Doom Ray

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

"Any news?"

In the dark underground, a group of people gathered, no matter who they were, all of them had sad faces.What the behind-the-scenes creature did was completely slapping the face!Slap their faces hard!
It's fair and aboveboard, the media is getting married, and all the wedding procedures have been done in a calm and unhurried manner!The most irritating thing is that there is a red invitation card in the middle of the table they are sitting around!

"Too deceiving!"

Huang Conglong slapped the table and said angrily, "Don't you have the strength to snatch a kiss if you bully us!"

Elder Ou sighed, patted Huang Conglong on the shoulder and said, "Don't mess around, calm down, what we can do now is to find Wei Chen quickly, and he is the only one who has the ability to snatch a kiss."

"It's lovely!" Huang Conglong stood up. Ever since he captured a guard line, Wei Chen has disappeared. They searched everywhere but found no news. During this period, it is unknown who took Wei Chen and Huangfuling's place. The relationship was revealed, causing the Huangfu family to suddenly fall into a passive position.

"What are you in a hurry for? It's not that your wife was robbed!" Just as Huang Conglong got angry, a piercing voice sounded from below.

Wei Qingcheng sat on the seat, looked at Huang Conglong and said firmly: "My brother will definitely come back!"

After Wei Qingcheng finished speaking, the audience fell into silence.What Wei Qingcheng said was also reasonable. For the others present, Huangfuling's matter was big or small. The creatures behind the scenes came to slap them in the face, and it was over after a while. People who do big things don't care about the slap.

But here comes the problem, if Wei Chen didn't know about Huangfuling at all, and when he came back, he found that his female ticket was robbed, but they didn't help or try to notify him in time, then the relationship with Wei Chen would be very troublesome. stiff!It is not impossible for Wei Chen to beat them to death in a fit of anger.

"I'll go to the wedding! If it doesn't work, I'll kill Huangfu Ling on the spot, at least give her a relief, and give Wei Chen an explanation!"

After Huang Conglong finished speaking, he put away the invitation card on the table and left without looking back.

"fair enough."

Many people agreed with this approach very much. This would at least preserve Huangfuling's reputation, and it would be easier for them to explain when Wei Chen came back.

"Boss wait a minute!"

Just as Huang Conglong was about to open the door to go out, Xiaobai who was not far from the conference table suddenly yelled, "Come here quickly! Study all the situations!"

"What's the matter, tell me now."

"Someone ran out of the research institute! It seems that there is still a lot of trouble."

Xiaobai tapped a few times on the keyboard to call up the surveillance screens around him.A very strange scene appeared on the screen, a large group of running dogs in silver-gray clothes running around like headless chickens in a hurry.

"what's going on?"

Many people at the conference table were stunned, would arresting someone be like this?Including Huang Conglong, who is a little confused at the moment.

While everyone was paying attention to the screen, Wei Qingcheng sat next to Mr. Ou and asked anxiously, "Is there any news yet?"

"No, we have plowed all the land during this time." Mr. Ou shook his head and sighed, "We can only wait for God to open his eyes."

Saying that, Ou Lao closed his eyes, he was a bit old, and Ou Lao was probably the most anxious of all the people when such a thing happened to Huangfu Ling!
At this time, the door of the underground organization suddenly opened, and a person walked in staggeringly, looking very tired.

"Any news?"

Ou Lao and Wei Qingcheng asked almost at the same time, Li Wenbo picked up the thermos bottle from the ground, regardless of whether it was hot or not, took a few sips, and then said: "I haven't found any reply from the brothers."

Hearing this, Mr. Ou had a look of getting used to it.


Suddenly, Li Wenbo changed his voice and said: "One of the brothers received a letter, which said 'help me, make this matter big'."

Wei Qingcheng asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Wenbo pointed to the monitoring screen and said, "I don't know, we've already started doing it anyway."

Ou Lao and Wei Qingcheng hurriedly turned their heads to look at the screen.

"Guang Wangcheng doesn't deceive me, these brothers are strong enough."

A girl eating a cone by the side of the road walked on the road tremblingly. The girl's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her face was also very pale. Needless to say, this must be a disguise by Zhuang Ban.

"Come on, brothers, let's go first."

Speaking of Zhuang Ban trying to put on a normal look, he walked towards the outside of the defense line. In order to escape, he specially made a lot of tricks in the research institute, paralyzed the communication equipment, and tried to get out before the city gate was strictly prohibited. It also destroyed many password unlockers for important objects.

Compared with the calmer Zhuang Ban, those lackeys are not calm.

"How dare you step on my wife! I'll beat you to death!"

When the lackeys were arresting them, a brawl broke out on the side of the road. A strong man grabbed a passerby and beat him!

"Tell you to seduce my wife, tell you to sleep with my wife!"

"Brother Chen, take it easy."

"Bah! You felt good while sleeping, tell me to be gentle now!"


After the strong man finished speaking, his fists rained down. Of course, the parts where he struck were all fleshy.Those lackeys who were chasing after Zhuang Ban were about to ignore these two and go around, but unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred!
"Ah! Brothers fight together!"

"Fuck, don't think you brought someone here!"

After the two finished speaking, they greeted behind them, and suddenly a group of people emerged from the corners of the streets, grabbing innocent passers-by and beating them. The scene suddenly became very chaotic, and those lackeys were inevitably beaten. Kick.Even later, more and more hands and feet greeted those lackeys.

"Bastard, catch them all!"

The leader of the lackeys couldn't take it anymore and ordered to clear the scene, so the already chaotic scene became even more chaotic.Later, the lackeys were completely targeted.

Similar situations happened in various streets. The lackeys who arrested Zhuang Ban finally found that there was no way for them to go, and there were gang fights everywhere.


"Finally home."

The moment he stepped into the film, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, "I'll go to Luo Sheng to deal with the matter first, you guys rest and replenish, and you'll gather your staff later and leave!"

"Okay!" Lei Ming nodded. After all, this was negotiated, and as a big boss, they would naturally not breach the contract. "Remember we still have our share!"


Wei Chen nodded, Lei Ming and the others came here for this large amount of points and contributions, of course Wei Chen will not forget this.

After explaining, Wei Chen walked towards Luo Sheng's room non-stop.It took a bit too much time to go underground this time, plus the time to get to the last line of defense later, if Wei Chen didn't hurry up, it might be too late!

(End of this chapter)

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