Doom Ray

Chapter 177 Purpose

Chapter 177 Purpose
The city wall was blown up, and the barracks behind the city wall were mobilized immediately. A large number of soldiers lined up neatly, distributed their guns, and were urged by the lackeys to go to the battlefield and join the battle against the snatching team.

These soldiers are not running dogs, but veterans who have survived before. If something happened to their boss, these soldiers have no choice but to obediently obey the orders behind the scenes.

"I'm really not reconciled!"

In the team, many people ignored discipline and began to complain.

"That's right, it's okay to fight zombies, but let us fight good people, soldiers for this sake, what a fucking loser!"

"Hey, the lackey is here!"

"It looks like this, I just want to say it! All my relatives are dead, I'm single, so kill him if you want! If it wasn't for this collar, I would kill him right now."


There was a gunshot, and a bullet hole sprayed with blood appeared on the boss' forehead.

"This person disturbs the morale of the army, shoot him!"

Seeing the running dog in the silver-gray clothes in front of him holding up his gun and showing off his power, the soldiers underground clenched their fists. Many of them suppressed their anger. They couldn't help it. Unlike the bachelor veteran just now, many of them were Family!

"Keep going!"

The leading lackey raised his head and said, while the old soldier's body was just thrown aside.

During this period of time, many things happened, ranging from small fights to large-scale riots. It seemed that what was blasted was not the city gates, but the hearts of the people!

"Look at me, I'm so merciless!"

At this moment, Zhuang Ban was also among the soldiers. His original plan was to wait for the soldiers to go out to patrol the city and escape. How could he have expected such a sudden change.

"I hope I don't hit the wrong person in a while." Zhuang Ban drew a sign of the cross on his chest, folded his hands together, and prayed all the gods and gods he knew in his heart. Won't you be beaten to death by your own people?

As they approached the city gate, there was a constant sound of loading in the convoy. Everyone checked their weapons for the last time to ensure that the chain would not fall off in a while.And the bosses of weapons that are so powerful that they don't need them put glass bottles and needles containing various medicines within their reach to deal with emergencies.

"Everyone, be careful, they have a potion that can directly break through to the second level of Lieyang."

Wei Chen said to the walkie-talkie in the sky, he will not forget that when he attacked the outpost defense line, the two bottles of medicine that the woman named Zhang Chi took out directly allowed her to break through to the second level of Lieyang. The first level of Lieyang is enough!


Lei Ming sat on the passenger seat and nodded solemnly. If Wei Chen hadn't mentioned it earlier, he really didn't know there was such a potion!
"By the way, there is also the transformation of human beings!"

After hearing Wei Chen's instructions, Xu Jie quickly added, "Those guys have white eyes and great strength!"

Transform humans?
Hearing what Xu Jie said, Wei Chen remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

"I understand."

Suddenly, Luo Sheng also pressed the intercom and said: "I know what that guy is up to, Wei Chen, you have to be careful for a while, the one behind the scenes that controls you humans is probably the real fourth-order!"

real or fake!

Lei Ming didn't dare to say this, but just wiped his forehead silently. He knew that Wei Chen's opponent should be very strong, but he didn't expect it to be the existence of Lie Yang's fourth rank!

"Others, be careful. That guy is probably extracting the potential of human beings and storing it up for himself to break through to the imperial rank. So once you guys are caught, kill yourself, otherwise life will be worse than death!"

Listening to Luo Sheng's words, many people took a deep breath.

"How?" Wei Chen asked.

"The potion that can directly break through to the second level of Lieyang is extracted from the human body!"

"Let's put it this way, if everyone is a bottle, then the bottles must be of different sizes. People with great potential will naturally have bigger bottles. Similarly, the bottles can hold more things!"

"Let's call the liquid in the bottle potential. After that guy extracts the 'potential', he can make it into a potion that makes people break through. Although the water is very large, it is still a breakthrough!"

"I guess that guy doesn't know how to break through to the imperial rank, so he absorbed energy and made his seeds too hard to break through. You can be stupid!"

Wei Chen nodded, probably understood a little bit, generally speaking, the creatures behind the scenes didn't know how to break through, and they over-cultivated their own seeds, making it impossible to break through.And because I don't know these things, I attribute my inability to break through to my lack of potential.Thus, there was a plan to control humans, raise humans in captivity, and extract potential!
"Bastard!" Wei Chen cursed secretly, and then asked Luo Sheng, "Then are you sure you will agree?"



Wei Chen was dumbfounded. He invited Luo Sheng over to deal with the behind-the-scenes.

Hearing Wei Chen's pause, Luo Sheng sighed and said, "I'm only a fake fourth-order."

"I see, then help me hold him back first!" Wei Chen was helpless, indeed, since Luo Sheng knew how to break through, his current strength was about the same as Wei Chen's——

If you want to break through to the imperial rank, you must tune in with the beads at the third rank!

After hearing the conversation on the walkie-talkie, many people looked heavy!The strongest combat power among the opponents turned out to be Lieyang Tier [-]!But there are only two pseudo fourth-orders on my side!No wonder the King of Light came to rescue the soldiers!
But as the saying goes, the manpower is short, since King Guang has applied for so many points for them, he has no choice but to bite the bullet!

And behind the city gate at this moment, a large area of ​​fortifications has already been built. Although these fortifications have no role as a city wall, they are better than nothing!

"Alan, those veterans are innocent, help them!"

Seeing this scene, Huang Yang said to Alan beside him, and Alan nodded obediently. She still had a lot of things to rely on Huang Yang, so she dared not be disobedient.

Then, I saw Alan get on the roof of the car, and circles of icicles formed around her.


Seeing Alan make a move, Huang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, he was obedient to this woman all the way, just for this moment!Because of Alan's ability, those collars can be completely paralyzed!

"It's getting cold so suddenly?"

The soldiers who formed the human wall behind the fortifications rubbed their palms subconsciously. Just now, this strange chill began to fill the air.

"Hey! Your collar is so icy!"

"Your too!"

Suddenly, the people in the wall noticed a surprising scene on the neck of the comrade-in-arms, the collar that was originally shining red, at this moment, it didn't even flash!
Is it
At this moment, many people have a thought in their minds, but taking off the collar is too fatal, they are not capable users, and will be poisoned to death by the toxin on the needle tip in an instant!

Seeing this, Huang Yang pressed a few buttons on the car, and suddenly, a huge horn sounded!

"Brothers in the defense line, I am Huang Yang, you should have heard of my name!"

"The opportunity is here now, I have blocked the collars around your necks, take them off quickly!"

"I repeat."

So, Huang Yang took the microphone and repeated what he had just said over and over again.And the troubles of those soldiers have already become a mess, to pick or not to pick?

"Brothers, I take the lead!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the prostrate crowd.

"who said it!"

The lackeys next to him panicked. If it was true, then they would be the first to die, and they had to find out who was ahead.

Zhuang Ban pinched his throat and shouted: "I took it off! I'm still alive!"

it is true!
After being tricked by Zhuang Ban, many soldiers believed it, so he and the first person stood up and pulled off the collar!
"Looking for death!" The running dog turned into a rage, and shot at the man, the unscrupulous bullets flew over, and many people were affected!

"I'm still alive, brothers fight!"


With the opportunity of freedom, who would not cherish it!So one soldier after another took off their collars, stood up, and began to resist with the weapons in their hands!
(End of this chapter)

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