Doom Ray

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

The entire street was blown up, countless bloody flowers scattered in the air, and those who were too late to get on the bus, or those with low defenses, were hit hard at this moment!
"Quickly seek help from the wounded!"

Lei Ming ordered, the team of tens of thousands of people, in this explosion, directly killed half of them!All have lots of flesh and slime stuck to their bodies!

"Ah! Why is this happening!"

Someone in the team started to go crazy. This person was talking and laughing with his teammates just now, but the next moment, his teammates acted as a shield in order to save him.

"Who did it!" The crowd kept roaring, looking at the momentum, it seemed that they were not afraid that the murderer would be torn apart and unable to relieve their hatred!
The bad news didn't stop there!Lei Ming's heart was filled with desolation as news of casualties came continuously from the walkie-talkie.Even Lei Ming himself was blown off a piece of his arm.

"Team Lei, come here, Chi Xin is a bit unstable!"

Lei Ming grabbed the walkie-talkie and quickly asked, Chi Xin is a high-level combat force, so the level of attention is naturally different from others, so he asked, "What happened over there?"

"It seems her brother is dead."

Lei Ming fell silent after listening.But now I can only let the shemale and others around Chi Xin comfort her. Since she promised to come here to help, she must have the awareness of death or injury!

Huang Yang jumped out of the car with a solemn expression on his face.Wu Lianmo and he came out of the same gathering place. He naturally knew what kind of means the other party had. When he fled from the gathering place of Shi No. [-] Middle School, the frail people couldn't hold on and died halfway, which made him The ability can be said to shine!Blow up all the chasing zombies to death on the way of pursuit!
In the last days, the most indispensable thing is a corpse!Any place can become the main battlefield of Wulianmo!

"No, Team Lei, the enemy is coming again!"

After hearing this, Lei Ming slammed his hand heavily on the car beside him, beating the dog who was in the water, and he was talking about their situation!

"Alande, you command the front line!" Lei Ming said, he couldn't hold on any longer, the whole team had to rely on his orders to act, it was too exhausting, so each sub-captain was born.

After finishing all this, Lei Ming rubbed the center of his brows, he is the person with the most experience in commanding in the team, but this kind of experience is only limited to a team of a few hundred people, and the current number is tens of thousands!Even if most of them were killed, there are still more than a thousand people who need Lei Ming to command.

"You should have been like this a long time ago." Aland shouted, the usual way of fighting is a small group of dozens of people with a high degree of freedom of action, unlike today's timidity.

With the new command method, the captains of each team began to be busy, blocking the enemy's blocking enemy, rescuing the wounded and rescuing the wounded, and some teams began to recover the high-grade materials on the corpse under Lei Ming's order.These are all points!
The new round of enemies are those lackeys who drank the potion. Originally, they were on standby at home. After all, their status was not high enough to attend the wedding, so the vitality behind the scenes was greatly preserved.


Alan De, who was in command of the battle, was very straightforward, and directly asked the team to charge. The opponent used potions to forcibly upgrade them, which was completely vulnerable compared to the orthodox ones like them.

However, Alande was wrong, and the lackeys on the opposite side were not idiots. They knew they couldn't beat Alande's strikers, so why would they go head-to-head?

Ever since, these lackeys began to outflank the small roads in various streets and attack the rescue teams!

"Don't worry about the corpses, all fight back!"

Upon discovering the enemy, the rescue team immediately put down their work and started shooting at the lackeys with their guns raised.However, they were assigned to the rescue team, so naturally they would not have any superior force value!
For a while, the casualties of the snatching team continued to rise!This is not over yet, a figure is constantly shuttling through the chaos, a pair of hands that are not afraid of getting dirty keeps touching those corpses, once touched, this corpse will become a powerful bomb!
"You traitor!"

Huang Yang learned of Wu Lianmo's location through the walkie-talkie, and quickly rushed over!He was the only one who recognized Wu Lianmo in the family snatching team, so he had to shoulder this burden.

After kicking a body made into a bomb to a place where no one was around, Huang Yang understood that Wu Lianmo couldn't let Wu Lianmo detonate these things again!To achieve this, not only must Wu Lianmo not be able to know that someone is moving the corpse, but also must kill with one blow during the duel!Do not give the other party time to react.

The huge golden sword pierced through the building, and those guests who were too late to escape also pierced through.Wei Chen squatted to see the sky, and in front of them was the unconscious Huangfu Ling.

Looking at her face, Wei Chen sighed again.Huangfuling's physical condition is very poor!So bad that he dared not leave at all.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Just when Wei Chen hesitated, Huangfu Ling slightly opened his eyes and said weakly.At this moment, her voice was very low, but Wei Chen could hear it clearly.

"It's beautiful." Wei Chen stretched out his hand to stroke Huangfuling's head, but stopped halfway through.Today's Huangfuling is worse than a porcelain doll.

"Cough~" Huangfu Ling wanted to laugh, but was choked by the air rushing up from her lungs.

"Go and help everyone, I'm not that weak." Huangfu Ling said.

Wei Chen nodded, he also heard the bad news from the walkie-talkie, the situation over there didn't seem to be very good.

"Then be careful."

Wei Chen warned that it was not safe down there, so Wei Chen had no choice but to put Huangfu Ling in the air, afraid that she would be cold, so he took off his clothes and covered Huangfu Ling.Before leaving, Wei Chen was still very worried, so he blessed Huangfu Ling with a few healing light spheres, and put a lot of dry food and water, as well as some high-level potions exchanged, beside her.

"Go quickly." Huangfu Ling sat up, and it seemed that the potions had an effect.

After handing some important life-saving items, such as some firearms that were exchanged but not used, to Huangfu Ling, Wei Chen broke up the huge golden sword inserted into the research institute.

A pair of golden swords began to float in the air like bees that exploded their nests.

"Shout at this thing if something happens! I've tuned the channel."

In the end, Wei Chen left a walkie-talkie with Huangfu Ling, just in case.


Huangfu Ling sneered and said, "I'm not a child."

As she said that, a strip of crystal condensed out of Huangfuling's hand. The crystal was filled with spikes, and it looked very powerful!

Seeing this, Wei Chen felt a little relieved, at least, the bottle of high-grade medicine was not in vain.But Wei Chen, who was about to go to the front line, suddenly turned around.

"By the way, forget about that."

As he said that, Wei Chen tore off Huangfuling's collar, and immediately added a dispel to her before leaving.

After watching Wei Chen leave, Huangfu Ling looked at the supplies on the sword platform slowly, feeling warm in her heart while not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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