Doom Ray

Chapter 186 Showdown

Chapter 186 Showdown ([-])

"not dead?"

Hearing the old chief's words, Wei Qingcheng and Xiaobai immediately put down their grievances and looked at the screen.Compared with the future, the biggest problem is behind the scenes today!

"How did you do it?"

Huang Conglong frowned, a bit confused about what was going on behind the scenes at the center of the explosion.The golden sword explosion was very powerful, but a small area around the backstage was devastated by the explosion.

safety mask!
Huang Conglong could only think this way, but Luo Sheng and Wei Chen who were present at the scene were not like that. The two of them really saw the scene behind the scenes.

"This skill is really good."

Luo Sheng shook his head, with skills, he was basically invincible!
Wei Chen nodded undeniably. This should be the last skill behind the scenes. By opening a circular space section to protect the surroundings of the body, throw all the attacks into another space!

Wei Chen and Luo Sheng looked at each other, and both smiled wryly, this is going to be difficult.

"See if there is any vacancy." Luo Sheng suggested, now we can only spend time trying out skills, maybe we can find a vacancy in skills.

After finishing speaking, Luo Sheng took out a tapered pipe from behind, pulled the trigger, and fired wildly at the backstage!Wei Chen recognized this thing at a glance. He remembered that the name seemed to be Space Ripper, which was the strongest anti-gravity gun. That's right, Luo Sheng was once again a authority dog.

One after another, anti-gravity bombs were fired from the muzzle. At the rear end of the muzzle was an oversized energy tank. Standing aside, Wei Chen could see that the energy tank was being consumed at an astonishing speed!However, when those anti-gravity shells hit the space barrier around the backstage, they had no effect.

"You come too, don't be dazed!"

Wei Chen had no choice but to summon the golden sword in the sky to attack behind the scenes from another direction. He hit the golden sword on the space membrane and was bounced back. From the effect point of view, it was much better than Luo Sheng's anti-gravity bomb.

"Hmph, let you fight!"

Seeing that Wei Chen and Luo Sheng were exhausted, sitting behind the screen in the barrier was quite leisurely.

On the other street, the snatching team began to move back to the situation. Under the correct guidance of the old chief, the team was cleaning up the lackeys in an orderly manner.

Those lackeys also quickly discovered something was wrong, and learned from the news from the front that those powerful users were transferred back from the front!

The lackeys who realized what was wrong began to retreat, and the pressure on the snatching team dropped sharply!
"Just ran away like that?"

In the basement, Huang Conglong, who turned his gaze from Weichen's battlefield, asked, "He will never forget that when these lackeys cleaned up those who took off their collars or didn't want to put them on, they were so ferocious!"Keep chasing them until they are exhausted!
"of course not."

The old chief sneered, although he didn't know who was in charge of the lackeys, but judging from this form, they had already been demolished to their hometown, and these lackeys had no way to retreat!

"Who is defending the front line now?"

After seeing on the screen that few lackeys retreated, the old chief turned on the walkie-talkie and asked.

"It's the skeleton of the King of Light."


The old chief was stunned for a moment, and immediately said to Xiaobai: "Turn the camera to the front line!"


Xiaobai responded disapprovingly, and Huang Conglong immediately slapped him with this attitude.

It is not that simple to mobilize the surveillance, but fortunately, Xiaobai directly controlled an aerial photography machine flying in the air and let it fly to the front line.

The picture on the screen was constantly moving, and the old chief took a sip of water from a paper cup.


Suddenly, the old chief was frightened by the image on the screen!Yes, scared!

Those lackeys who pretended to retreat actually transferred all their troops to the front line. After all, the front line is much weaker than it was just now!However, no one expected that the one who stayed on the front line was such a monster as Tilting Head!

Judging from the image uploaded on the screen, the entire street is full of broken corpses and bloodstains. The blood is piled up, and it is estimated that it is several centimeters thick!

And in the middle of the blood, stood a skeleton holding two huge sword blades, and the skeleton was already stained red with blood!Seeing that the skeleton wields the epee very easily, it seems that there is still plenty of energy left!
Xiao Bai swallowed. As a civil servant, he had never seen such a bloody scene.

"Master Xun?"

Huang Conglong gently touched the old chief with his arm, and after touching the old chief back, he continued: "Then what?"

"So be it."

The old chief calmed down the shock in his heart. Originally, he wanted the front line to prepare for defense first, dragged the lackeys to the front line, and then let the main force members outflank the streets, and wiped out the enemy army!But who knows, except for such a strange thing as tilting his head.

In fact, having said that, the tilted head standing in the pool of blood at this moment doesn't know what's going on with him. When he first faced those black mist lackeys, it was a bit difficult to tilt his head. This level, but who knows, after the constant killing, tilting his head found that his strength is also increasing!Up to now, basically with one strike, two lackeys can be directly killed, plus one seriously injured!

The golden wolf who originally blessed the formation with the tilted head, now can only lie on the side in a daze.


Seeing the lackeys on the frontal battlefield fearfully hiding in the building, the old chief directly ordered, "All the staff give up cleaning the equipment and outflank them from the side streets!"

Hearing the old chief's order, Lei Ming and others began to mobilize, let the soldiers who had joined in earlier lead the way, and outflanked the past from both sides.Once the outflanking is successful, the battle will end immediately!

The snatching team has come to an end here, but Wei Chen's side seems to have just begun.

"Can you do it!"

Wei Chen glanced at Luo Sheng who was blown away, the crazy bombardment just now, not only did nothing happen behind the scenes, but also shrunk the protective film to the surface of the body, using it as an attack weapon!

Now that Wei Chen understands the effect of this membrane, those weaker things will be absorbed directly and thrown elsewhere, while stronger objects, such as the golden sword, the bodies of Wei Chen and Luo Sheng, and protective clothing , will be bounced away by that layer of film!And while bouncing away, Wei Chen only felt as if he was hit by a train, and he couldn't bear that kind of force at all!If it wasn't for his continuous healing technique, his and Luo Sheng's bodies would have been shattered by now!

"Life is tough!"

Behind the scenes, a punch was punched on Wei Chen's golden sword, and the golden sword was sent flying by Beng Fei. One of Wei Chen didn't have time to control it, and it passed by his cheek!

"How?" Wei Chen, who was backing quickly, asked Luo Sheng, but in this situation, Luo Sheng just sighed, and he had nothing to do.

"It can only kill him!"


Originally wanted to eat renewal tickets, but found that there was no time at night. . . .Four thousand words will be added tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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