Doom Ray

Chapter 174 Preparations before the war

Chapter 174 Preparations before the war
"Wow, that man is flying!"

"This ability is awesome!"

Hearing the praise below, Wei Chen smiled, and sped up the speed again.But there is one thing that surprised Wei Chen, that is, the coating on his body has not disappeared yet.

"The persistence is so strong? There won't be any sequelae?"

Speaking of this, Wei Chen remembered the last time when his eyes were covered by a layer of blood mist.It is very uncomfortable to not be able to use the eyes.

"It doesn't matter~~~"

And at this moment, in Luo Sheng's house, Luo Sheng was grinding coffee beans very seriously, every time Wei Chen came, he would make these preparations.The ground coffee beans were put into a special container, and a pot of boiling water next to it was lifted by Luo Sheng, and the scalding water was washed on the ground powder.

"Come in."

Luo Sheng didn't even look at the door, and spoke directly.Wei Chen opened the door and came in. Seeing the indoor scene, with an expression of 'getting used to it', he found the direct seat and sat down.

Just at the moment when Wei Chen sat down, Luo Sheng put the cup full of coffee in front of Wei Chen.

"Try it, it feels better than last time." Luo Sheng nodded to Wei Chen very seriously, but now Wei Chen doesn't have the time to drink coffee.

Wei Chen took out a purple bead and threw it to Luo Sheng: "What you want."

"Thank you." Luo Sheng took the purple beads and put them in his pocket.

"Get ready, I'm going to leave immediately!" Seeing Luo Sheng's bead, Wei Chen said: "There are also points for Lei Ming and the others, which cannot be missed."

"Tsk tsk tsk~~ You're really stingy." Luo Sheng was speechless, "But if you don't quit in this state, it will be a waste."


Seeing Wei Chen's puzzled face, Luo Sheng explained: "Yes, this is the resonance state produced after being recognized by the beads, also known as the pseudo-fourth order. Of course, maintaining this state will consume the energy stored in the beads. "

Wei Chen nodded in understanding, Luo Sheng continued: "Just take the beads away from your body for a while."

After Luo Sheng finished speaking, Wei Chen didn't take any precautions. He directly took out the red beads and put them aside. If Luo Sheng was greedy for these things, he wouldn't have to return them to Wei Chen in the first place.

Soon, the red coating on Wei Chen's body disappeared.And the red bead is still red.

"Not bad, it seems that you are quite talented in collecting energy." Luo Sheng saw that Wei Chen's beads were still red, and he couldn't help but praise.Wei Chen put away the beads in embarrassment, he didn't know how to collect the energy of this thing at all.

"Let's go first, I have to prepare, the guy who controls your defense line is not easy to deal with."

After speaking, Luo Sheng waved his hand and drove Wei Chen out.

Wei Chen doesn't mind, as long as this guy doesn't break his promise, he can do whatever he wants.

After leaving the gate of Luo Sheng's house, Wei Chen jumped onto the golden sword and flew towards the luxury store at the gate.He didn't know the sun in the ground, and he didn't realize until Wei Chen came out that two or three days had passed outside.

"I hope the clothes are ready."

When he came to the door of the store, Wei Chen jumped down, and the robot on the door of the store still gave Wei Chen a very cordial greeting.

"Is the dress I want ready?"

"All right."

The robot spoke coldly, without emotion.After hearing Wei Chen's order, the robot pressed its hand a few times, and then two green lights shot out from its eyes, scanning Wei Chen.

"Please wait."

After the robot confirmed his identity, two large cylinders rose beside the counter.

"You can see if you are satisfied with the clothes you want. If you are satisfied, we will automatically deduct your points."

Wei Chen nodded, the clothes are very gorgeous, he is quite satisfied, but the problem is, this thing can't be taken away!

Forget about the men's dress, the most important one is the women's dress, it's too long!
"It seems that the convoy behind can only be transported away." Wei Chen sighed helplessly, the reality was very different from his imagination, and he could only blame himself for ignoring the problem that the clothes were inconvenient to carry when looking at the model.

"So be it."

It was useless to regret, Wei Chen confirmed to pay the bill, and was told by Lei Ming to take care of the transportation.When the system reported the balance of Wei Chen's points, Wei Chen found that his points had risen to more than 1000 million points.

"Luo Sheng is generous enough." Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief. From this point of view, the points transaction should be fulfilled.

After getting more money again, the first thing Wei Chen did was to change into a protective suit, the previous one had already been hacked to pieces by the purple man.

When he came to the props store, Wei Chen directly pulled the commodity bar to the end. Clothes that were too low-end could not be effective in that level of battle.

"All 1000 million has been exchanged."

Wei Chen didn't care about the points at all, this thing was completely controlled by Luo Sheng, and he could just go back and ask Luo Sheng for some points.

The new protective clothing is relatively high-end, and the evaluation results are full of 'S'.Of course, there is nothing to say about the comfort, but the color is a bit ugly, shit yellow shit yellow.

"It fits well." Wei Chen smiled wryly on the golden sword, wearing this and standing on the golden sword, he looked like a lump of something, with only his face showing.

Then, Wei Chen exchanged some potions with the remaining points. This thing can replenish energy, and it may come in handy at critical moments.

Get ready, Wei Chen rushed to the meeting point, as for rest, if you rest, you can only squint on the road for a while.


"so many people!"

Arriving at the assembly point, Wei Chen looked down from a high altitude, and there were densely packed human heads below.Swallowing, Wei Chen adjusted the frequency of the walkie-talkie and asked Lei Ming. He always felt that he was in the wrong place.

"Haha, thanks!"

As soon as the walkie-talkie spoke, Lei Ming's very happy voice came from inside, presumably it was the skyrocketing points that made him so excited.

"Why are there so many people?" Wei Chen asked.

Lei Ming laughed again and said, "Aren't you startled, you don't think we've been here for so long, and we only took those hundreds of people into our hands?"

When Lei Ming said this, Wei Chen finally understood that the group of players who went underground to find the beads should be regarded as elite players, and those who were not strong enough would naturally be left behind.You know, outside the central area of ​​the brigade, the population base is quite large!


Wei Chen said these two words into the walkie-talkie very sincerely, "But you have to hurry up, there is not much time!"

"Don't worry! There are super high-tech flying cars here."

Hearing this, Wei Chen was relieved.There are all kinds of places to travel, and now everyone's points are also very sufficient, and Luo Sheng, who looks very strong, makes a move. At this moment, Wei Chen is full of confidence.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Chen stood up on the golden sword, looking at the distance, where the defense line is located!

"Wait for me!"


A little Calvin. .

(End of this chapter)

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