Doom Ray

Chapter 187 Showdown

Chapter 187 Confrontation ([-])

This may be the best way to consume each other to death. The three people fighting are all energy-type special abilities. Energy is definitely needed to release skills. Luo Sheng and Wei Chen have the energy stored in the beads as a base, and their durability is better than what Nothing behind the scenes is much stronger!
Hearing Luo Sheng's thoughts behind the scenes, he sneered and said, "I'm afraid you won't last until then!"

After saying that, behind the scenes, he waved his hands twice in the space. Seeing this scene, Luo Sheng said anxiously: "Get out of the way!"

Wei Chen was startled, his feet touched the ground, and he quickly backed away, and a black gap appeared out of thin air where Wei Chen was originally leading!Can not disappear for a long time.

"It's too late, why are these skills so good." Wei Chen spat, and said, "Luo Sheng, what about yours?"

Speaking of this, Luo Sheng was a little embarrassed. Up to now, he has been using the weapons he carries to output, and his own abilities seem to have never been used except for one mimicry!
"What's your situation?" Seeing Luo Sheng's faltering, Wei Chen was helpless. Could it be that this guy is a power user?
"Yes, there is, but it's useless." Luo Sheng said, a nail formed on his hand, the shape of the nail seemed to be large or small according to Luo Sheng's control.

"Look, that's it."

Luo Sheng threw the thorn in his hand towards the back of the scene.

"Small tricks." The backstage didn't even try to hide, the small thorn hit the space film behind the scene, and was sucked in directly.Then, behind the scenes, they waved their hands twice again, and Wei Chen and Luo Sheng left in a hurry.


Two black lines appeared in the air.

"There are two more?" After avoiding the blow from behind the scenes, Wei Chen asked, but at this moment, the one behind the scenes stepped forward, and a green group in his hand was swiped directly in front of Wei Chen!But Wei Chen couldn't dodge because he was asking a question!
"You dare to be distracted on the battlefield!" said the backstage contemptuously, and the Youth League in his hand drew a river of blood on Wei Chen's chest!A large pile of flesh and blood was directly sucked into the space!
"Wei Chen!"

Seeing this, Luo Sheng yelled, and immediately threw away the giant cannon in his hand, rushed over with his twitching swords, swung his two swords, and inserted them horizontally between Wei Chen and the backstage, cutting off the attack from the backstage.

"Are you okay?"

Luo Sheng asked without turning his head, he is now facing the backstage, he must be very careful, otherwise he will follow in Wei Chen's footsteps!

I didn't feel it when I was attacking from a distance before, but now that Luo Sheng changed to melee combat, all kinds of pressure came over me!The film on the body behind the scenes cannot be cut, and the blade will probably collapse if it is cut!In addition, the Youth League behind the scenes is also flexible, every time Luo Sheng has to spend a lot of effort to adjust the direction of the blade!

Wei Chen, who was beaten because of negligence, was healing himself behind Luo Sheng, and pasted healing spells one after another, but soon Wei Chen discovered that there seemed to be a suction force in those wounds, which sucked all the newly born cells. To be devoured!
Needless to say, Wei Chen also knows that these devouring powers should be residual space powers!But it doesn't matter, this is not the first time he has encountered this kind of situation. When Wei Chen himself was relatively weak, the healing technique could not quickly dissolve the poison of the corpse, so he could only use disperse to get rid of the poison.

Therefore, Wei Chen applied a few dispels to his chest, and then healed again.However, what happened next made Wei Chen break out in a cold sweat!
Those space powers are still there!

Wei Chen didn't believe in evil and used a few dispel spells, but the results were the same, Wei Chen still couldn't dispel those space forces.At this moment, Wei Chen panicked, and Bai Ling's skills, which had been tried a hundred times, were useless at this moment!It's like a classmate who is the first in the exam every time, suddenly becomes the bottom student!

It's not that he is too weak, but that the opponent has become stronger!
In the past, when Wei Chen was facing each other, the top pair was when dealing with the Ziren, relying on the second level to deal with the third level, and the rest of the time, Wei Chen consistently crushed the past!In other words, he doesn't have much experience of defeating the strong with the weak!
How to do?
Wei Chen clutched his wound, and the golden swords around him fell over, blocking him tightly!
"Wei Chen, don't do this!"

Suddenly, seeing what Wei Chen was doing out of the corner of his eye, Luo Sheng called out anxiously.

"It's late!" How could such a good opportunity be missed behind the scenes?
I saw the backstage quickly retreating, distanced himself from Luo Sheng, and then quickly swung his hands down!
"Wei Chen, leave quickly!"

Seeing this, Luo Sheng shouted anxiously, if Wei Chen used the golden sword as a barrier to deal with other people, the effect might be very good, but against the behind-the-scenes with space power, this method will not work at all!
Standing behind the barrier, Wei Chen didn't see the release of the space rift behind the scenes at all. He didn't react until he heard Luo Sheng's cry, but in just a short while, the space rift had already opened!

One of them appeared less than three centimeters directly in front of Wei Chen's eyes!And the other one hit Wei Chen's head!

"Finally out!"

Huang Yang yelled at the sky, with black mist all over his body, just now, under the pull of the two forces, instead of killing him, it helped Huang Yang advance to the next level!


After being promoted, Huang Yang felt an indescribable comfort in his heart. He felt that his body was much stronger, and he had the urge to punch the surrounding houses.

"Never mind."

Thinking that there would still be people living in the residence, Huang Yang quickly dismissed the idea, and wanted to try his best, and he could find Wei Chen later, since Wei Chen couldn't be killed anyway.

"I don't know what's going on with them there?" Huang Yang raised his head and looked in Wei Chen's direction. Compared with the duel between him and Wu Lianmo, it would probably be more tragic over there!
But before the pleasant feeling passed, Huang Yang felt a little uneasy.

"Why worry about Wei Chen, he will definitely win!" Huang Yang exhaled, he has great confidence in Wei Chen!

And on the research institute that was pierced from top to bottom, Huangfu Ling was boringly sorting out various medicines, and putting them back into the bag left by Wei Chen one by one.

Suddenly, Huangfu Ling frowned, because she felt her heart was in a panic.

The golden wolf lying on the ground stood up at this moment, and howled into the distance.He tilted his head and glanced at Wei Chen's direction, and didn't care at all, it was just the rag in his hand, wiping his body. According to his thinking, the red skull is not handsome.


"what happened?"

The battlefield here is over, and Xu Jie also got out of the car to participate in the final cleaning, but at this moment, she heard the howling of the golden wolf. Xu Jie, who knows the language of animals, can hardly judge the golden wolf at this time. What was she calling, she could only feel a sense of admiration in the call.

Suddenly, Xu Jie was startled, and quickly reacted, "Big brother has an accident!"


Wei Chen stood there, motionless, to be honest, Wei Chen didn't dare to move!Because that crack appeared right next to the seed in my mind! ………Calvin at the critical moment. .It's time for a dog. .

(End of this chapter)

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