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Your ability is destined to make you extraordinary, and we will need you to cover you in the future." Li Wenbo said with a smile.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement. If Wei Chen stayed in their team, it would be a waste!But having said that, they were still very reluctant to leave Wei Chen.

"His sky is wider than ours. Since we are friends, we can't stop him from flying!" Li Wenbo said flatly.

"I know, but I just can't bear it!" Chen Zhi nodded and said, his tone was full of disappointment.

Li Chengli nodded, her eyes were red, and she grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"It's not that I can't see you anymore, why are you sad?" Li Wenbo was quite open-minded. "Let's go!"

Seeing that the persuasion was almost over, Li Wenbo led a group of people into the entrance of the gathering place and accepted the inspection.

"It's time to separate!" Wei Chen sighed and followed behind the team.He was also very sad.In the past, he and these people were comrades in arms who had carried guns.

"Hello there!"

Just when Wei Chen was thinking about something, a loud voice suddenly rang in his ears, which startled him.Turning his head to look, he saw Peng Feng solemnly giving a military salute to Wei Chen.

"No.12 Guard Battalion Commander Peng Feng, welcome to join us, sir!"

"Yeah." Wei Chen smiled.

A new life is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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