Doom Ray

Chapter 181 Corpse Explosion

Chapter 181 Corpse Explosion
Because the huge golden sword didn't break through the building earlier, many people regarded Wei Chen as an embroidered pillow, but now it seems that the figure who easily killed five people in a row will not be a waste!What's more, this was done while the other party was holding a person!
Sixth. Seventh. Eighth!
Seeing this, many people's hearts tightened, and the momentum to rush forward was gone. Many people even retreated in fright when they saw those who were stronger than themselves in the past being split by Wei Chen's blow.

Seeing the guests around gradually back away, Wei Chen didn't continue to kill, the movement of walking back and forth was so loud, he was afraid that Huangfu Ling wouldn't be able to withstand such a jolt.

"Go up and wait for me first!" Wei Chen said, wondering if Huangfu Ling heard.Wei Chen summoned the sword platform, put Huangfu Ling on it, and lifted it into the air.

Watching Huangfuling rise to a safe height, she will not be affected by cannon fodder.Wei Chen's originally soft eyes turned cold again!

The guests screamed and dispersed, because they felt a terrible aura from Wei Chen, which they were familiar with, it was the hostility generated by frequent killings!
And those who didn't run, most of them were scared out of their wits and didn't dare to move!Wei Chen was not as smart as them, he swung his sword down, and his body and head were separated!

"no solution anymore."

After killing a few people, Wei Chen found that many guests had already fled to the stairs beside him, and if he continued to kill them with his hands, he probably couldn't kill them all!Ever since, a scene that made those guests feel incredible appeared!

The huge golden sword originally used to bombard the building floated up.The giant golden sword floated higher and higher until it was suspended above the top floor of the research institute.

What is he doing?
Seeing that Wei Chen did not continue to chase them down, many people stopped and subconsciously looked at the golden sword hanging above their heads.I saw that the golden sword began to turn its direction, from parallel to the ground before, slowly adjusted, and finally completely perpendicular to the ground!

When the guests looked up, they could see the huge tip of the golden sword!

Is it
Without giving the guests time to react, the huge golden sword fell rapidly!Violently, he got out from the top floor of the research institute and inserted it down!
Under everyone's gaze, the golden sword ran through the research institute like a sword sheathed!

"it is good!"

In the underground organization, those members who stayed behind to work rose up one after another, this sword, relieved their anger!

The ordinary people in the city cheered when they saw this. The research institute was like a dark cloud, a haze that shrouded people's hearts.At this moment, the haze was broken by Wei Chen's sword!
Of course, there are more things that make them happy!The collars on their necks began to be covered with a layer of white mist, losing their usual functions!

click ~
"Ah, free!"


The snatching team has already faced off against the reformers. The only characteristic of the reformers is that they are very strong, comparable to Lie Yang!Lei Ming organized a team to defend and another team to attack from behind, which was able to block this army.

The golden wolf is also on the front line, and the formation map opened on it has greatly benefited the front line defense personnel!Among all the attackers, the one who killed the happiest was tilting his head.

The two huge swords were swung by it like windmills!Every time the tilted head passes by, layers of flesh and blood must be left behind!After the fusion of the keel and the bone of the location monster, the power brought to it is so great!Even the old corpse king would never have imagined that the skeleton he made could grow to such a degree!
Xiongtou cleverly followed behind the tilted head to pick up the leak. He knew that Wei Chen would definitely be a thigh for a while, so I'm sorry if I don't hold it!On the other hand, Alan De, who killed himself, kept bleeding in his mouth, and bottle after bottle of medicine was poured into his stomach.


Xiongtou curled his lips. These charging power-type special abilities, although they have a strong body, are difficult to kill.But when fighting in a team, this characteristic also makes them the group of people whose lives cannot be guaranteed.

Of course, not everyone is like this. For example, Huang Yang, although he is also a power-type special ability, but because of his ability, he is very relaxed. Injuries are trivial things, and he will be fine in a while!
"You kill too slowly!"

Burning Man condensed a huge fireball and threw it at the place where there are many reformers!The fireball explodes, incinerating nearby Cyborgs.He is very satisfied with his masterpiece, after all, besides Thunder, his attack power is the strongest!
"What the hell, saving energy is the kingly way." Shemale looked at Huo Ren contemptuously. This guy's attack power is high, but if it goes on like this, it will be misfired in a few hits.

"Don't worry about it!"

Pyro subconsciously walked aside and stayed away from the shemale. Although he killed more people than the shemale, Pyro did not naively think that he was better than the shemale.The skills of the shemale are too weird!

However, just as they were playing in full swing, those reformers suddenly stopped moving.

what happened?
Everyone was stunned, and many people fired empty bombs.

"Look, the building is destroyed!"

Suddenly, a player who was always paying attention to the screen pointed at the screen and shouted.Everyone knew that these reformed people should be controlled. Now that the control effect is gone, they will naturally die.

"Keep going!"

Since there was no threat from the reincarnated people, Lei Ming naturally ordered the team to move on.

Huang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to Alan. Alan was still using his skills to destroy the surrounding collars. In the cold weather, there was a head of sweat densely covered on Alan's face. The box next to the recovery medicine had already Half empty!
Huang Yang took out a towel and wiped it for Alan with a bit of distress. After replacing the empty bottle, Huang Yang turned around and joined the advancing team.

"Huh? Why are these modified people a little strange?"

Xu Jie lay on the car window, staring at the reformed man on the ground and said, for the reformed man, no one here should be more familiar with it than her!

"Why is it different?" Huang Yang, who was about to go out, asked subconsciously. In his opinion, apart from the difference in face shape and figure, the rest of the modified people have white skin, so there is no difference.

Xu Jie pointed to a reformed man outside the window and said, "Look, these reformed men have a little more red light on their bodies!"

Red light?

Huang Yang walked over and looked at the place Xu Jie pointed through the car window.

not good!

Huang Yang shuddered, quickly pressed the button on the walkie-talkie, and shouted: "Everyone back, get away from those corpses!"

"Why?" Lei Ming subconsciously asked, but before Huang Yang could answer, a sudden change occurred!

Those inconspicuous red lights on the reformed person suddenly lit up, and then, the transformed person's body began to expand, growing like a balloon!


The inflated balloon exploded!

"What happened up front?"

"Don't come over from behind, the cyborg exploded!"

"Quiet! Casualties!"

Lei Ming scolded, only to hear a faltering voice from the walkie-talkie.

"Four or four brothers."

When Huang Yang heard that there were still chatters on the walkie-talkie, he suddenly became angry, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze! Everyone get in the car and evacuate!"

It's a pity that it was too late for his words. The corpses on the ground began to swell one by one, and the members of the snatching team had nowhere to hide!


Huang Yang's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he deserves to be a murderer!Wu Lianmo!

(End of this chapter)

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