Doom Ray

185 Threat

185 Threat
The explosion was still going on, and it didn't disappear because of Wu Lianmo's demise.


Huang Yang was in the center of the explosion, watching the flesh and blood on his body being torn and regenerated continuously, it was extremely painful.Just now, in order to ensure that Wu Lianmo could be killed in one blow, Huang Yang naturally had to ensure that the bomb was powerful enough, but now it seems that it is too big.

"Go out quickly." Huang Yang moved his steps carefully. One of the bombs happened to be a gravity field and an anti-gravity field, which caused the explosion to be controlled in a small range. suffer this torture.

What I have to admire is that Huang Yang's self-healing ability is really terrifying. Perhaps the only way to kill him is to chop off this guy's head as Wu Lianmo said!

As soon as he stepped out, Huang Yang felt like his whole body was falling apart.

"very painful!"


"You have good abilities!"

Looking at the rapidly healing wounds on his body, Luo Sheng smiled at Wei Chen beside him. His body, which was covered in cuts and bruises, became as good as ever under the treatment of Wei Chen's healing technique!However, the blood that flowed out could not come back, causing Luo Sheng to still be a little dizzy now.

"You can fight hard enough." Wei Chen was helpless, knowing that he couldn't beat him, but this guy still fought back. I really don't know how the old corpse king was made like that by him.

Luo Sheng calmed down and said, "Be careful, that guy's skills are a bit powerful."

A little strong?

The corner of Wei Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, it's not only a little powerful, but the whole street is like being sliced ​​by some sharp weapon, it's all gone!
"His ability can open space cracks and has the ability to cut."

Luo Sheng briefly recounted the fight between himself and the backstage, to let Wei Chen understand some precautions.For example, two skills are currently used behind the scene, one of which is the culprit who scratched the ground!And the other one was the skill that hurt Luo Sheng!

While talking, Luo Sheng reminded Wei Chen, Wei Chen nodded, waved his hands behind the scenes, a gust of wind blew, Wei Chen could see through the perspective of the gray elves, there were many tiny dark threads in the wind!

"Find a way to avoid it yourself!" After Luo Sheng explained, he opened a layer of protective cover on the protective clothing to block his body, and let those thin black lines blow on the protective cover.And Wei Chen put a lot of golden swords in front of him to resist the attack from behind the scenes.

Every strand of black silk that scrapes across the golden sword brings up one or two fragments of the golden sword!
so strong!
Wei Chen had a solemn expression on his face. You must know that these golden swords are all simulated from epee alloys, and they are extremely hard!Even if it ran through the building just now, there was no problem!
"Just right!"

The golden sword was scratched, and Wei Chen was not angry but happy. There are as many of these things as there are, and the most important thing is that these golden swords can be used as bombs!

"Go!" When the black silk storm stopped, Wei Chen commanded the broken golden swords in front of him to shoot towards the backstage!

"Hmph! Is it useful!" There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth behind the scenes, he could see at a glance that Wei Chen's golden sword was similar to Luo Sheng's purple sword before, the idea was good, but it was not enough to deal with him!
Sure enough, these golden swords have no lethality against the backstage!I saw a cloud of green energy condensed on the hands behind the scenes, and there were many tiny silk threads flying randomly in the green air!Behind the scenes, pinch this green ball and bounce off those flying golden swords one by one!After the golden sword was bounced off, there must be many more patterns on the sword body!
All the golden swords were bounced off and plunged into the ground.Looking at Wei Chen behind the scenes, he wanted to ridicule him, but Wei Chen's eyes sparkled with excitement!

How can this not be exciting!It was the first time for Wei Chen to detonate so many high-grade golden swords at once!Wei Chen's mood now is like setting off fireworks when he was a child. He is full of anticipation for the upcoming fireworks!


Following Wei Chen's order, the scattered golden swords shone brightly!The surprised eyes behind the scenes are swallowed by these lights!


A huge explosion sounded, and a gust of wind blew out from the center of the explosion.Luo Sheng's protective cover, in front of this gust of wind, was no different from an egg membrane, it was directly scratched!The strong wind hit Luo Sheng, Luo Sheng didn't hold on for a second, and was blown away!
Wei Chen also felt uncomfortable, he flew out one step ahead of Luo Sheng, hit the building behind, and added two healing spells to himself to calm down the tumbling blood.

"You can't just say it!" Luo Sheng stuck the sword in his hand into the building and said, steadying his body.

Wei Chen spread his hands, he was too excited just now, and he didn't prepare himself.

"That guy should be dead!" Luo Sheng, who was hanging on the building, subconsciously thought that he didn't think that a person who was below the imperial rank could survive this kind of explosion.

Not far away, the robbing teams who were fighting hugged their guns one after another. When the gust of wind blew over just now, several teammates were unsteady in their hands, causing the weapons to be blown out, which made it easier for those lackeys to be picked up by them. !
"too horrible!"

The few people watching the video underground, except for the old chief and Wei Qingcheng who were relatively calm, the others all opened their mouths.

"Boss, are they cheating?" Xiaobai asked, with an unbelievable expression on his face. He used to think that his boss was the strongest person. Even when he saw the video of Wei Chen rushing to kill the zombies, he still didn't change his mind. Thoughts, but now, he can no longer deceive himself.

Huang Conglong patted Xiaobai on the head and said, "What cheating?"

"No, people like this can't be kept! They can destroy the earth in a matter of minutes! Their existence makes our life meaningless!" After being slapped on the head, Xiao Bai said without thinking.

Hearing this, not only Huang Conglong was stunned, but even the old chief was stunned. This is no longer a question of a heroic crime, but a matter of survival.If the world is cleared of zombies and peace is restored, what should these people do?
keep?impossible!No government or organization would like such a guy. Once they are offended, they will usher in a catastrophe!

The old chief smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't know how to answer. He could only say it was a kind of helplessness and sadness. When a crisis came, people needed them to resolve it. Once the crisis passed, their existence would be unnecessary.

"Have you ever heard the story of the Bangzi Kingdom?" Xiaobai continued, "It is said that there used to be a tyrant in power, and the people suffered unspeakably. Later, a metal-eating monster appeared among the people and ate up all the government's weapons. , help the rebels push the tyrant!"

"Later, the Bangzi Kingdom was at peace. This monster had no metal to eat from its weapons, so it went to eat the utensils used for farming, and finally."

"To shut up!"

Wei Qingcheng said angrily, she had heard this story before, and later people killed the monster, "My brother is not a monster!"

"Hmph! Who knows what will happen to him in the future!" Xiaobai said unwillingly, "I think it's the best choice for him to die with the people behind the scenes."


With a slap in the face, Xiao Bai was sent flying!
"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

Wei Qingcheng shook his hands and gave Xiaobai a fierce look.Xiaobai shuddered, unable to speak out in anger.He can't beat Wei Qingcheng.

"Okay, stop arguing! The backstage is not dead yet!"

The old chief shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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