Doom Ray

Chapter 171 Eat and Be Eaten

Chapter 171 Eat and Be Eaten

He stood up with his head tilted, looked at his newly grown bones, and smiled happily. This skeleton was made by fusing giant beast bones and keels, and its hardness must be amazing!

But the fly in the ointment is that the newly grown bones are more difficult to control, and they will make creaking sounds when walking.Of course, due to the problem of the skull, the tilted head is still tilted.

"It seems to have become stronger." Huang Yang evaluated the new skeleton with his head tilted based on his first impression.

"En." Zhang Qian nodded, and responded with difficulty.

After doing a few movements on the spot to get used to the new body, he tilted his head and picked up the two epees. If Huang Yang and others hadn't witnessed this scene with their own eyes, it would be hard for outsiders to see that he had changed his skeleton by tilting his head.

"Okay, let's go down quickly."

Tilting their heads and changing their bones, the group of people continued to move forward. The passage door through which Wei Chen was chasing the purple man was closed, so the group of people had to rely on the old method to open the cabin door and go down.

"By the way, why is the skeleton of the giant beast placed upright?"

When walking down, Xu Jie suddenly asked this question, "According to the normal situation, shouldn't the skeleton be upside down?"


Xu Jie's words awakened the dreamer, Huang Yang clapped his hands, why didn't he think of that just now?

The entire spaceship is inserted into the ground, and the ground they stepped on now should be the previous wall.In other words, based on what Huang Yang and the others saw with their eyes, the giant beast was glued to the wall from the very beginning!In other words, this spaceship was already here when the behemoth died!
"Don't worry about it, just go down."

Huang Yang sighed, now one puzzle after another, people have to decipher these questions while surviving, it's too tiring, "It's important to meet them first!"

As he said, Huang Yang opened the next cabin door. The cabin below seemed to have not been opened for a long time. When Huang Yang turned the handle, some white gas still came out from the crack of the door!It can be seen that this cabin is sealed very well!
"Wow! There are dead people!"

Xu Jie blinked her eyes, as if she had discovered a new continent, perhaps because the three corpses here were not dragged and eaten by the scorpion because of the seal.

"go in."

In order not to damage the scene, Huang Yang took out a sling and lowered himself down slowly.Zhang Qian and Xu Jie also followed, and Jin Lang and Tilted Head were on alert. As for Alan, she didn't dare to come down when she heard about the dead body.

The three corpses in the cabin are suspended in the air, and they should be used for fixed use when there is no gravity.There is a sentence in which the neck of the corpse was still strangled by the fixed rope, presumably it was strangled to death when there was a sudden gravitational force.But compared to the other two, this person is considered lucky!
Huang Yang tried to open the hands and feet of the two corpses, but found that the hands and feet of the two people could not touch anything, that is to say, the two people were fixed here, unable to escape, and starved to death. of!

"My God, when they invented this thing, couldn't they make a button on the rope?" Xu Jie looked at the two bones with sympathy. The only switch that could untie the rope was the strangled one. Talent is enough.

"Here is the driver's cab." Huang Yang looked at the operation panel speechlessly, "Which planet is this person from? There are no chairs in the driver's cab?"

"Here is the structure diagram of the spaceship!"

Suddenly, Zhang Qian pointed to a drawing on the wall and said.So Huang Yang and Xu Jie immediately turned their eyes away.

The entire spaceship looks quite majestic. The spaceship is divided into three layers when it is square. The first layer is relatively short and its function is unknown. The second layer is slightly longer, and the head of the second layer is the location of the cockpit.The third floor is the longest!And it is worth noting that the third floor is marked with a scorpion-like icon.

"Wait for me to translate." Huang Yang spread out his watch and scanned the drawings on the wall.The results of the scan made Huang Yang feel very ironic.

The third floor with the scorpion logo turned out to be the food storage compartment!These people rely on breeding and eating scorpions for space travel.But now, in turn, it was eaten by the scorpion.

"Then where are Wei Chen and the others?"

Zhang Qian looked at the map and muttered, "Will you not be in the breeding room again?"

Hearing this, Huang Yang looked at Zhang Qian, and he had to say that this possibility was very big in his opinion!

"Don't worry, it's just a scorpion, big brother can handle it." Xu Jie is very confident in Wei Chen, but in fact, the situation in the breeding cabin is not very optimistic.

The big hammer's face was a little pale, he had already opened the iron box under the joystick, and began to observe the circuit.The only good news is that Big Iron Hammer has some clues, and according to his words, it will be healed soon.

The attack power in the room was reduced again. Except for some very powerful weapons that could fire shells, all other small weapons were turned off. The fighters drew their swords and fought close to each other. Various abilities were unfolded. From time to time, there were some lights shining in the dark breeding cabin. Pass.

But in this way, the probability of injury will be much higher. Even if Wei Chen heals them, it will not be able to prevent someone from losing their limbs or being killed by one blow.

On the contrary, the energy-type special abilities have a rotation system, but they can survive.

Wei Chen, who was flying above, was also a lot of trouble, not to mention treating and detoxifying the people below, but that big scorpion was enough trouble.

After a few rounds of fighting, the big scorpion was also in a panic. The broken golden sword blew up a front claw, but this time, the big scorpion's viciousness was aroused, and it directly threw its slender tail hook at Wei Chen!

The length of this tail hook is enough to attack Wei Chen!


Wei Chen concentrated all his attention, the tail hook was not only hard, but also the hook was like a machete, if it was chopped down, it would probably be split in half!
Relying on the gray elves to capture the attack direction of the tail hook, Wei Chen narrowed his eyes, and placed two golden swords on the attack route of the tail hook!

The tail hook and the golden sword collided with each other, creating a long spark in the air.

"A scorpion is a scorpion. No matter how much you evolve, you are still a scorpion." Wei Chen temporarily heaved a sigh of relief after dodging an attack. The big scorpion is now completely reckless. Wei Chen is not afraid of the scorpion attacking him, but afraid of the scorpion attacking him suddenly Lei Ming and the others said, "A few more times will be enough."

Standing in this stalemate all the time, Wei Chen himself felt uncomfortable, the golden sword was hard to break through the opponent's defense, so Wei Chen had to rely on the explosion of the golden sword to kill the big scorpion.

Just as he was talking, the scorpion's tail hook drew an arc in the space, and swung it towards Wei Chen again. As before, Wei Chen placed the two golden swords on the attack route of the tail hook.


Sparks were everywhere, and the bright light was reflected on Wei Chen's excited face, and a trace of collapse began to appear on the golden sword. These two bombs were done!
"go with!"

Before the tail hook could be swung, Wei Chen controlled two unstable golden swords and flew towards the big scorpion, one left and one right.The big scorpion habitually used the remaining front claw to resist, but it was useless!There is also a golden sword that has reached the brain of the big scorpion!
"Blast me!"

Following Wei Chen's order, the two golden swords burst open!Immediately, the entire breeding cabin was illuminated!

Four more, nine thousand words are done! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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