Doom Ray

Chapter 189: Seeing Parents

Chapter 189: Seeing Parents

"Nothing is impossible."

Luo Sheng looked at the behind-the-scenes where the mental state was a bit bad and said, "It's just that you didn't find the right method."

Luo Sheng was right, if he found the right method behind the scenes, he would have been promoted to the imperial rank long ago, so why do he still need to catch a lot of innocent people here to extract their potential?
As soon as Luo Sheng finished speaking, the world became quiet for a moment!
After being promoted to the imperial rank, Wei Chen felt very uncomfortable all over his body, as if he was wrapped in something, he wanted to break through, but he couldn't!

Never mind that.

Wei Chen shook hands, the seed in his mind split open, and a lovely seedling grew out of it, which fully indicated that Wei Chen had reached the imperial rank!
Then, the golden light around Wei Chen subsided. At this moment, when Luo Sheng and Luo Sheng looked at Wei Chen behind the scenes, they subconsciously ignored Wei Chen!

Luo Sheng was secretly startled, he didn't see where the living person was standing!This is too weird!Immediately, Luo Sheng widened his eyes and looked at Wei Chen. This time, Wei Chen's figure was imprinted in his mind, but there was always a feeling of being out of place.

"Has it reached a critical point?"

Luo Sheng stared wide-eyed, standing aside and thinking.

It was the same behind the scenes, but compared to Luo Sheng, he was a little more frightened.

"You can die!" Wei Chen stared at the backstage, said lightly, and then waved his hand, a golden sword fell towards the backstage!

The structural strength of the golden sword became stronger with Wei Chen's advancement, and its power naturally increased a bit. It was such a sword that slashed at the back of the screen.


It's knife time!
Wei Chen frowned, he didn't expect this layer of space protection film to be so strong, and he was already in the imperial rank, so he couldn't break it.


Seeing that Wei Chen's attack was still ineffective, he burst out laughing behind the scenes, "Even the imperial ranks can't do anything to me!"

Luo Sheng looked behind the scenes in disgust. Indeed, he heard that the protective shield was indeed powerful, but it was the first time he saw such a frenzied smile.

Wei Chen didn't mind at all, the golden sword can't do it, how about dispelling it?
Although dispelling had no effect on the remaining space power before, it was only when the realm was not as high as the opponent's. Now that he has reached the imperial rank, the power of all skills has been strengthened several times, and there is no reason for the previous one to appear again. That situation!

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed in Wei Chen's hand, and a disperser was thrown to the backstage. The backstage subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but thought that the previous golden sword's attack was ineffective against him, so he stood there confidently.

When the white light touched the film on the surface behind the screen, it instantly melted away!

"Haha! Are you kidding me?" The backstage laughed wildly, this attack is not painful, what does it mean?
Wei Chen shook his head, it seemed that he was severely hit behind the scenes, and even lost his basic judgment ability, "It's not interesting, I'll give you a ride!"

As soon as the words were finished, Wei Chen appeared in front of the backstage, with an extra golden sword in his hand at some point!With a turn of the sword's edge, the golden sword slashed down at the neck behind the scene!There is an extra line of blood on the neck behind the scenes!
So fast!

Luo Sheng stared at it in a daze, and it was over!


"Master Xun."

Huang Conglong called the old chief. He blinked just now, but the pupils behind the scenes were already dilated, and a blood-red thread appeared on his neck.


The old chief just sighed, "That's it, I don't want to take care of the rest, you guys solve it."


Huang Conglong promised that he knew what the rest of the matter was referring to, which was about the problems of people like Wei Chen. Huang Conglong had no idea about it, so he could only take one step at a time. The next step was to find a way for Wei Chen to clean up. Those zombies are gone.

"If you dare to mess around"

Hearing these words, Wei Qingcheng put his five fingers together and cut himself on the neck as a warning!

"Don't worry, even if I want to, I don't have that ability!"

Huang Conglong shook his head and denied that he was telling the truth. The current Wei Chen is considered invincible on this planet. Even if he tried to plot against him, it would not be Huang Conglong's turn.

"That's good." Wei Qingcheng dropped these words and ran out. Once the behind-the-scenes dies, this place will be liberated!
"Xiaobai, turn on the microphone and announce to the whole area!"


Xiaobai sat down excitedly and started to operate the computer. The joy of victory had already diluted the unhappiness just now.

Lei Ming and others finally arrived at the scene, but it was too late!There was only one Luo Sheng who was turning over the dead body behind the scene.


Lei Ming was a little speechless when he saw Luo Sheng's actions. The authority dog ​​obviously has everything, so what?
"Tsk!" Luo Sheng glanced at Lei Ming and the others, and said, "Where do you think those special items you use come from? Didn't you collect them slowly!"

Lei Ming finally understands that there are sub-standard equipment and special equipment for the co-authored equipment!Therefore, Lei Ming silently looked at Alan De beside him, and smiled. It seems that when they return to the brigade, there will be a wave of exchange craze!Those special gear will be in high demand!

Jinlang and Tiltou returned to the car, Tiltou looked in a very bad mood, no matter how he rubbed it, the redness on the bones seemed to be irreversible!The golden wolf lay on the ground and continued to sleep. It was originally the main combat force, but now it can be regarded as a pet.

"Alan, work harder!"

Huang Yang has come back and is sitting in the driver's seat. He is going to drive the car around the defense line and undo everyone's collars.Alan looked unwilling, but seeing that Huang Yang was very persistent, she opened another bottle of medicine and drank it, gritting her teeth.

"Have you seen Zhang Qian again?"

Suddenly, Xu Jie, who was in the passenger seat, said that it was fine during the battle just now, but she has settled down now, but Zhang Qian is still missing!
Thinking of this, Xu Jie felt a little uneasy. Although Zhang Qian intervened midway, Xu Jie still liked this big sister.

"I don't know, I hope you're okay."

Huang Yang could only say this. Huang Yang couldn't guarantee that Zhang Qian was still alive after the sudden explosion in Wulian Mo just now.

"Yeah." After the war, everyone was cleaning the battlefield, and it was very chaotic, so Xu Jie gave up the idea of ​​looking for it.

"I hope it's all right."

Xu Jie muttered silently, but no one thought that when they found Zhang Qian, they were already among the corpses!They also found Chen Zhi's body.With that kind of explosive power, he couldn't live at all!
As for Wei Chen, he is sitting in the sky next to Huangfu Ling, throwing away all the advanced communication equipment on his body!

"What is it? It's so mysterious."

Huangfu Ling sat cross-legged on the sword platform, just now when Wei Chen came back, he somehow led him towards the convoy.As for Wei Chen, he never mentioned it.But when he saw Huangfu Ling's face, he subconsciously threw two healing spells at Huangfu Ling.


Huangfu Ling was amused by this action, "This is not a tonic."

"Insurance!" Wei Chen looked at Huangfuling solemnly and said, maybe it was the first date, Wei Chen didn't say much.

"By the way, why don't you go see your parents and sister first?" Huangfu Ling asked as Jin Jian moved forward slowly.

Wei Chen's eyes lit up when he heard these words, "Where is it?"

"Over there!" Huangfu Ling pointed in one direction and said, "They should be very happy to see you."

"Hmm!" Wei Chen repeated his chest, changing his original itinerary.

Next, under Huangfu Ling's lead, Wei Chen gradually opened up the topic.Especially during this period of experience, from the time when Wei Chen fought against the corpse king, he said that he was deceived by the old corpse king when he went underground, and then he found the keel, got the red beads, got acquainted with Yitou, rescued Xu Jie, etc. The brigade organized a team to come out and talked about everything during the period, even about the imperial rank, Wei Chen also told the truth one by one.

Huangfu Ling also listened with great interest, and occasionally added a few words to describe her experience.It was not easy for their evacuated team, especially on the way to retreat, zombies attacked, hungry, people's hearts were unstable, and there was even a situation of cannibalism!In the end, the military also voted on whether to continue to carry ordinary people forward!Its thrilling level is no less than that of Wei Chen!
Later, I gathered with other teams, but because of the behind-the-scenes appearance, everyone was in agony!After hearing this, Wei Chen secretly rejoiced, if he hadn't fallen to the ground at the beginning, he would have lived a life of enduring humiliation like these people.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Chen himself cannot untie the collar. Once the collar is undone, his skills will be useless and he will not be able to detoxify!
The two were talking, and the Golden Sword Terrace came to the top of a house.

"It's here."

Huangfu Ling pointed to the building below and said, but the moment she saw the building, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately regretted making the decision to let Wei Chen come to see his parents so early!

"Is that so?"

Seeing that Huangfu Ling's condition was not good, Wei Chen's heart tightened and he asked eagerly.

Huangfu Ling shook her head and sighed, anyway, Wei Chen would know about that matter sooner or later, so she said, "You have to be prepared."

Prepared mind?

Wei Chen's heart skipped a beat, he subconsciously wondered if his parents had also been treated the same way as Huangfu Ling, and they were tortured so badly?

Thinking of this, Wei Chen clenched his fists, killing the backstage with a sword just now, it was too cheap for him!
"Don't worry, they didn't suffer any grievances that day." Huangfu Ling saw what Wei Chen was thinking, and hurriedly said, "It's just that"

Wei Chen interrupted Huangfu Ling's words with a wave of his hand, and slowly lowered the sword platform.What happened, you will know when you meet.

"By the way, shall we get married?"

Standing at the door of the house, Wei Chen suddenly turned his head and said to Huangfu Ling beside him.

"Huh?" Huangfu Ling was dumbfounded.

Wei Chen looked up at the sky in embarrassment, and repeated: "Get married."

Huangfu Ling understood clearly now, Wei Chen was bold enough, they probably didn't spend long together.In fact, at the moment when he said this sentence, Wei Chen didn't know why he said that, he just felt that if he didn't do it, he would regret it!

"what ever!"

Huangfuling's lips parted slightly, and she opened the door and walked in without looking back.Wei Chen was left at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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