Doom Ray

Chapter 178 Fly to the Tall Building!

Chapter 178 Fly to the Tall Building!


Behind the shattered city wall, there were constant explosions. These veterans took off the grenades on their chests and threw them into the tent where the lackeys gathered, blowing up the lackeys by surprise.As for the lackeys outside, they stood too scattered, even if they had a physique that was too ordinary, they couldn't stand up to shooting randomly.

Seeing this scene, many people in the snatching team began to boo. They were already prepared to fight against the party, but they were cracked before the first wave of soldiers.

"Hahaha, sister Alan did a great job!" Lei Ming laughed loudly through the intercom.

Wei Chen looked down at the sky and frowned, no wonder Huang Yang wanted to be so precious to Alan, but he couldn't do it!
But when the convoy entered the city, almost all the lackeys had been killed.Many soldiers wept bitterly on the road, then raised their guns and followed the convoy silently.

Alan's skills continued, which led to more and more soldiers joining the team. Huang Yang placed a whole box of recovery potions next to Alan. It seemed that Alan was busy.

"what happened!"

The result of the second confrontation quickly spread to the ears behind the scenes, "What are the people in the control room doing?"

The two informants lowered their heads and looked at the feet behind the scenes. The control room he mentioned was the place where the collars were controlled. This mechanism was set up to prevent the collars from being removed on a large scale!Once this kind of thing happens, the button will be pressed and the people around will be executed!

"Report the report!" The person who came to report the news swallowed. It is not a hard job to report the news on weekdays, because after the behind-the-scenes came to power, the news that came out was basically a good news. After listening to the behind-the-scenes, their status naturally rose. , It is said that the previous predecessors already had a lot of family business!However, when it came to their group, they happened to encounter such a mess.

The messenger took a deep breath, it was a knife anyway, it might as well be more straightforward, so he said: "Report, the control paralyzed."

"Paralyzed?" The backstage stood up with a look of disbelief. How could such a good device be paralyzed? "Check it out for me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The two correspondents were relieved and fled the scene. They would never have imagined that the person who did all these things had successfully fled outside the city at this moment.

Sitting back in his seat behind the scenes, the surrounding guests entered the venue one after another. As long as the wedding is successfully held, his goal will be achieved.As Luo Sheng said, he needs a large population to extract potential, and the current population is not enough, so he needs to support this group of humans and establish a new ruling class until his goal is achieved!

The most urgent task at the moment is naturally to clean up those opponents.Especially for a leader like Wei Chen, he must be bruised severely!To this end, he also prepared a large number of cameras, helicopters for aerial photography, and robots to broadcast live in all directions!

"Look, the bride is coming!"


"Finally out."

Zhuang Ban leaned on the ruins. In order to get out, he fiddled with the equipment, but he did it very thoroughly!
Looking up at the sky, Zhuang Ban was going to wait outside the city to wait for the wind to pass before making the next decision. If he won behind the scenes, he would go as far as he could, but if Wei Chen succeeded, he would choose to go to the city to claim credit.

"Hey~~~ sleep first! I'm exhausted."


The convoy continues to move forward, and it won't be so easy in the future!
"Get out of the car and prepare for battle!"

Wei Chen, who is flying in the air, has a good vision. From his point of view, some white things are emerging from the Central Research Institute!Switch to gray elf vision, and you will find that those white things are all extracted from the potential, and the human beings have been deeply transformed!

"what's the situation?"

"Massively transform humans!" Wei Chen said into the walkie-talkie, "Get out of the car, the road ahead is not wide, remember not to hurt civilians!"


Lei Ming nodded. On the way to the research institute, there are still many residential buildings. If some powerful weapons are used, it is estimated that innocent people will be injured.

"Cut~ What a hassle!"

Burning Man jumped out of the car and stretched disapprovingly.

"Hmph, you keep saying that we only owe Wei Chen one favor, but you have two!" the ladyboy mocked with a smile on the side.

Hearing this, Burning Man couldn't hold back his face. At first, he could only blame himself for being impulsive, but for no reason, he agreed to the Blazing Shemale and the others to challenge Wei Chen.

"I heard that this reformed person has a very strong body!" After getting out of the car, the first thing Alan De did was to transform into a standby, then he took out a pair of sharp claws and put them on, eager to try: "This thing cost me a lot. Points, now just to test the waters!"

"Don't think you're the only one!"

"that is!"

Several big bosses took out the newly exchanged items one after another, and the members next to them were drooling. Similarly, those soldiers also looked at these foreigners holding strange weapons in their hands with wonder, not knowing what was going on. !

"Dug, squad leader, look what that is! The muzzle is so strange!"

"Look there! There! Mechanical armor!"

"Are these people invited from another planet?"

The squad leader shook his head helplessly, who knows.

In the other car, Xu Jie and his party also got out of the car, but after Xu Jie touched the golden wolf, she returned to the car. Among all the opponent's combat power, the last thing she wanted to see was the reformer.

He tilted his head and took down the two epees behind his back, the new skeleton doubled his strength!With an epee in each hand, it is not difficult at all!
The golden wolf also got out of the car. Compared with tilting its head, its strength has not changed much, but on this kind of battlefield, unless Wei Chen has such a big killer like the golden sword, his personal combat power can be completely ignored.

Shaking the hair on his body, the golden wolf wanted to stretch, but at this moment, he tilted his head and raised his feet, stepped over the golden wolf's back carefully, and sat on it!

The golden wolf howled wildly, no matter how subdued it was by tilting its head, it would not submit.It's okay for Wei Chen, after all, he lost to others. If Xu Jie, she can speak animal language anyway, it will bring a very close feeling to the animals, and the golden wolf does not object.But tilting his head won't work. Every time he wakes up, there will always be this guy's feet in his mouth. It's fine because of the sweetness of the dragon bones, but now he has to make progress!

Forced to no avail, tilted his head and had no choice but to come down.Then, Zhang Qian also went over curiously, wanting to give it a try, regardless of being stared at by Jin Lang's prickly eyes!

In terms of strength, Golden Wolf is better than Zhang Qian!

"Here we come! Be careful!"

Wei Chen controlled the golden swords that filled the sky, like a waterfall, pouring out towards the white figures. Along the way, apart from chatting, another thing Wei Chen did was to make golden swords!

The people below were ready to go, especially when the white shadow appeared, many people were even more enthusiastic, such as Alan De, who were more combative, had already run over.

But at this moment, a golden light came down, and the white shadow in front of him was swept away.

This... What do we need to do?
In the middle of the rush, Alan De had a helpless expression, feeling like he was soy sauced.

"Wei Chen, you go to the roof! Don't waste your time here!"

Huang Yang said to the walkie-talkie that at this moment, beside him, there was a panting man, who grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Hurry up! The bride has already entered the venue!"

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, the voice was so familiar.

"Chen Zhi!"

"You still remember me! Hurry up, my wife will be taken away!" Hearing Wei Chen call out his name, Chen Zhi almost burst into tears. They have suffered too much for so long!
"Be careful, the backstage is also there!"

After Chen Zhi gave an instruction, Wei Chen nodded, and called for a few golden swords, which were made into a sword stand, and floated at the door of Luo Sheng's car.

"So polite!"

Seeing this, Luo Sheng got out of the car, and stood on the sword platform with a smile on his face. This ostentation was well done!
(End of this chapter)

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