Doom Ray

Chapter 175 Early Wedding

Chapter 175 Early Wedding

Until everyone had assembled and set off on the road, Wei Chen never got off the Golden Sword Platform, but just sat there with his head down, watching the ants-like people gather little by little, listening to the continuous transmission on the walkie-talkie. The voice of the order came.

Recalling that he was just a lonely high school student who was ignored by no one, Wei Chen was very emotional. At that time, he always thought that he worked hard, and his success or failure depended on destiny.

But now, Wei Chen also understands that hard work is not useless, at least, isn't the large group of underground people gathered by running around by themselves?
Thinking of this, Wei Chen felt a little relieved, compared to before, now there are so many people supporting him and accompanying him.

"I hope it ends soon."

Wei Chen looked forward to the road, and the upside-down life has already made Wei Chen exhausted, "Shoot in at once!"

As he said that, Wei Chen seemed to have made up his mind. Originally, he only wanted to save Huangfu Ling, but now he has another purpose, which is to liberate the humans in the defense line.Looking at the audience, currently only Wei Chen has the strength to do this!
Withdrawing the line of defense is equivalent to having a place to settle down.There must be parents, younger sisters, and Huangfuling who is going to be rescued in the family, not one of them is missing!
Thinking of this, the heart that had been quiet just now became hotter.

"Wei Chen, everything is fine, do you want to go?"

Lei Ming's voice came from the walkie-talkie, Wei Chen had already told everyone his name just now, there was nothing to hide.

"Have you brought any clothes?" Wei Chen asked, the clothes he was talking about naturally referred to the two wedding dresses, after all, this trip meant snatching a marriage, so he simply packed everything.

"Bring it!" Speaking of clothes, Lei Ming's voice was suddenly filled with excitement, "You are not bad, you are good! You can do such high-end things as snatching a kiss!"

Wei Chen laughed dryly, if there were no such incidents, it is estimated that the progress between him and Huangfuling would not have been so fast.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Wei Chen finished speaking, he pointed to the direction of the final line of defense with one hand, the engine of the underground car began to roar, and the advanced trucks were filled with people, forming a 'greeting team' full of gunpowder.

A golden stream of light flashed across the sky, and a puff of purple smoke rose from Wei Chen's body. When gathering, Wei Chen quickly put in the golden sword and advanced to the third level. Originally, he wanted to break through directly. It's the fourth level of Lieyang, but Luo Sheng also came over, telling Wei Chen not to rush to break through, it's better to adjust the frequency thoroughly with Zhuzi first, so that it will be easier to break through to the imperial level in the future.

Therefore, in the long-term consideration, Wei Chen stuck himself to the peak of the third level of Lieyang.

Soon, Wei Chen overtook the welcoming team and hung behind the leader's car.

"Big brother, I want to sit too!"

Suddenly, Xu Jie, who was underground, saw Wei Chen flying in the sky, and felt a burst of envy, so she said coquettishly on the intercom: "Download me and go up~~"

"Don't make trouble!" Huang Yang said, "Sit here quietly!"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yang looked fierce, and Xu Jie was so frightened that he sat back obediently.After all, Wei Chen went to snatch a marriage this time, let another woman sit on his sword platform, maybe Huangfu Ling would have some opinions.

At the last line of defense, on the basement of the central area, a projector is playing Wei Chen's convoy on the white wall, and a young man is sitting right in front of the projection.

"So soon, it seems that the wedding will be brought forward."

The young man said leisurely, not paying attention to Wei Chen, a big group of people.Then, the young man took out the walkie-talkie and gave some instructions to the following.

However, it was these few sentences that caused an uproar in the underground organization.

"What! The wedding is ahead of schedule! No, I'll go and see what other etiquettes haven't been done!" Mr. Ou reacted the most. Ever since he heard that the other party had to do a good job of etiquette, Mr. Ou specially asked the elders of Huangfu's family to tell them I went over the etiquette of the family wedding, just to delay a little longer until the last moment.

But who would have thought that the wedding would suddenly be brought forward!

After finishing speaking, Mr. Ou ignored the steward who was sitting there, and left first.Others will naturally not stop.

"Could something have happened to them?"

After Mr. Ou left, a slightly fat man said suddenly, he was still panting heavily when he spoke, obviously he had just rushed over.

"I don't know, but everyone has taken out all the previous preparations!" Huang Conglong shook the dagger stuck in his waist and said: "If it doesn't work, I can only make a move. When the time comes, you all take advantage of the chaos and move, be careful." !"

"it is good!"

After killing the bride at the wedding, Huang Conglong must be famous and unable to stay in the defense line. At this time, some handover tasks must be prepared in advance.

Discuss a few more words, the underground organization is over, this time, they are busy.

"Hahaha! It's ahead of time! Good!"

In a residence on the last line of defense, a pale young man laughed loudly, "It's just what I want!"

"Young Master Zhao, hurry up and get ready!"


Hearing the servant's suggestion, the young man hurriedly got up from the bed.However, just as he got up, a slightly tired hand grabbed him.

"Well~~ Young Master Zhao, don't go."


The young man put his foot on the woman's face, how could this guy compare to Huangfu Ling?

That's right, this young man is the initiator of the forced marriage, Zhao Can.

At the same moment, in the courtyard where Huangfuling was staying, a machine lifted her from the chair, and she was like a puppet, being manipulated by the makeup artists who came over.

Suddenly, the matchmaker in charge yelled.

"Oh! The clothes are one size too big? How did you measure them in the first place!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's our dereliction of duty."

"Forget it, just make do with it."

The two servants who were scolded wiped the sweat from their foreheads. Their measurements could not be wrong, and the machine that made the clothes could not be wrong, so the only possible problem was that Huangfu Ling lost weight!In just a few days!

After the meeting, Wei Qingcheng returned home, silently fed his father and mother, tidied up, and put on a combat uniform.

If Wei Chen didn't come, then she will come!

Wei Chen hung up the walkie-talkie and sneered, he didn't expect that there were lackeys in the team!

"Since you want to see it, I'll let you watch it!" Wei Chen controlled the sword platform to descend to a certain height, and then stopped.With the help of the gray elves, he quickly found the monitor floating in space!

Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen stood up, at his height, he was facing the camera!Wei Chen raised one hand slowly, put his five fingers together, cut along the neck, then pointed his hands at the camera, and raised his middle finger!
The young man in the basement of the research institute saw this scene with a smile on his lips. Although he didn't know what the middle finger meant, he understood the movement of cutting his throat!
"Interesting! You won't be able to laugh for a while!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up behind the scenes, monitoring was useless, and the next step was to fight.The advance of the wedding is to use Wei Chen as an example to others!
(End of this chapter)

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