Doom Ray

Chapter 172 The Dust Settles

Chapter 172 The Dust Settles
The golden sword exploded, and the light from the explosion illuminated the breeding cabin.

The group of Lei Ming in the room looked at the sky, showing a look of surprise, and the offensive in their hands paused for a while without knowing it.

"Don't look, hit quickly, the scorpion is coming in!"

After a while, Lei Ming hurriedly shouted after regaining his senses.So the team members began to reorganize the resistance.

Sitting on the sword platform, Wei Chen covered his eyes. The sudden flash of light from the golden sword explosion made him a little unbearable, after all, his eyes had been in darkness just now.

The most central explosion has ended, but the aftermath of the explosion is still there!

A circle of golden ripples spread out, crushing the scorpions along the way, and there was a crackling sound in the cabin. The mucus on the scorpion's body was squeezed out during the crushing, flowing all over the ground, and the air suddenly filled with This stench.

And the big scorpion in the center of the explosion was blown to pieces, and the only remaining front claw was wiped clean in this explosion!And the eyes that were originally glowing, more than half of the head was blown off together!

Dead can't die anymore!
"It's done."

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and began to change his target to assist Lei Ming and his gang below.But at this moment, in the dead body of the big scorpion, a little green light suddenly flashed.

There is something!
Wei Chen, who was flying in the air, was the first to notice the green light, and then turned his gaze away. The nearby scorpions seemed to be summoned by the green light, and frantically crawled towards the green light.

"Dare to snatch it from me!" Wei Chen sneered, and he manipulated the golden sword to kill these overwhelmed scorpions in minutes, "It must be a good thing."

As he said that, Wei Chen controlled the sword platform to move over, and used the golden sword to pick out the green light from the stinking corpse of the big scorpion, and held it in his hand.

"This is a green bead!"

Wei Chen's eyes widened, he was very familiar with this thing, and with this green bead, Wei Chen had three beads in total!
Taking out the other two beads, Wei Chen was speechless for a moment, this thing was hotly contested outside, and he had three of them.

"Why does it look like Chinese cabbage?"

Shaking his head, Wei Chen put the bead back into his bosom. Although he didn't know how this green bead got here, it was also a harvest, right?

The biggest threat is gone, and with Wei Chen's full assistance, Lei Ming and the others have gradually settled down. The most obvious thing is the big hammer. What a score!

"Haha, I figured it out!"

After a while, the big hammer jumped up in surprise.



Faced with the questions from his teammates, Big Iron Hammer nodded with certainty, "This thing is actually not difficult, but the technology used in it exceeds our current technology, that's why it takes so long."

Lei Ming nodded after listening. This is just an ordinary mechanism, but the internal structure is not something they can easily figure out.

"Okay, let's go if you can! I can't stand it anymore."

"Okay." Under the urging of his teammates, the sledgehammer pulled the control lever a few times and pressed it in forcefully.Then, he pressed a red switch next to him, and the room moved.

"My lord can do it!"

Wei Chen, who was in the air, had already noticed the movement here, and flew over to join Lei Ming and the others.

Immediately afterwards, the room began to rise slowly. I don't know if the sledgehammer failed to fix the switch. The rising speed was much slower than the falling speed just now.

But even so, the scorpions on the ground were still attacking endlessly, wanting to catch two more but not enough food.Of course, everyone present didn't want to be rations, so the team broke out again!

Those explosive bombs and grenades that would accidentally hurt their own people were all thrown down at this moment, and each one would cause a loud noise that shook the world.

"Fuck, take it easy, don't collapse the room!"

Alan De, who was on the front line, felt it most obviously, his face twitched, and he hurriedly stopped these people's crazy actions.

After the room rose to a certain level, the cover on the ceiling opened!
"It's done!"

Seeing the gray and white wall above, the most exciting thing is undoubtedly the big hammer.

"King Guang, did you get the things?" After the dust settled, Lei Ming asked Wei Chen.

Wei Chen nodded, took out the purple beads and said, "I got it."

Looking at the purple bead in Wei Chen's hand, many people's eyes glowed green at that moment, and they couldn't help but want to reach out to snatch it. Fortunately, their reason defeated greed, especially when they saw Wei Chen's hair. With red eyes, I couldn't help shivering.

Wei Chen put away the beads, if they found out that he had three beads on his body, I don't know what Lei Ming and his group would think.After adjusting the frequency of the radio, Wei Chen told Huang Yang and the others the approximate passage, and asked them to go out and wait.

After a fight, the team members seemed to be a little tired, many of them slumped on the ground, and the only sound left in the room was the 'squeak' when they rose.

"Say nothing will happen again?"

Suddenly, a member of the team broke the silence.

"Go away, Crow's Mouth."

"Shut your mouth, believe it or not, I'll find a stone to smash it?"

"Damn it, I'll be the first to kill you when something happens!"


In the last line of defense at this moment, many red lanterns were hung along the street.

"Old Wang, your house is also hanging!"

"Who wants to die and dare not hang up?"

"I heard that the wedding ceremony is quite grand this time. It is said that it is behind the scenes... Uh, it is said that it will be held on the roof of the Central Scientific Research Building!"

"I don't know which family is so dog-legged."

As the two talked, they subconsciously looked at a very tall building in the distance, which was the Central Scientific Research Building.It is the tallest building in the last line of defense, and the most frightening thing is not its height, but its depth!It is said that the creatures behind the scenes have built a large research site underground with special means!

And in the yard of a rich family, a beautiful figure is spread out on a rocking chair. Although she has a youthful appearance, from a distance, it makes people feel the lifelessness of old age.

"Hey, miss, don't be like this. You see how good the man is. He is powerful and rich. What's wrong with marrying him?"

"Besides, you see, this time the lord can specially approve you to hold the wedding on the top floor of the tall building. What's wrong? What a face!"

"You just forget yours"


Huangfu Ling turned on the microphone on the chair to listen to the frequency, but after a while, it seemed that a new frequency was found there, and it started to chatter again.

Huangfu Ling simply ignored the chattering voice, what kind of face she could think of that aunt on the other side!

Nine thousand words yesterday, the whole person collapsed. .

(End of this chapter)

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