Doom Ray

Chapter 188 Advancement

Chapter 188 Advancement
"Wei Chen!"

After spending a lot of effort to force the scene back, Luo Sheng came to Wei Chen's side, without any explanation, took out a glass tube from his pocket and inserted it directly into Wei Chen's neck.After doing this, Luo Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, but what he didn't know was that this approach was useless at all!

The cracks in Wei Chen's mind are still expanding, and the 'fruits' around the seeds are being sucked in bit by bit!If you don't inhale a little, the volume of the fruit will shrink!If this continues, Wei Chen's future will be completely ruined!

After injecting the medicine, Luo Sheng hadn't breathed a sigh of relief when Wei Chen's head suddenly burst out with blue veins!


Luo Sheng was taken aback by this scene. From the outside, the wound on Wei Chen's body had begun to heal, but in fact, earth-shaking changes were taking place inside.

"Hey~~" At this point, Luo Sheng could only sigh, and waited and watched from the sidelines, taking precautions against the next attack from behind the scenes.

"Do you feel helpless?"

Seeing this scene, the behind-the-scenes was not in a hurry at all, and said slowly: "Do you know why he can't move? It's because he dared not move!"

Speaking of this, the behind-the-scenes pointed to Wei Chen's head and said: "There is still a crack, I actually put it in his brain! I didn't even think of it myself!"

"But this guy is quite tenacious, he is not dead now!" said behind the scenes: "I will add another process to see if he dies or not!"

After finishing speaking, one hand behind the scenes pointed in the direction of Wei Chen for a while!
Luo Sheng was shocked, he knew that the space rift was being released again behind the scenes, and the place where this rift appeared must be inside Wei Chen's body!But even if Luo Sheng knew this, he didn't feel like moving Wei Chen's body!Just like what was said behind the scenes, once you move your body, the crack in Wei Chen's brain will cut Wei Chen's brain open!
This time, Luo Sheng was caught in a dilemma, he couldn't move, he couldn't move, he was caught behind the scenes!

"no solution anymore!"

In the end, Luo Sheng had no choice but to take out another potion, he hoped that this potion could quickly repair the cut wound!The characteristics of space cracks are like this, if the muscles are strong enough, they will not be sucked in, but will be bounced away!

So, Luo Sheng unscrewed the bottle cap, and stabbed Wei Chen's neck with the needle!


One hand grabbed Luo Sheng's hand holding the potion bottle!


Luo Sheng and the backstage all looked at Wei Chen in amazement, Luo Sheng asked, "Where is the crack in your mind?"

Just now behind the scenes it was said that there was a crack in Wei Chen's mind, he believed it.

"It's gone." Wei Chen said with a smile.

"It's gone?" Luo Sheng looked at Wei Chen as if, and then exclaimed: "Then there is one more?"

"Not anymore!"

After saying this, Wei Chen's smile became even stronger, "By the way, he also successfully tuned the frequency, and he has advanced!"

"Fucking good luck." Luo Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Wei Chen a fist. When that punch hit Wei Chen, a powerful force unexpectedly bounced his fist away!

"So, you are at the fourth rank! Doesn't that mean you can reach the imperial rank at any time?" Luo Sheng continued, Wei Chen, who has adjusted his frequency, can break through to the imperial rank soon, as long as he has enough energy!
"Yes!" Wei Chen looked behind the scenes, the smile on his face disappeared, "Don't you really want to see what the imperial rank looks like? Do you want to see it?"

"It's just you! What are you kidding!" The backstage shook his head disdainfully, he didn't think that someone who was weaker than him just now could break through to the imperial rank in an instant, this is too outrageous!It's like being a child one second and becoming an adult the next second. Behind the scenes, this is simply impossible!Even if all the conditions are fulfilled, it takes a lot of energy to reach the imperial rank. For this alone, it takes a lot of time to accumulate!

"Then open your eyes and watch!"

Wei Chen sneered, this guy doesn't understand anything, but he knows how to capture human beings to extract potential, which caused many comrades who had known each other to betray them!How sad this is!

After saying this, Wei Chen waved his hand, and a large number of golden swords floated in the air. Luo Sheng stepped back a little. He was also curious about how Wei Chen could gather a lot of energy in a short time!
Then, the golden swords all over the sky began to fly towards Wei Chen, countless golden swords formed a vortex in the sky, like a huge funnel!
"Everyone, look where!"

Seeing the 'funnel' that suddenly appeared in the sky, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, whether it is the team of snatching relatives cleaning the battlefield on the street, the team sent by the underground organization responsible for escorting the residents, or the bystanders in the distance, They raised their heads and looked at the sky.


Countless golden swords suddenly shattered, forming a golden torrent, which was forcibly poured into Wei Chen's body!

"I see!"

Luo Sheng suddenly realized that this method is very simple, but for so many years, these old fellows have not discovered it. Instead, Wei Chen, a newer ability user, found this loophole!
The hands behind the scenes began to sweat, Wei Chen's aura really scared him, but even now, he still doesn't think Wei Chen can break through the imperial rank!This threshold is what he pursues countless days and nights!
Wei Chen, who absorbed the torrent, had no distracting thoughts, controlled the golden energy to enter the fruit, and instilled it from the cracked layer of skin on the seed!At this moment, the red bead on Wei Chen's chest disappeared!
As the big funnel in the sky space gradually disappeared, revealing the originally gray sky, suddenly!A flash of lightning flashed across, and a suffocating sense of oppression flooded everyone's hearts!Those who were not physically strong actually passed out directly under such heavy pressure!

"Old chief!"

"Master Xun!"

Huang Conglong and Wei Qingcheng exclaimed, the old chief is just an ordinary person after all, and he is too old to bear this kind of pressure.


The old chief shook his hand, indicating that he was fine, and then said, "How is Wei Chen?"

"It seems to have become stronger!"

Huang Conglong can only comment in this way, he is only the first rank of Lieyang, and he doesn't know what the imperial rank is.

"It's good to become stronger!"

Huangfu Ling hugged the backpack left by Wei Chen, she also saw the scene just now, and immediately after, the golden sword platform under her seemed to have undergone a huge change, but this change was beyond her comprehension.

"come on!"

Looking at the direction in which the funnel disappeared, Huangfuling said softly.

"Come over here!"

Lei Ming and the others quickly headed towards Wei Chen's direction. They would not let go of this great opportunity, and if Wei Chen couldn't beat the opponent, they and others could help.

After absorbing the energy, Wei Chen closed his eyes, and his whole body exuded a golden light. The wounds that were originally caused behind the scenes were healed by the healing technique in an instant!

"This..." the eyes widened behind the scenes, the pressure from Wei Chen made him a little excited and a little scared!The excited one is finally seeing the imperial rank, and the one who is afraid is the person who has advanced to the imperial rank, not him!
"It's all a lie!"

(End of this chapter)

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