Doom Ray

Chapter 191 The Great Oolong

Chapter 191 The Great Oolong

Not long after, Wei Guo fell asleep, but his mouth was still opening and closing to say something, no need to guess, probably the word 'Wei Chen' here.

Wei Qingcheng ran to cook and prepared to cleanse Wei Chen. As for Huang Conglong and Lei Ming, they discussed how to spend a few hours to hold a bonfire party. A huge wild boar was taken out of the freezer and became the party for the party. main meal.

However, before that, they still have one thing to do, which is to see off the martyrs. Too many people died at this stop!

Li Wenbo didn't tell his companions, took a bottle of wine, and walked to the side of several corpses.It took him a lot of time to pull these people out of the pile of corpses!Some of them couldn't find the whole body at all!

Then he took several cups, poured a cup for each, and placed them beside the corpse.Li Wenbo's heart hurt a little every time he poured a cup, especially when he saw Chen Zhi, Li Wenbo couldn't help crying.

"Young man, it's okay, it's all over, and they can rest in peace."

When Li Wenbo was crying, a thin old man next to him patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.Li Wenbo nodded. He had fantasized that these brothers could still drink together after defeating the zombies. Unfortunately, this wish can no longer be realized.

In the end, Li Wenbo knocked the wine bottle on the ground as a 'cheers', and then drank all the wine in the bottle.

However, for Li Wenbo, drinking is only one of the funeral affairs. He took out a pen and a few pieces of paper, wrote everyone's name on it, and pasted it on a conspicuous place on his clothes, so that their names would be seen Register it and engrave it on the monument of martyrs!
You know, there is a big difference between having a name and not having a name. Take the situation after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War as an example.
"Boy, do you have any more paper?"

The old man next to him saw it, his eyes lit up, and he understood what Li Wenbo did. He came from that era, so he naturally understood.

Li Wenbo nodded and gave him the pen and paper, only to see the old man write a name on the paper.


"Son-in-law, you've joined the army." The old man said.

No wonder, Li Wenbo wondered why the old man was so calm, it turned out to be his son-in-law.

"Ah! You can't do this! This is robbery! Robbery!"

Suddenly, there was a roar like killing a pig in the distance, and Li Wenbo frowned. Could it be that someone took advantage of the chaos to do some bad deeds?

Li Wenbo was at least a member of the organization, so he rushed over immediately.

In the middle of the square at this moment, there was really a person holding another person's hand tightly, his face was flushed, and his mouth was screaming fiercely.

"Let go!"

"No! If you return the thing to me, I will let it go!"

Li Wenbo rushed to the scene, and was stunned when he saw this scene. Wasn't the person being dragged by Huang Conglong?

"what happened?"

Li Wenbo walked over and just settled down, so it's best to clarify this misunderstanding.

"This man lied about his achievements and came to eat the cake!" Huang Conglong looked at the man with disgust. If there were not a group of people watching, he would have killed this scum directly!
Hearing Huang Conglong's words, the surrounding people looked at the man in the field with contempt.

Li Wenbo understood, and unintentionally asked, "What credit?"

Huang Conglong sneered and said, "He said he destroyed the institute."


Whether they came from the brigade or the personnel in the organization, after hearing this, they all looked at the field with the eyes of a fool, and it was fine to lie about the merits, but they just said such an 'abstract' credit.

Zhuang Ban had a bitter expression on his face. What he said was the truth, and he even took out a hard drive that stored a lot of data as proof, but Huang Conglong thought it was stolen!After all, all the research institutes are scrapped now, as long as they have a little technology, they can get something out of it.

After Li Wenbo learned the general details, he came out to show his face. After all, this is not the way to go, so he said, "Little brother, is there anyone who can prove it to you?"

"Yes! Find out the witnesses, and I will admit that you destroyed the research institute!" Huang Conglong glanced at Li Wenbo gratefully. He still has a lot of things to deal with, and he doesn't want to be dragged here.

"Yes, little brother, at least you told the witnesses."

Others laughed and said, they all thought that Zhuang Ban couldn't find any witnesses, because the research institute was destroyed by Wei Chen, and that person in the whole city didn't know about it?

"This..." Zhuang Ban hesitated, he really couldn't find any witnesses for a while, after all, no one knew about the things he did when he entered the research institute!Adding Wei Chen's sword, even if the system is found to be damaged later, it will be considered to be caused by Wei Chen's sword.

"Well, let's relax a little more. Who can testify that you went to the research institute when the building was destroyed, and then got these hard drives before the building was destroyed?"

Huang Conglong put it another way, it seemed that he was giving Zhuang Ban a step down, but in fact, he was pressing Zhuang Ban.From Huang Conglong's point of view, the former research institute was airtight and there was no way for outsiders to get in. Therefore, Zhuang Ban had to find witnesses or passively admit that he was a running dog!Or take a step back and admit that you stole it!
However, unexpectedly, Zhuang Ban's eyes lit up when he heard this. Huang Conglong's words reminded him that his real backstage was not these organizations, but Wei Chen!
"Yes! There are witnesses!" Zhuang Ban yelled, making Huang Conglong completely dumbfounded, there really is!


Li Wenbo became curious, and he also wanted to know, who could prove it for him?You must know that not everyone can be a witness. If the witness is a commoner with no status, the strength of proof is almost zero!

"King of Light! Back then he tricked me and sent me in!"

Zhuang Ban said proudly, never mentioning the matter of being persecuted by Wei Chen.

"Really?" Li Wenbo was taken aback. He didn't expect that Zhuang Ban could bring out such a big person. Huang Conglong, who was caught by him, suddenly became very bright, because Zhuang Ban's tone didn't seem like a lie. human.

Then, Zhuang Ban began to proudly narrate his experience, from meeting Wei Chen, to tearing off his collar and sneaking into the research institute, exploring, stealing, and telling about several major scientific research projects in the research institute.Back and forth, others were stunned for a while, and finally, Zhuang Ban had another ability show to prove that he had that ability to walk around in the research institute!
Huang Conglong was dumbfounded after hearing this, especially when he saw Zhuang Ban's transformation, the corners of his eyes twitched, as if he had made a huge oolong.

At this moment, Zhuang Ban enjoys the gaze of others looking at him very much.

Winner in life!
(End of this chapter)

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