Doom Ray

Chapter 183 Command

Chapter 183 Command
As the running dogs rushed into the team, the battlefield began to become chaotic, and countless red and black mist floated in the streets and alleys.

"You can fucking run!"

Huang Yang, who was looking for Wu Lianmo, complained all the way.The remaining thousands of people are enough to form a long queue on a street, and Huang Yang is searching for traces of one person in such a large area!The only way for him to determine the location of the target is the corpse with red dots on the ground and the confusing information on the walkie-talkie.

"When did the running dog team develop to this extent!" Huang Yang picked up the gun that fell aside, and smashed it at a running dog blocking the way!

The butt of the gun was bent, and correspondingly, a big hole was made in the head of the lackey.

"There's a bomb." Huang Yang was helpless. On this kind of battlefield, there were materials for making bombs by Wu Lianmo everywhere.In fact, having said that, Wu Lianmo's ability does not require a corpse to complete, such as grenades can also be blessed with skills to increase the power of grenades.

But this guy likes to use corpses, saying that they are more powerful.


Huang Yang sighed and continued to search.Since Wu Lianmo blessed the corpse along the way, after Huang Yang searched for it for a while, he finally found out.

The next step will be easy, just run down the body with red dots, and you will definitely find him!
"By the way, we have to prepare!"

Huang Yang didn't rush to catch up, but stopped at the side, picking up some corpses of the snatching team.
Underground, Huang Conglong brought the old chief and Wei Qingcheng to the headquarters, and there were only a few people left to take care of it.

"Master Xun, come and direct!" He gave the old chief a chair and asked him to sit down. Huang Conglong took a paper cup beside him and fetched a cup of hot water for the old chief.


The old chief nodded. He knew that this underground organization was just playing small fights and had no combat experience. Moreover, many of the personnel were gangsters who couldn't get on the stage. It's okay to cause a little chaos on weekdays. vegetable.

"Xiaobai, bring the microphone and connect to the channel!"

"it is good!"

Hacking a walkie-talkie or something is too simple for Xiaobai.Soon, there was a bit of noise in Lei Ming's channel.

"Can everyone hear me?"

The sudden sound caused the snatching team on the battlefield to pause. What's going on?
"Don't stand still, hit!"

Alande yelled at the players around him. Fortunately, there were no ordinary people nearby, so he quickly realized it.The battlefield on their side can be said to be the most aggrieved place to fight. Every lackey avoids them like a plague god.If Alan wants to kill someone, he must chase him for a long time.

"Wei Chen, long time no see!"

"Old chief!"

Wei Chen, who was rushing to the battlefield, was a little happy when he heard the voice on the walkie-talkie.Although the old chief didn't cheat him a lot, he also helped Wei Chen a lot.As the saying goes, one slap and one carrot.

"Let me command the line next?"

The voice of the old chief was very low, with a hint of application in it.But to Wei Chen, this sentence is like sending charcoal in the snow!

Lei Ming doesn't know how to command large troops. He heard it through the walkie-talkie just now. Now the team needs an experienced person to command, and the old chief is very suitable!
"Okay, I hope everyone will give me some noodles!" The old chief said, his voice has lost the domineering arrogance that he had when he was in the gathering place of No. [-] Middle School in the city, and it has become very flat!Just listen to him continue to say: "Can you understand what I say?"

"Don't worry, they understand."

Wei Chen explained that Lei Ming and the others had already responded the moment the old chief finished speaking, but since the old chief didn't have a translator, Wei Chen repeated it in Chinese for them.

"Well, since you want to listen, you must obey the orders!"

The old chief's voice was correct, and then the image transmitted on the video, he said: "Two people are left in the main force, and the rest are all withdrawn! All the members are scattered and mixed into the ordinary team for a surprise attack!"

"The rest of the people don't confront each other head-on, just use heavy weapons to solve it!"

"I know you have many powerful weapons that you dare not use for fear of affecting the nearby residents, but you can use them with confidence now, the residents have organized the evacuation!"

After the old chief said this sentence, he looked at Huang Conglong with admiration. Before this operation, Huang Conglong had already planned the escape route of the masses, and dug caves in some hidden places for ordinary people to take refuge.

Then, the old chief issued a series of orders to avoid some major mistakes.Under his command, the number of casualties in the snatching team began to decrease greatly!
The main force was scattered around the battlefield, and the efficiency of killing the enemy was greatly increased. Many lackeys couldn't even figure out why such a powerful figure would suddenly appear in a team that originally worked to pick up corpses!And those personnel who had no combat effectiveness in the first place picked up those high-end weapons from the car one after another, and shot at the running dogs on the street without asking for money.

These weapons were originally prepared by nearly [-] people from the brigade, but now the number of people using them has dropped by half. As a result, almost every team member can get a gorgeous weapon. The soldiers who joined also held the cannon barrels in their hands with excitement, and fired recklessly.

These weapons are the things they only take in their dreams!

"Thank you!"

Hearing the gradually calming voice on the walkie-talkie, Wei Chen thanked the old chief from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for him, those companions who came to help him would probably have suffered countless deaths and injuries!

"You're welcome." The old chief took a sip of water, "Go and deal with the backstage! That's where the most important thing is, those lackeys are just the legs of mosquitoes."


Wei Chen turned the sword stand and flew towards the location where Luo Sheng had fallen before.To them, behind the scenes is like the root cause of the disease. If the root cause is not cured, sooner or later they will come to kill you!
"Wei Chen, hurry up, I can't stand it, let's try together!"

Hearing that Wei Chen was coming here to support, Luo Sheng, who was confronted behind the scenes, was relieved. The fake fourth-order is a fake fourth-order after all, and it's still a grade behind him!If it weren't for the powerful protective clothing and weapons, Luo Sheng would have died long ago!

Even so, at this moment Luo Sheng was injured all over, purple blood was continuously flowing down, and his face was somewhat pale after bleeding too much.

"Overestimating one's abilities! Go to hell with me!"

Behind the scenes, another cloud of green energy gathered in his hands, and he threw it towards Luo Sheng. The green energy flew by, and the air on the path became distorted!
Luo Sheng had no choice but to bless the mimicry on the sword again, ready to receive this blow!At this time, Wei Chen happened to come over the battlefield!


Huang Yang roared, he finally found someone!
Wu Lianmo, who was stopped, saw Huang Yang, and smiled from the corner of his mouth, "Long time no see!"


1 words. .Tianzhong can't do it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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