Doom Ray

Chapter 190 After the War

Chapter 190 After the War
"Come on! Fool!"

Wei Chen froze at the door of his house, and Wei Qingcheng, who had been hiding behind a building watching the show, kicked Wei Chen bitterly.


Wei Chen came to his senses, and immediately hugged Wei Qingcheng happily.

"Okay, let go! Hurry up, or my wife will run away!" Wei Qingcheng struggled twice in Wei Chen's arms, and said with a smile on his face.

Then, Wei Chen let go of Wei Qingcheng, he was not in a hurry to chase in, but asked, "What's wrong with parents?"


After finishing speaking, Wei Qingcheng also ran in.Wei Chen pondered, it seemed that something really happened.

This house was bought by Huangfu Ling with money. It is very spacious, but there is very little furniture inside, just a few chairs and a TV, and there is not even a place to eat.

When Wei Chen entered, Huangfu Ling was standing behind a chair, and Wei Qingcheng ran off to nowhere.

Wei Chen looked excited, because there was a person sitting on the chair where Huangfu Ling was standing!


When the person on the chair saw Wei Chen, his eyes shone with a strange light, this was a look that Huangfu Ling and Wei Qingcheng never had when they were here!
Wei Guo raised his hand and stretched it towards Wei Chen's direction. Wei Chen quickly rushed over and took his hands.At that moment, Wei Guo's chaotic mind gradually became sober, and scenes of gratifying, sad, painful, and festive scenes began to continuously appear in his mind.

"Wei Chen!"

"I'm here!"

Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief. When he came in just now, he saw his father sitting on a chair with his eyes glazed over. He thought Wei Guo had become a vegetable!
"Wei Chen! Wei Chen!"

Wei Guo kept repeating these two words in his mouth, and two lines of tears kept falling down.

Wei Chen sent two healing techniques to his father, because when he held that hand, Wei Chen obviously felt the sudden bone in his hand. After the healing operation, Wei Chen, who was worried, used a dispel again.

"Wei Chen...Wei Chen"

However, Wei Guo, who was treated by Wei Chen on both sides, still chanted Wei Chen's name again.This time, Wei Chen finally understood that something was wrong!So he looked up at Huangfu Ling, waiting for her explanation.

"After they were rescued that day, they were already like this." Huangfu Ling shook her head and said, "I asked the doctor, and they said it was spiritual."

Speaking of this, Huangfu Ling didn't want to continue talking.After hearing these words, Wei Chen had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say.The culprit of Weiguo becoming like this has already been killed by him, and now Weiguo can sit safely in the chair, thanks to those who helped him!
"By the way, what about my mother?"

Seeing his father, Wei Chen thought of his mother.

Huangfu Ling pointed to the upstairs and said: "She was helped back to sleep by Wei Qingcheng, her condition is worse than Uncle's."

"It's okay, just live!"

Wei Chen who said these words had the urge to cry, he was insane, it was better than dead!And Luo Sheng has a lot of potions, maybe one of them can cure them?Even if it doesn't work, Wei Chen can still find someone with spiritual ability who can heal these things. With his current strength, the other party has to agree if he doesn't agree!
Next, Wei Chen squatted there, listening to Wei Guo keep calling his name, which was the only thing he could do at present.Huangfuling helped Wei Chen drag a chair, let him sit down, and was persuaded by Wei Chen to go back and rest.After all, compared to Weiguo's current physical condition, Huangfuling was even more unbearable!

On the other side, in the team of robbing the relatives, after a while, people cleaned the battlefield and began to help Wei Chen with the follow-up work. The so-called follow-up work is actually cleaning the battlefield, but this time the scope will be wider!

Huang Yang drove to the refuge of the people, and asked Alan to use his skills to freeze all the collars around their necks, giving them freedom!
The people who untied their collars knelt on the ground and cried.

become free!
Huang Conglong summoned the leaders of the underground organizations and began to discuss the plan to rescue the research institute.Wei Chen's sword did not show mercy at all. Although this research institute is a place to hide corpses, there are still many advanced technologies inside!Just like that, he was pierced by Wei Chen's sword.

In addition, there are four sentry lines that need to be recovered by them, but without the backstage, those local chickens and dogs are simply vulnerable!
The old chief sat in the car and slowly returned to his residence. The residence was empty and there was a lot of dust on it, but the old chief didn't mind at all. It seemed that the dust made him feel more comfortable.

Taking off his hat, gloves, and gown, the old chief came to his own yard, where there was a rocking chair, and he lay down on it. At this moment, his tense body finally relaxed, and soon fell asleep.

Li Wenbo also came out from the refuge, and called together his former brothers little by little, preparing to have a good celebration. However, no matter how he called, there were always a few fewer people among the reunited companions!
The courtyard of Huangfu's family was already full of chaos at this moment. The same scene also appeared in other powerful families who took refuge behind the scenes. The backstage is gone. What awaits them now will be a miserable future!Will be scolded by countless people!Rape, it is not too much to kill directly!
Looking at the busy people around, the crying Ou Lao wiped away his tears, washed his face and prepared to go to Huangfu Ling, but before he went out, a large group of people who looked down on him in the past knelt down in front of him and begged for mercy!


For such a person, Mr. Ou just dropped this sentence and went out, leaving a mournful, even grim face behind him!

Zhuang Ban outside the city saw that the city seemed to have returned to calm, so he went to the city to inquire about the news. After hearing that it was King Guang who won, he was ecstatic!He can take care of all the credit for entering the research institute to sabotage before!


Thinking of his bright future, Zhuang Ban laughed unscrupulously on the street, but his reaction did not disgust others, because at this moment, there were many people in the defense line laughing madly and crying with joy!
"By the way, there's this!" Zhuang Ban took out a lot of things from his pocket. This dress was also stolen from the research institute, and there were several small hard drives inside!It was all dismantled from those machines.

After laughing, Zhuang Ban began to plan how to live in the future.

"It doesn't matter, the first four wives first!"


"Dad saw you very energetic!"

At some point, Wei Qingcheng walked down the stairs, looked at Wei Guo who was full of light, and said with relief.

"You have worked hard this year!" Wei Chen raised his head and looked at Wei Qingcheng seriously. Compared with before, Wei Qingcheng is much more mature and capable, and the previous vexatious coquettishness has become less.

"Don't tell me, thank sister-in-law to go!"

Wei Qingcheng called out smoothly.Wei Chen nodded, and when he mentioned Huangfuling, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, which seemed to be urging him to finish these things quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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