Doom Ray

Chapter 170

Chapter 170
The big scorpion's eyes glowed green in the dark, it looked very conspicuous, and it happened to be a target for Wei Chen.

Four hundred golden swords lined up side by side, disappeared in the air, and pierced fiercely at those glowing eyes!But that scorpion is also a fourth-order creature, how could it easily submit?
A huge front claw directly bounced the four golden swords out, Wei Chen's face twitched at the clean and neat situation, but fortunately, there was still a golden sword stuck in the front claw of the scorpion.

"Abolish you first!"

Wei Chen seized the opportunity, drew out the golden sword, and inserted it through the gap at that moment again.


The scorpion roared, and before Wei Chen could react, another front claw stretched out and clamped Wei Chen's golden sword.

Wei Chen froze for a moment, and quickly controlled the golden sword to escape, and let the other three golden swords attack the scorpion's eyes from another direction.However, there was actually a layer of eyelids on top of the scorpion's eyes, and when the golden swords reached the front of the eyes, this layer of eyelids was lowered by the big scorpion, successfully blocking the three golden swords.

"It's really hard." Wei Chen was helpless, although his golden sword was generated with a new structure, but after all, the big scorpion is a fourth-order existence.Then, Wei Chen shifted his gaze to the golden sword that was clamped. The big scorpion was trying hard to break the golden sword.

"Twist it. Twist it. If you break it, you'll see it." Wei Chen is not worried about the golden sword being broken. He can rebuild the golden sword without it. Therefore, in his eyes, the big scorpion is not holding the golden sword. But a bundle of high-explosive explosives!Wei Chen just waited for the big scorpion to break the golden sword, and the huge explosive force was enough to give him a pot!

You must know that the stability of the golden sword at this moment is much stronger than before. Similarly, the power of the explosion will also be multiplied several times!
Because Wei Chen went to deal with the big scorpion, the pressure on Lei Ming and his group increased a lot.

"No! I'm out of ammo!"

"I'm almost gone too!"

"I still have two energy bars, you use them first!"

Fighting along the way, the ammunition reserves of the team members are no longer enough. Even though the weapons in their hands are advanced, without ammunition, they are no different from burning sticks.

Lei Ming sighed, the situation was getting more and more unfavorable, but Wei Chen would continue to treat the injuries and detoxify the players, and it was just like this, the team hadn't reached the point of collapse.

"Adjust the ammunition with each other, and give the energy tubes to advanced weapons!" After Lei Ming finished speaking, he threw all the energy tubes in his backpack to the team members with stronger weapons.

Lei Ming took the lead, and the Fiery Shemale and others followed suit one after another, giving up the ammunition they carried in their backpacks, but they usually don't need these things very much, so the total reserve is not right.

"Big hammer, haven't you finished it yet?"

After doing this, Lei Ming threw a thunder ball to a place with many scorpions, then turned to ask those players who were fiddling with the joystick.

"Not yet."

The man called Big Hammer is sweating profusely. He is the repairer in the team. Everyone will come to him if there is any problem with the equipment. Of course, his own strength is not weak, and with the usual repair funds, The sledgehammer arms itself to the teeth every time!
"This is too complicated, give me some more time!" After wiping off his sweat, he touched his heart with a big hammer to calm down the crazy beating heart.The lives of hundreds of people in the regiment were all thrown into his hands at this moment, it was absolutely impossible not to be nervous.

"Take your time, don't rush, the situation is relatively stable now." Lei Ming comforted, and distributed the ammunition and equipment of the big hammer by the way, and the big hammer didn't complain about it.


"I haven't come up for so long, is something wrong?"

Xu Jie licked her mouth. She had just finished eating two buckets of instant noodles, and her full stomach brought her a sense of happiness.

"Huh~ Eat so much, you'll get fat sooner or later." Alan put down the half-eaten bucket of instant noodles and said with contempt.

Xu Jie rolled her eyes, "You're still wasting food!"

"I'm rich, I'm happy."

Huang Yang rubbed his eyes to hide the pain in his heart, the money seemed to be his.Zhang Qian didn't eat it, she hadn't digested so much scorpion meat before.On the other hand, the golden wolf is still eating bucket after bucket, as if he won't stop until he runs out of stored food.

"Would you like a change of taste?"

Xu Jie took out a bag of rice, shook it in front of Jinlang and asked, "Braised beef with rice, or?"


Jinlang nodded happily, so Xu Jie tore open the package, poured some cold water into it to heat the rice.

As for the tilted head, it can't eat these things if it has no stomach. Of course, the tilted head probably won't taste much.Nothing to do, it simply raised the epee to try to cut the layer of film.

"Xu Jie, let it stop."

Huang Yang shook his head and asked Xu Jie to stop the tilting of his head. After all, even if they could go down now, they would not be able to find Wei Chen.

Xu Jie responded, put down the rice in her hand, and was about to get up to persuade her to tilt her head, but at this moment, the film disappeared!Everyone who saw this scene was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatically.

"It is estimated that the purple man is dead, let's go! Get down!"

Huang Yang waved his hand, although it's useless to go down now, it's better than playing soy sauce here.So Huang Yang and others jumped to the next cabin one by one.

"Big bones!"

Alan sighed, "I don't know which beast it belongs to."

Hearing this, Xu Jie glanced at Alan, and Huang Yang could only shake his head.

Tilting its head didn't make any emotion, as soon as its bones and feet touched the ground, the whole bone ran towards the bones. Under the curious eyes of others, it raised its heavy sword and slashed at the skeleton. .


It's knife time!

Tilting his head and dancing happily, the giant beast's bone was only broken with an inconspicuous white mark!Compared with the keel, it seems that this skeleton is stronger and stronger!
"What is he going to do?"

Huang Yang looked at Xu Jie. After all, Xu Jie and Tietou had been together for a long time, but Xu Jie shook her head, and she didn't know what Tiltou was going to do.

Immediately afterwards, he tilted his head and picked out many complete bones from the skeleton of the giant beast, then picked up one of the bones, and inserted it into the ball of light in his head.

"Isn't that place dangerous? Will there be no accidents?"

Huang Yang had a strange look on his face. He heard from Wei Chen that the ball of light in his crooked head was equivalent to a human heart. Who would insert something into his heart?
But then, a shocking scene appeared, those balls of light were like a black hole, no matter how you tilt your head and stuff bones into it, the balls of light will always come and suck them in.

Seeing that the tilted head was fine, Huang Yang felt relieved to watch the show, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to Wei Chen when he turned around.

After a while, all the bones on the ground were absorbed by the light ball in the head, and the head began to slowly dismantle itself bit by bit, and all the removed bones were put into the light ball in the head.Until the end, the original tall tilted head disappeared, leaving only a skeleton head.

"This is bone replacement!" Huang Yang understood. He had heard from Wei Chen that the keel that tilted his head was replaced. "It's an eye-opener."

After Huang Yang finished speaking, the group of people quietly waited for the head to be changed, but after a long time, there was no movement of the skull on the ground.Just when the few people were getting impatient, the skull on the ground moved!
The level present was not low, and this was clearly captured by them.

I saw the light cluster in the skull began to shine, and a cervical vertebra grew out from the back of the head!Then, one section after another, the bones began to emerge continuously, cervical vertebrae, spinal bones, ribs, and hand bones.
The speed of bone growth is neither fast nor slow, very attractive!Finally, the soles of the feet grew out, and a brand new tilted head appeared in everyone's eyes!

Well, I re-uploaded 51 and 52, and you should be able to read them. .

(End of this chapter)

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