Doom Ray

Chapter 176 1 cannon blast

Chapter 176
At the same time, on the wall of the last line of defense, some lackey troops arrived one after another, and set up fortifications on the wall, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The weapons carried by these lackeys are obviously a few grades higher than the ordinary firearms in the old world, but they are only a few grades. Compared with the menacing welcoming team, these weapons are like wooden sticks, too backward!

"Report! There is a situation ahead!"

Zhao Gangyi is the commander-in-chief of the city wall this time, and at the moment he is sitting in a relatively safe room in the center of the wall, listening to his subordinates' reports.

"Take me to see."

Zhao Gangyi had already received information behind the scenes, and he was going to give the team who snatched the marriage a blow!
When I came to the city wall, I could see the scenery in the distance at a glance. From time to time, one or two zombies appeared all around, and they were shot dead by the guards on the city wall.


The soldier reporting on the side pointed to the dusty place in the distance, "It should be that group of people!"

"Okay!" Zhao Gangyi's eyes lit up. Finally, the defense line has been established for a long time, but he has not encountered any comparable battles so far. This time is the opportunity to show his skills!The most important thing is that Zhao Gangyi is the commander of this battle. After winning, all kinds of military exploits will follow, and his status will also rise with the tide.

"Send the order, as long as the opponent enters the range, fire directly!"


Zhao Gangyi said, after a few heralds at the side saluted, they rushed to make an announcement. In their view, the equipment on the defense line was so powerful, and the convoy that robbed the bride was just some unarmed Civilians!

However, it is not!

"Captain Lei, the front is here!"

"I see!"

The walls of the defense line are so huge that the blind can't see them!
"Hey, Wei Chen, it doesn't matter if the people on the city wall are killed?" Lei Ming asked.After hearing Wei Chen's indifferent answer, Lei Ming rubbed his big hands and said, "Okay, prepare the cannon!"

"Boss, do you really need to use it? Isn't it a pity to use only one shell?"

"Use it as soon as you are told, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Lei Ming scolded with a smile.This thing was bought for the purpose of blasting heavy fortifications, and the city wall in front of him was just right for Lei Ming.

"it is good!"

After the little brother over there received the news, he looked excited, big gun!He had coveted this thing for a long time before, and always thought that one day he could get two shots!

"Brothers, set up the cannon!"


The driver at the back of the convoy licked his lips and pressed a few buttons on the driver's seat. Then, there was a loud noise from the rear of the truck, and a huge muzzle rose.

Giant Cannon, full name Lieyang Cannon, although it is not on the wish list, the popularity of this thing is also very high!

"Using this thing."

In an unremarkable car, Luo Sheng shook his head, and then called the driver to stop the car.Seeing this, other cars also stopped.

"Report, barrel cleaning"

"Reload directly, report a yarn!"

"Yes Yes."

It's not in the army, you don't need to be so serious.

Soon, a shell that required five or six people to lift was stuffed into the barrel.It is worth mentioning that the five or six people here are certainly not ordinary people!It's an evolutionary with powerful power!
"Gunners take aim!"

"Pfft~ I'm too excited, the order is wrong."

"Never mind it!"

After loading the shells, several people laughed and said, under normal circumstances, they aim first and then load.

"Aiming, who's going to fire?"

It's just aiming, it won't trouble everyone, but when the problem came, the gunner asked 'who will fire the gun', and everyone around rushed forward with red eyes.

"Go away! I'm the captain and I'm coming!"

Suddenly, the captain in command spoke, how could such a good opportunity be given to others?

The captain gave the order, and the team members didn't dare to act recklessly, they could only look at their captain jealously like a bitter woman.Then, the captain picked up the thread and pulled it hard.


Suddenly, the world stopped!

"what sound?"

On the city wall, the guarding lackeys were startled by the sudden loud noise, and looked at each other suspiciously, and then there was nothing else.

A black spot suddenly appeared on the city wall.At the beginning, this black spot was not noticed by anyone, but after only a second or two, this black spot began to slowly become bigger and bigger!In the process of getting bigger, the suction force from the black spot is also constantly increasing!Until the black dot increases to a critical value!

In an instant, a part of the city wall was missing!
The thunder was heavy and the rain was light. The people in the snatching team covered their ears in preparation, but until they saw the city wall disappear, there was no sound.


Players, you look at me, I look at you, this feeling is too unreal!
"Drive away, it's a black hole bomb, of course there's no sound."

Luo Sheng said something into the walkie-talkie, beckoning the driver to drive away.When the drivers of other teams saw it, they followed suit.As a result, the behind-the-scenes creatures who originally prepared a large number of troops on the city wall and wanted to fight a battle would never have thought that the snatching team would drive the truck in without any effort!

On the ground floor of the Central Research Institute, the young man crushed the fruit in his hands fiercely. From this point of view, let alone a complete wedding that was discussed at the beginning, it is estimated that there is not even time to make a speech at the hall!
"Send me all the manpower! Order the convoy to pick up the bride and groom, give me full power, and come at full speed!"

At this point, the young man had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue, "Give me a delay of at least three hours!"


There was a response over the intercom, but it sounded unassuming.Think about it, how strong is the team that broke the city wall in an instant?
After the young man finished his instructions, his face was full of anger. Judging from the situation, if he continued to sit here, he would probably lose everything!So, behind the scenes, he got dressed and got on the elevator.
After receiving the urgent order again, everyone who received invitations to attend the wedding did not dare to neglect, speeded up their dressing and dressing, and felt the top floor of the Central Research Institute one after another.

"Is the King of Light here? It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes will also be anxious!"

Huang Conglong was sitting in the elevator, with a smile on his lips, and as soon as he came, he wiped out the city wall, really awesome!
At the same time, the news that the city wall was blown up began to spread wildly in the city. The power of the new type of communication equipment also made me slapped behind the scenes. The technology of this thing was brought by him!
At the Huangfu's house, Ou Lao, who got the news, sat down on the ground and cried!

"Good boy, it's finally here!"

Wei Qingcheng, who was among the guests, got the news from the conversation around him, so he covered his mouth with a happy face.

But at this moment, Zhao Can's face was gloomy.

"Fuck! They're all trash, they can't stop even one person!" Zhao Can knocked hard on the car window, but fortunately, the window was produced with a new generation of technology.


Recommendations for next week. . .

The update speed is relatively slow recently, so I apologize here, Tianzhong is not an idler in reality, I also have my own things to do. . .

(End of this chapter)

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